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Calendar and Contact Sync Tools material/calendar

Calendaring and contacts are some of the most sensitive data posess. Use only products that use end-to-end encryption (E2EE) at rest. This prevents a provider from reading your data.

Software as a service (SaaS) only

These products are included with an subscription to the respective email providers.


!!! recommendation

![Tutanota logo](/assets/img/calendar-contacts/tutanota.svg#only-light){ align=right }
![Tutanota logo](/assets/img/calendar-contacts/tutanota-dark.svg#only-dark){ align=right }

**Tutanota** has an [encrypted calendar]( in their desktop and mobile clients.

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- [:fontawesome-brands-windows: Windows](
- [:fontawesome-brands-apple: macOS](
- [:fontawesome-brands-linux: Linux](
- [:pg-flathub: Flatpak](
- [:fontawesome-brands-google-play: Google Play](
- [:pg-f-droid: F-Droid](
- [:fontawesome-brands-app-store-ios: App Store](
- [:fontawesome-brands-github: Source](

Proton Calendar

!!! recommendation

![Proton Calendar logo](/assets/img/calendar-contacts/proton-calendar.jpg){ align=right }

**Proton Calendar** is an calendar app that is available to ProtonMail users. All data stored within it is end-to-end encrypted when stored on ProtonMail's servers.

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- [:fontawesome-brands-google-play: Google Play](
- [:fontawesome-brands-github: Source](


Some of these options are self-hostable, or able to be hosted by third party providers for a fee:


!!! recommendation

![EteSync logo](/assets/img/calendar-contacts/etesync.svg){ align=right }

**EteSync** is a secure, end-to-end encrypted, and privacy-respecting cloud backup and synchronization software for your personal information (e.g. contacts and calendars). There are native clients for Android, iOS, and the web, and an adapter layer for most desktop clients.

EteSync also offers optional software as a service for [$24 per year]( to use, or you can host the server yourself for free.

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- [:fontawesome-solid-earth-americas: Client Instructions](
- [:fontawesome-brands-google-play: Google Play](
- [:pg-f-droid: F-Droid](
- [:fontawesome-brands-app-store-ios: App Store](
- [:fontawesome-brands-github: Source](


!!! recommendation

![Nextcloud logo](/assets/img/calendar-contacts/nextcloud.svg){ align=right }

**Nextcloud** is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. This includes calendar sync via CalDAV and contacts sync via CardDAV. Nextcloud is free and open-source, thereby allowing anyone to install and operate it without charge on a private server.

You can self host Nextcloud or pay for service from a [provider](

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- [:fontawesome-brands-windows: Windows](
- [:fontawesome-brands-apple: macOS](
- [:fontawesome-brands-linux: Linux](
- [:pg-flathub: Flatpak](
- [:fontawesome-brands-google-play: Google Play](
- [:pg-f-droid: F-Droid](
- [:fontawesome-brands-app-store-ios: App Store](
- [:fontawesome-brands-github: Source](


!!! recommendation

**DecSync** can be used to synchronize RSS, contacts, calendars and tasks without a server by using file synchronization software such as [Syncthing](/software/file-sharing/#sync).

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- [:fontawesome-brands-github: Source](