Nick Mathewson 818e6f939d prop220: Implement certificates and key storage/creation
For prop220, we have a new ed25519 certificate type. This patch
implements the code to create, parse, and validate those, along with
code for routers to maintain their own sets of certificates and
keys.  (Some parts of master identity key encryption are done, but
the implementation of that isn't finished)
2015-05-28 10:40:56 -04:00

289 lines
13 KiB

/* ed25519_cert.h -- generated by by Trunnel v1.2.
* You probably shouldn't edit this file.
#ifndef TRUNNEL_ED25519_CERT_H
#define TRUNNEL_ED25519_CERT_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "trunnel.h"
struct ed25519_cert_extension_st {
uint16_t ext_length;
uint8_t ext_type;
uint8_t ext_flags;
uint8_t un_signing_key[32];
TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_HEAD(, uint8_t) un_unparsed;
uint8_t trunnel_error_code_;
typedef struct ed25519_cert_extension_st ed25519_cert_extension_t;
#if !defined(TRUNNEL_OPAQUE) && !defined(TRUNNEL_OPAQUE_ED25519_CERT)
struct ed25519_cert_st {
uint8_t version;
uint8_t cert_type;
uint32_t exp_field;
uint8_t cert_key_type;
uint8_t certified_key[32];
uint8_t n_extensions;
TRUNNEL_DYNARRAY_HEAD(, struct ed25519_cert_extension_st *) ext;
uint8_t signature[64];
uint8_t trunnel_error_code_;
typedef struct ed25519_cert_st ed25519_cert_t;
/** Return a newly allocated ed25519_cert_extension with all elements
* set to zero.
ed25519_cert_extension_t *ed25519_cert_extension_new(void);
/** Release all storage held by the ed25519_cert_extension in
* 'victim'. (Do nothing if 'victim' is NULL.)
void ed25519_cert_extension_free(ed25519_cert_extension_t *victim);
/** Try to parse a ed25519_cert_extension from the buffer in 'input',
* using up to 'len_in' bytes from the input buffer. On success,
* return the number of bytes consumed and set *output to the newly
* allocated ed25519_cert_extension_t. On failure, return -2 if the
* input appears truncated, and -1 if the input is otherwise invalid.
ssize_t ed25519_cert_extension_parse(ed25519_cert_extension_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in);
/** Return the number of bytes we expect to need to encode the
* ed25519_cert_extension in 'obj'. On failure, return a negative
* value. Note that this value may be an overestimate, and can even be
* an underestimate for certain unencodeable objects.
ssize_t ed25519_cert_extension_encoded_len(const ed25519_cert_extension_t *obj);
/** Try to encode the ed25519_cert_extension from 'input' into the
* buffer at 'output', using up to 'avail' bytes of the output buffer.
* On success, return the number of bytes used. On failure, return -2
* if the buffer was not long enough, and -1 if the input was invalid.
ssize_t ed25519_cert_extension_encode(uint8_t *output, const size_t avail, const ed25519_cert_extension_t *input);
/** Check whether the internal state of the ed25519_cert_extension in
* 'obj' is consistent. Return NULL if it is, and a short message if
* it is not.
const char *ed25519_cert_extension_check(const ed25519_cert_extension_t *obj);
/** Clear any errors that were set on the object 'obj' by its setter
* functions. Return true iff errors were cleared.
int ed25519_cert_extension_clear_errors(ed25519_cert_extension_t *obj);
/** Return the value of the ext_length field of the
* ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'
uint16_t ed25519_cert_extension_get_ext_length(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the ext_length field of the
* ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
* return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_extension_set_ext_length(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, uint16_t val);
/** Return the value of the ext_type field of the
* ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'
uint8_t ed25519_cert_extension_get_ext_type(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the ext_type field of the
* ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
* return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_extension_set_ext_type(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, uint8_t val);
/** Return the value of the ext_flags field of the
* ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'
uint8_t ed25519_cert_extension_get_ext_flags(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the ext_flags field of the
* ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success;
* return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_extension_set_ext_flags(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, uint8_t val);
/** Return the (constant) length of the array holding the
* un_signing_key field of the ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'.
size_t ed25519_cert_extension_getlen_un_signing_key(const ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp);
/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
* un_signing_key of the ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'.
uint8_t ed25519_cert_extension_get_un_signing_key(const ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, size_t idx);
/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
* un_signing_key of the ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp', so that it
* will hold the value 'elt'.
int ed25519_cert_extension_set_un_signing_key(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
/** Return a pointer to the 32-element array field un_signing_key of
* 'inp'.
uint8_t * ed25519_cert_extension_getarray_un_signing_key(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp);
/** Return the length of the dynamic array holding the un_unparsed
* field of the ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'.
size_t ed25519_cert_extension_getlen_un_unparsed(const ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp);
/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
* un_unparsed of the ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'.
uint8_t ed25519_cert_extension_get_un_unparsed(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, size_t idx);
/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
* un_unparsed of the ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp', so that it
* will hold the value 'elt'.
int ed25519_cert_extension_set_un_unparsed(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
/** Append a new element 'elt' to the dynamic array field un_unparsed
* of the ed25519_cert_extension_t in 'inp'.
int ed25519_cert_extension_add_un_unparsed(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, uint8_t elt);
/** Return a pointer to the variable-length array field un_unparsed of
* 'inp'.
uint8_t * ed25519_cert_extension_getarray_un_unparsed(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp);
/** Change the length of the variable-length array field un_unparsed
* of 'inp' to 'newlen'.Fill extra elements with 0. Return 0 on
* success; return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_extension_setlen_un_unparsed(ed25519_cert_extension_t *inp, size_t newlen);
/** Return a newly allocated ed25519_cert with all elements set to
* zero.
ed25519_cert_t *ed25519_cert_new(void);
/** Release all storage held by the ed25519_cert in 'victim'. (Do
* nothing if 'victim' is NULL.)
void ed25519_cert_free(ed25519_cert_t *victim);
/** Try to parse a ed25519_cert from the buffer in 'input', using up
* to 'len_in' bytes from the input buffer. On success, return the
* number of bytes consumed and set *output to the newly allocated
* ed25519_cert_t. On failure, return -2 if the input appears
* truncated, and -1 if the input is otherwise invalid.
ssize_t ed25519_cert_parse(ed25519_cert_t **output, const uint8_t *input, const size_t len_in);
/** Return the number of bytes we expect to need to encode the
* ed25519_cert in 'obj'. On failure, return a negative value. Note
* that this value may be an overestimate, and can even be an
* underestimate for certain unencodeable objects.
ssize_t ed25519_cert_encoded_len(const ed25519_cert_t *obj);
/** Try to encode the ed25519_cert from 'input' into the buffer at
* 'output', using up to 'avail' bytes of the output buffer. On
* success, return the number of bytes used. On failure, return -2 if
* the buffer was not long enough, and -1 if the input was invalid.
ssize_t ed25519_cert_encode(uint8_t *output, const size_t avail, const ed25519_cert_t *input);
/** Check whether the internal state of the ed25519_cert in 'obj' is
* consistent. Return NULL if it is, and a short message if it is not.
const char *ed25519_cert_check(const ed25519_cert_t *obj);
/** Clear any errors that were set on the object 'obj' by its setter
* functions. Return true iff errors were cleared.
int ed25519_cert_clear_errors(ed25519_cert_t *obj);
/** Return the value of the version field of the ed25519_cert_t in
* 'inp'
uint8_t ed25519_cert_get_version(ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the version field of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'
* to 'val'. Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error code on
* 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_set_version(ed25519_cert_t *inp, uint8_t val);
/** Return the value of the cert_type field of the ed25519_cert_t in
* 'inp'
uint8_t ed25519_cert_get_cert_type(ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the cert_type field of the ed25519_cert_t in
* 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error
* code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_set_cert_type(ed25519_cert_t *inp, uint8_t val);
/** Return the value of the exp_field field of the ed25519_cert_t in
* 'inp'
uint32_t ed25519_cert_get_exp_field(ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the exp_field field of the ed25519_cert_t in
* 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error
* code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_set_exp_field(ed25519_cert_t *inp, uint32_t val);
/** Return the value of the cert_key_type field of the ed25519_cert_t
* in 'inp'
uint8_t ed25519_cert_get_cert_key_type(ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the cert_key_type field of the ed25519_cert_t in
* 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error
* code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_set_cert_key_type(ed25519_cert_t *inp, uint8_t val);
/** Return the (constant) length of the array holding the
* certified_key field of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'.
size_t ed25519_cert_getlen_certified_key(const ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
* certified_key of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'.
uint8_t ed25519_cert_get_certified_key(const ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t idx);
/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
* certified_key of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp', so that it will hold
* the value 'elt'.
int ed25519_cert_set_certified_key(ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
/** Return a pointer to the 32-element array field certified_key of
* 'inp'.
uint8_t * ed25519_cert_getarray_certified_key(ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Return the value of the n_extensions field of the ed25519_cert_t
* in 'inp'
uint8_t ed25519_cert_get_n_extensions(ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Set the value of the n_extensions field of the ed25519_cert_t in
* 'inp' to 'val'. Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error
* code on 'inp' on failure.
int ed25519_cert_set_n_extensions(ed25519_cert_t *inp, uint8_t val);
/** Return the length of the dynamic array holding the ext field of
* the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'.
size_t ed25519_cert_getlen_ext(const ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
* ext of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'.
struct ed25519_cert_extension_st * ed25519_cert_get_ext(ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t idx);
/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the dynamic array field
* ext of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp', so that it will hold the value
* 'elt'. Free the previous value, if any.
int ed25519_cert_set_ext(ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t idx, struct ed25519_cert_extension_st * elt);
/** As ed25519_cert_set_ext, but does not free the previous value.
int ed25519_cert_set0_ext(ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t idx, struct ed25519_cert_extension_st * elt);
/** Append a new element 'elt' to the dynamic array field ext of the
* ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'.
int ed25519_cert_add_ext(ed25519_cert_t *inp, struct ed25519_cert_extension_st * elt);
/** Return a pointer to the variable-length array field ext of 'inp'.
struct ed25519_cert_extension_st * * ed25519_cert_getarray_ext(ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Change the length of the variable-length array field ext of 'inp'
* to 'newlen'.Fill extra elements with NULL; free removed elements.
* Return 0 on success; return -1 and set the error code on 'inp' on
* failure.
int ed25519_cert_setlen_ext(ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t newlen);
/** Return the (constant) length of the array holding the signature
* field of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'.
size_t ed25519_cert_getlen_signature(const ed25519_cert_t *inp);
/** Return the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
* signature of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp'.
uint8_t ed25519_cert_get_signature(const ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t idx);
/** Change the element at position 'idx' of the fixed array field
* signature of the ed25519_cert_t in 'inp', so that it will hold the
* value 'elt'.
int ed25519_cert_set_signature(ed25519_cert_t *inp, size_t idx, uint8_t elt);
/** Return a pointer to the 64-element array field signature of 'inp'.
uint8_t * ed25519_cert_getarray_signature(ed25519_cert_t *inp);