# External lib build ## Requirements: 1. Docker 2. `sudo apt install make automake libtinfo5` 3. Huge amount of RAM and free disk space ## Building: 1. Clone the Monero repo required for this app to function. A specific fork for UTXO management is hosted here: http://4hsesnr6mjb4qrflgf5gezjaszzoqnnisin7ywzbsv6pgcxysiaq.b32.i2p/pokkst/monero.git Clone a specific branch, and shorten I2P download time with `git clone -b release-v0.18.3.1-mysu --single-branch --depth 1 http://4hsesnr6mjb4qrflgf5gezjaszzoqnnisin7ywzbsv6pgcxysiaq.b32.i2p/pokkst/monero.git` 2. Change current directory to the monero repo: `cd monero` 3. Update submodules: `git submodule update --init --force`. 4. Then go into the mynero repo folder, then external-libs. Here you need to create symbol link to `monero` folder: Linux: `ln -s ~/monero ~/mysu/external-libs/monero` Windows: `mklink /D "C:\Users\\mysu\external-libs\monero" "C:\Users\\monero"` 5. Start Docker and then run `sudo make` in `external-libs` folder. It will fail at end on Windows, but if `wallet2_api.h` exists in `include` folder, the build was successful.