2009-03-13 09:41:32 +00:00

73 lines
2.2 KiB

SPEC!! - Not specified
SPEC - Spec not finalized
N - nick claims
R - arma claims
P - phobos claims
S - Steven claims
E - Matt claims
M - Mike claims
J - Jeff claims
I - ioerror claims
W - weasel claims
K - Karsten claims
C - coderman claims
- Not done
* Top priority
. Partially done
o Done
d Deferrable
D Deferred
X Abandoned
External constraints:
Past due:
N - Refine proposal 158, and implement.
For June/July:
NR - Work more on Paul's NRL research problem.
For March 22:
I * Email auto-responder
* How do we better support users with limited email
bandwidth? Multi-part download? Teach them how to reconnect
their gmail? Does downloading your gmail work when your network
keeps dying?
K - Metrics.
- With Mike's help, use Torflow to start doing monthly rudimentary
performance evaluations:
- Circuit throughput and latency
- Measure via Broadband and dialup
- Publish a report addressing key long-term metrics questions:
- What metrics should we present?
- What data are available for these metrics?
- What data are missing, and can collect them safely? Can we
publish them safely?
- What systems are available to present this data?
E - Vidalia improvements
- Put out a Vidalia release with the new features in it.
- Vidalia displays by-country user summary for bridge operators
? - write a help page for vidalia, "what is this"
M - Torbutton development
- Put out a Torbutton release with the new features in it.
C - Transparent interception of connections on Windows
- Write a summary (with links) of current progress and current
S - Continue analyzing "traces" left on host machine by use of
Tor Browser, especially once we have our new launcher and have moved
to FF3. Write a summary of current progress, and what remains. Try
to solve some of the low-hanging fruit.
I d Get a relay operator mailing list going, with a plan and supporting
scripts and so on.