[b]Sidenote: i do not accept any unnecessary technical complication, keep it concise and simplify it as much as possible. Any technical complication must be justified with graphs if needed.[/b]
you don't need my approval to do it. Just check with me directly to make sure that you understand what the blogpost idea is, to avoid wasting time doing something wrong.
Send me on chat your blogpost idea, and tell me where exactly it's supposed to fit in the blog. (i want to keep a coherent order in my tutorials, let me validate your idea, before actually starting)
### once your blogpost idea is validated: proceed with below:
- fork the repository
- go into the /servers/ directory, and copy the "0_anon" template directory into whatever other name you want like "anontuto3"
- then edit the index.html file in /servers/anontuto3/index.html, to at least contain :
- your pseudonym,
- the date
- the title of the page
- a brief description at the top detailing what you're going to showcase, and why it's important
- contextualize what you want to showcase whenever needed, as part of explaining WHY it's important
- then showcase each step to get there:
- state what must be done, and how
- show the commands (copy paste into the <pre><codeclass="nim"> cmds(multi lines) </pre></code> blocks)
- if there's any GUI to showcase, use a screenshot software like flameshot to showcase what must be done using arrows
- conclude the tutorial stating what the user has accomplished at the end.
- then create the PR (pull request) and ping me about it, so i can review it, merge it and pay you in monero for it.