Taylor R Campbell 531df9590d Move ceil call back into the geometric sampler.
Test exactly what the geometric sampler returns, because that's what
the downstream callers of it are going to use.

While here, also assert that the geometric sampler returns a positive
integer.  (Our geometric distribution is the one suported on {1, 2,
3, ...} that returns the number of trials before the first success,
not the one supported on {0, 1, 2, ...} that returns the number of
failures before the first success.)
2019-01-11 14:40:50 +02:00

1629 lines
49 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2018, The Tor Project, Inc. */
/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
* \file prob_distr.c
* \brief
* Implements various probability distributions.
* Almost all code is courtesy of Riastradh.
* \details
* Here are some details that might help you understand this file:
* - Throughout this file, `eps' means the largest relative error of a
* correctly rounded floating-point operation, which in binary64
* floating-point arithmetic is 2^-53. Here the relative error of a
* true value x from a computed value y is |x - y|/|x|. This
* definition of epsilon is conventional for numerical analysts when
* writing error analyses. (If your libm doesn't provide correctly
* rounded exp and log, their relative error is usually below 2*2^-53
* and probably closer to 1.1*2^-53 instead.)
* The C constant DBL_EPSILON is actually twice this, and should
* perhaps rather be named ulp(1) -- that is, it is the distance from
* 1 to the next greater floating-point number, which is usually of
* more interest to programmers and hardware engineers.
* Since this file is concerned mainly with error bounds rather than
* with low-level bit-hacking of floating-point numbers, we adopt the
* numerical analysts' definition in the comments, though we do use
* DBL_EPSILON in a handful of places where it is convenient to use
* some function of eps = DBL_EPSILON/2 in a case analysis.
* - In various functions (e.g. sample_log_logistic()) we jump through hoops so
* that we can use reals closer to 0 than closer to 1, since we achieve much
* greater accuracy for floating point numbers near 0. In particular, we can
* represent differences as small as 10^-300 for numbers near 0, but of no
* less than 10^-16 for numbers near 1.
#include "orconfig.h"
#include "lib/math/prob_distr.h"
#include "lib/crypt_ops/crypto_rand.h"
#include "lib/cc/ctassert.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/** Validators for downcasting macros below */
#define validate_container_of(PTR, TYPE, FIELD) \
(0 * sizeof((PTR) - &((TYPE *)(((char *)(PTR)) - \
offsetof(TYPE, FIELD)))->FIELD))
#define validate_const_container_of(PTR, TYPE, FIELD) \
(0 * sizeof((PTR) - &((const TYPE *)(((const char *)(PTR)) - \
offsetof(TYPE, FIELD)))->FIELD))
/** Downcasting macro */
#define container_of(PTR, TYPE, FIELD) \
((TYPE *)(((char *)(PTR)) - offsetof(TYPE, FIELD)) \
+ validate_container_of(PTR, TYPE, FIELD))
/** Constified downcasting macro */
#define const_container_of(PTR, TYPE, FIELD) \
((const TYPE *)(((const char *)(PTR)) - offsetof(TYPE, FIELD)) \
+ validate_const_container_of(PTR, TYPE, FIELD))
* Count number of one bits in 32-bit word.
static unsigned
bitcount32(uint32_t x)
/* Count two-bit groups. */
x -= (x >> 1) & UINT32_C(0x55555555);
/* Count four-bit groups. */
x = ((x >> 2) & UINT32_C(0x33333333)) + (x & UINT32_C(0x33333333));
/* Count eight-bit groups. */
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & UINT32_C(0x0f0f0f0f);
/* Sum all eight-bit groups, and extract the sum. */
return (x * UINT32_C(0x01010101)) >> 24;
* Count leading zeros in 32-bit word.
static unsigned
clz32(uint32_t x)
/* Round up to a power of two. */
x |= x >> 1;
x |= x >> 2;
x |= x >> 4;
x |= x >> 8;
x |= x >> 16;
/* Subtract count of one bits from 32. */
return (32 - bitcount32(x));
* Some lemmas that will be used throughout this file to prove various error
* bounds:
* Lemma 1. If |d| <= 1/2, then 1/(1 + d) <= 2.
* Proof. If 0 <= d <= 1/2, then 1 + d >= 1, so that 1/(1 + d) <= 1.
* If -1/2 <= d <= 0, then 1 + d >= 1/2, so that 1/(1 + d) <= 2. QED.
* Lemma 2. If b = a*(1 + d)/(1 + d') for |d'| < 1/2 and nonzero a, b,
* then b = a*(1 + e) for |e| <= 2|d' - d|.
* Proof. |a - b|/|a|
* = |a - a*(1 + d)/(1 + d')|/|a|
* = |1 - (1 + d)/(1 + d')|
* = |(1 + d' - 1 - d)/(1 + d')|
* = |(d' - d)/(1 + d')|
* <= 2|d' - d|, by Lemma 1,
* QED.
* Lemma 3. For |d|, |d'| < 1/4,
* |log((1 + d)/(1 + d'))| <= 4|d - d'|.
* Proof. Write
* log((1 + d)/(1 + d'))
* = log(1 + (1 + d)/(1 + d') - 1)
* = log(1 + (1 + d - 1 - d')/(1 + d')
* = log(1 + (d - d')/(1 + d')).
* By Lemma 1, |(d - d')/(1 + d')| < 2|d' - d| < 1, so the Taylor
* series of log(1 + x) converges absolutely for (d - d')/(1 + d'),
* and thus we have
* |log(1 + (d - d')/(1 + d'))|
* = |\sum_{n=1}^\infty ((d - d')/(1 + d'))^n/n|
* <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty |(d - d')/(1 + d')|^n/n
* <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty |2(d' - d)|^n/n
* <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty |2(d' - d)|^n
* = 1/(1 - |2(d' - d)|)
* <= 4|d' - d|,
* QED.
* Lemma 4. If 1/e <= 1 + x <= e, then
* log(1 + (1 + d) x) = (1 + d') log(1 + x)
* for |d'| < 8|d|.
* Proof. Write
* log(1 + (1 + d) x)
* = log(1 + x + x*d)
* = log((1 + x) (1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))
* = log(1 + x) + log((1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))
* = log(1 + x) (1 + log((1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))/log(1 + x)).
* The relative error is bounded by
* |log((1 + x + x*d)/(1 + x))/log(1 + x)|
* <= 4|x + x*d - x|/|log(1 + x)|, by Lemma 3,
* = 4|x*d|/|log(1 + x)|
* < 8|d|,
* since in this range 0 < 1 - 1/e < x/log(1 + x) <= e - 1 < 2. QED.
* Compute the logistic function: f(x) = 1/(1 + e^{-x}) = e^x/(1 + e^x).
* Maps a log-odds-space probability in [-\infty, +\infty] into a direct-space
* probability in [0,1]. Inverse of logit.
* Ill-conditioned for large x; the identity logistic(-x) = 1 -
* logistic(x) and the function logistichalf(x) = logistic(x) - 1/2 may
* help to rearrange a computation.
* This implementation gives relative error bounded by 7 eps.
STATIC double
logistic(double x)
if (x <= log(DBL_EPSILON/2)) {
* If x <= log(DBL_EPSILON/2) = log(eps), then e^x <= eps. In this case
* we will approximate the logistic() function with e^x because the
* relative error is less than eps. Here is a calculation of the
* relative error between the logistic() function and e^x and a proof
* that it's less than eps:
* |e^x - e^x/(1 + e^x)|/|e^x/(1 + e^x)|
* <= |1 - 1/(1 + e^x)|*|1 + e^x|
* = |e^x/(1 + e^x)|*|1 + e^x|
* = |e^x|
* <= eps.
return exp(x); /* return e^x */
} else if (x <= -log(DBL_EPSILON/2)) {
* e^{-x} > 0, so 1 + e^{-x} > 1, and 0 < 1/(1 +
* e^{-x}) < 1; further, since e^{-x} < 1 + e^{-x}, we
* also have 0 < 1/(1 + e^{-x}) < 1. Thus, if exp has
* relative error d0, + has relative error d1, and /
* has relative error d2, then we get
* (1 + d2)/[(1 + (1 + d0) e^{-x})(1 + d1)]
* = (1 + d0)/[1 + e^{-x} + d0 e^{-x}
* + d1 + d1 e^{-x} + d0 d1 e^{-x}]
* = (1 + d0)/[(1 + e^{-x})
* * (1 + d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})
* + d1/(1 + e^{-x})
* + d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x}))].
* = (1 + d0)/[(1 + e^{-x})(1 + d')]
* = [1/(1 + e^{-x})] (1 + d0)/(1 + d')
* where
* d' = d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})
* + d1/(1 + e^{-x})
* + d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x}).
* By Lemma 2 this relative error is bounded by
* 2|d0 - d'|
* = 2|d0 - d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})
* - d1/(1 + e^{-x})
* - d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|
* <= 2|d0| + 2|d0 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|
* + 2|d1/(1 + e^{-x})|
* + 2|d0 d1 e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|
* <= 2|d0| + 2|d0| + 2|d1| + 2|d0 d1|
* <= 4|d0| + 2|d1| + 2|d0 d1|
* <= 6 eps + 2 eps^2.
return 1/(1 + exp(-x));
} else {
* e^{-x} <= eps, so the relative error of 1 from 1/(1
* + e^{-x}) is
* |1/(1 + e^{-x}) - 1|/|1/(1 + e^{-x})|
* = |e^{-x}/(1 + e^{-x})|/|1/(1 + e^{-x})|
* = |e^{-x}|
* <= eps.
* This computation avoids an intermediate overflow
* exception, although the effect on the result is
* harmless.
* XXX Should maybe raise inexact here.
return 1;
* Compute the logit function: log p/(1 - p). Defined on [0,1]. Maps
* a direct-space probability in [0,1] to a log-odds-space probability
* in [-\infty, +\infty]. Inverse of logistic.
* Ill-conditioned near 1/2 and 1; the identity logit(1 - p) =
* -logit(p) and the function logithalf(p0) = logit(1/2 + p0) may help
* to rearrange a computation for p in [1/(1 + e), 1 - 1/(1 + e)].
* This implementation gives relative error bounded by 10 eps.
STATIC double
logit(double p)
/* logistic(-1) <= p <= logistic(+1) */
if (1/(1 + exp(1)) <= p && p <= 1/(1 + exp(-1))) {
* For inputs near 1/2, we want to compute log1p(near
* 0) rather than log(near 1), so write this as:
* log(p/(1 - p)) = -log((1 - p)/p)
* = -log(1 + (1 - p)/p - 1)
* = -log(1 + (1 - p - p)/p)
* = -log(1 + (1 - 2p)/p).
* Since p = 2p/2 <= 1 <= 2*2p = 4p, the floating-point
* evaluation of 1 - 2p is exact; the only error arises
* from division and log1p. First, note that if
* logistic(-1) <= p <= logistic(+1), (1 - 2p)/p lies
* in the bounds of Lemma 4.
* If division has relative error d0 and log1p has
* relative error d1, the outcome is
* -(1 + d1) log(1 + (1 - 2p) (1 + d0)/p)
* = -(1 + d1) (1 + d') log(1 + (1 - 2p)/p)
* = -(1 + d1 + d' + d1 d') log(1 + (1 - 2p)/p).
* where |d'| < 8|d0| by Lemma 4. The relative error
* is then bounded by
* |d1 + d' + d1 d'|
* <= |d1| + 8|d0| + 8|d1 d0|
* <= 9 eps + 8 eps^2.
return -log1p((1 - 2*p)/p);
} else {
* For inputs near 0, although 1 - p may be rounded to
* 1, it doesn't matter much because the magnitude of
* the result is so much larger. For inputs near 1, we
* can compute 1 - p exactly, although the precision on
* the input is limited so we won't ever get more than
* about 700 for the output.
* If - has relative error d0, / has relative error d1,
* and log has relative error d2, then
* (1 + d2) log((1 + d0) p/[(1 - p)(1 + d1)])
* = (1 + d2) [log(p/(1 - p)) + log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))]
* = log(p/(1 - p)) + d2 log(p/(1 - p))
* + (1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))
* = log(p/(1 - p))*[1 + d2 +
* + (1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))/log(p/(1 - p))]
* Since 0 <= p < logistic(-1) or logistic(+1) < p <=
* 1, we have |log(p/(1 - p))| > 1. Hence this error
* is bounded by
* |d2 + (1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))/log(p/(1 - p))|
* <= |d2| + |(1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))
* / log(p/(1 - p))|
* <= |d2| + |(1 + d2) log((1 + d0)/(1 + d1))|
* <= |d2| + 4|(1 + d2) (d0 - d1)|, by Lemma 3,
* <= |d2| + 4|d0 - d1 + d2 d0 - d1 d0|
* <= |d2| + 4|d0| + 4|d1| + 4|d2 d0| + 4|d1 d0|
* <= 9 eps + 8 eps^2.
return log(p/(1 - p));
* Compute the logit function, translated in input by 1/2: logithalf(p)
* = logit(1/2 + p). Defined on [-1/2, 1/2]. Inverse of logistichalf.
* Ill-conditioned near +/-1/2. If |p0| > 1/2 - 1/(1 + e), it may be
* better to compute 1/2 + p0 or -1/2 - p0 and to use logit instead.
* This implementation gives relative error bounded by 34 eps.
STATIC double
logithalf(double p0)
if (fabs(p0) <= 0.5 - 1/(1 + exp(1))) {
* logit(1/2 + p0)
* = log((1/2 + p0)/(1 - (1/2 + p0)))
* = log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
* = log(1 + (1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0) - 1)
* = log(1 + (1/2 + p0 - (1/2 - p0))/(1/2 - p0))
* = log(1 + (1/2 + p0 - 1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
* = log(1 + 2 p0/(1/2 - p0))
* If the error of subtraction is d0, the error of
* division is d1, and the error of log1p is d2, then
* what we compute is
* (1 + d2) log(1 + (1 + d1) 2 p0/[(1 + d0) (1/2 - p0)])
* = (1 + d2) log(1 + (1 + d') 2 p0/(1/2 - p0))
* = (1 + d2) (1 + d'') log(1 + 2 p0/(1/2 - p0))
* = (1 + d2 + d'' + d2 d'') log(1 + 2 p0/(1/2 - p0)),
* where |d'| < 2|d0 - d1| <= 4 eps by Lemma 2, and
* |d''| < 8|d'| < 32 eps by Lemma 4 since
* 1/e <= 1 + 2*p0/(1/2 - p0) <= e
* when |p0| <= 1/2 - 1/(1 + e). Hence the relative
* error is bounded by
* |d2 + d'' + d2 d''|
* <= |d2| + |d''| + |d2 d''|
* <= |d1| + 32 |d0| + 32 |d1 d0|
* <= 33 eps + 32 eps^2.
return log1p(2*p0/(0.5 - p0));
} else {
* We have a choice of computing logit(1/2 + p0) or
* -logit(1 - (1/2 + p0)) = -logit(1/2 - p0). It
* doesn't matter which way we do this: either way,
* since 1/2 p0 <= 1/2 <= 2 p0, the sum and difference
* are computed exactly. So let's do the one that
* skips the final negation.
* The result is
* (1 + d1) log((1 + d0) (1/2 + p0)/[(1 + d2) (1/2 - p0)])
* = (1 + d1) (1 + log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))
* / log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0)))
* * log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
* = (1 + d') log((1/2 + p0)/(1/2 - p0))
* = (1 + d') logit(1/2 + p0)
* where
* d' = d1 + log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))/logit(1/2 + p0)
* + d1 log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))/logit(1/2 + p0).
* For |p| > 1/2 - 1/(1 + e), logit(1/2 + p0) > 1.
* Provided |d0|, |d2| < 1/4, by Lemma 3 we have
* |log((1 + d0)/(1 + d2))| <= 4|d0 - d2|.
* Hence the relative error is bounded by
* |d'| <= |d1| + 4|d0 - d2| + 4|d1| |d0 - d2|
* <= |d1| + 4|d0| + 4|d2| + 4|d1 d0| + 4|d1 d2|
* <= 9 eps + 8 eps^2.
return log((0.5 + p0)/(0.5 - p0));
* The following random_uniform_01 is tailored for IEEE 754 binary64
* floating-point or smaller. It can be adapted to larger
* floating-point formats like i387 80-bit or IEEE 754 binary128, but
* it may require sampling more bits.
* Draw a floating-point number in [0, 1] with uniform distribution.
* Note that the probability of returning 0 is less than 2^-1074, so
* callers need not check for it. However, callers that cannot handle
* rounding to 1 must deal with that, because it occurs with
* probability 2^-54, which is small but nonnegligible.
STATIC double
uint32_t z, x, hi, lo;
double s;
* Draw an exponent, geometrically distributed, but give up if
* we get a run of more than 1088 zeros, which really means the
* system is broken.
z = 0;
while ((x = crypto_rand_u32()) == 0) {
if (z >= 1088)
/* Your bit sampler is broken. Go home. */
return 0;
z += 32;
z += clz32(x);
* Pick 32-bit halves of an odd normalized significand.
* Picking it odd breaks ties in the subsequent rounding, which
* occur only with measure zero in the uniform distribution on
* [0, 1].
hi = crypto_rand_u32() | UINT32_C(0x80000000);
lo = crypto_rand_u32() | UINT32_C(0x00000001);
/* Round to nearest scaled significand in [2^63, 2^64]. */
s = hi*(double)4294967296 + lo;
/* Rescale into [1/2, 1] and apply exponent in one swell foop. */
return s * ldexp(1, -(64 + z));
/* Functions for specific probability distributions start here: */
* Logistic(mu, sigma) distribution, supported on (-\infty,+\infty)
* This is the uniform distribution on [0,1] mapped into log-odds
* space, scaled by sigma and translated by mu.
* pdf(x) = e^{-(x - mu)/sigma} sigma (1 + e^{-(x - mu)/sigma})^2
* cdf(x) = 1/(1 + e^{-(x - mu)/sigma}) = logistic((x - mu)/sigma)
* sf(x) = 1 - cdf(x) = 1 - logistic((x - mu)/sigma = logistic(-(x - mu)/sigma)
* icdf(p) = mu + sigma log p/(1 - p) = mu + sigma logit(p)
* isf(p) = mu + sigma log (1 - p)/p = mu - sigma logit(p)
* Compute the CDF of the Logistic(mu, sigma) distribution: the
* logistic function. Well-conditioned for negative inputs and small
* positive inputs; ill-conditioned for large positive inputs.
STATIC double
cdf_logistic(double x, double mu, double sigma)
return logistic((x - mu)/sigma);
* Compute the SF of the Logistic(mu, sigma) distribution: the logistic
* function reflected over the y axis. Well-conditioned for positive
* inputs and small negative inputs; ill-conditioned for large negative
* inputs.
STATIC double
sf_logistic(double x, double mu, double sigma)
return logistic(-(x - mu)/sigma);
* Compute the inverse of the CDF of the Logistic(mu, sigma)
* distribution: the logit function. Well-conditioned near 0;
* ill-conditioned near 1/2 and 1.
STATIC double
icdf_logistic(double p, double mu, double sigma)
return mu + sigma*logit(p);
* Compute the inverse of the SF of the Logistic(mu, sigma)
* distribution: the -logit function. Well-conditioned near 0;
* ill-conditioned near 1/2 and 1.
STATIC double
isf_logistic(double p, double mu, double sigma)
return mu - sigma*logit(p);
* LogLogistic(alpha, beta) distribution, supported on (0, +\infty).
* This is the uniform distribution on [0,1] mapped into odds space,
* scaled by positive alpha and shaped by positive beta.
* Equivalent to computing exp of a Logistic(log alpha, 1/beta) sample.
* (Name arises because the pdf has LogLogistic(x; alpha, beta) =
* Logistic(log x; log alpha, 1/beta) and mathematicians got their
* covariance contravariant.)
* pdf(x) = (beta/alpha) (x/alpha)^{beta - 1}/(1 + (x/alpha)^beta)^2
* = (1/e^mu sigma) (x/e^mu)^{1/sigma - 1} /
* (1 + (x/e^mu)^{1/sigma})^2
* cdf(x) = 1/(1 + (x/alpha)^-beta) = 1/(1 + (x/e^mu)^{-1/sigma})
* = 1/(1 + (e^{log x}/e^mu)^{-1/sigma})
* = 1/(1 + (e^{log x - mu})^{-1/sigma})
* = 1/(1 + e^{-(log x - mu)/sigma})
* = logistic((log x - mu)/sigma)
* = logistic((log x - log alpha)/(1/beta))
* sf(x) = 1 - 1/(1 + (x/alpha)^-beta)
* = (x/alpha)^-beta/(1 + (x/alpha)^-beta)
* = 1/((x/alpha)^beta + 1)
* = 1/(1 + (x/alpha)^beta)
* icdf(p) = alpha (p/(1 - p))^{1/beta}
* = alpha e^{logit(p)/beta}
* = e^{mu + sigma logit(p)}
* isf(p) = alpha ((1 - p)/p)^{1/beta}
* = alpha e^{-logit(p)/beta}
* = e^{mu - sigma logit(p)}
* Compute the CDF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta) distribution.
* Well-conditioned for all x and alpha, and the condition number
* -beta/[1 + (x/alpha)^{-beta}]
* grows linearly with beta.
* Loosely, the relative error of this implementation is bounded by
* 4 eps + 2 eps^2 + O(beta eps),
* so don't bother trying this for beta anywhere near as large as
* 1/eps, around which point it levels off at 1.
STATIC double
cdf_log_logistic(double x, double alpha, double beta)
* Let d0 be the error of x/alpha; d1, of pow; d2, of +; and
* d3, of the final quotient. The exponentiation gives
* ((1 + d0) x/alpha)^{-beta}
* = (x/alpha)^{-beta} (1 + d0)^{-beta}
* = (x/alpha)^{-beta} (1 + (1 + d0)^{-beta} - 1)
* = (x/alpha)^{-beta} (1 + d')
* where d' = (1 + d0)^{-beta} - 1. If y = (x/alpha)^{-beta},
* the denominator is
* (1 + d2) (1 + (1 + d1) (1 + d') y)
* = (1 + d2) (1 + y + (d1 + d' + d1 d') y)
* = 1 + y + (1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y
* = (1 + y) (1 + (1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y/(1 + y))
* = (1 + y) (1 + d''),
* where d'' = (1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y/(1 + y). The
* final result is
* (1 + d3) / [(1 + d2) (1 + d'') (1 + y)]
* = (1 + d''') / (1 + y)
* for |d'''| <= 2|d3 - d''| by Lemma 2 as long as |d''| < 1/2
* (which may not be the case for very large beta). This
* relative error is therefore bounded by
* |d'''|
* <= 2|d3 - d''|
* <= 2|d3| + 2|(1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d') y/(1 + y)|
* <= 2|d3| + 2|(1 + d2) (d1 + d' + d1 d')|
* = 2|d3| + 2|d1 + d' + d1 d' + d2 d1 + d2 d' + d2 d1 d'|
* <= 2|d3| + 2|d1| + 2|d'| + 2|d1 d'| + 2|d2 d1| + 2|d2 d'|
* + 2|d2 d1 d'|
* <= 4 eps + 2 eps^2 + (2 + 2 eps + 2 eps^2) |d'|.
* Roughly, |d'| = |(1 + d0)^{-beta} - 1| grows like beta eps,
* until it levels off at 1.
return 1/(1 + pow(x/alpha, -beta));
* Compute the SF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta) distribution.
* Well-conditioned for all x and alpha, and the condition number
* beta/[1 + (x/alpha)^beta]
* grows linearly with beta.
* Loosely, the relative error of this implementation is bounded by
* 4 eps + 2 eps^2 + O(beta eps)
* so don't bother trying this for beta anywhere near as large as
* 1/eps, beyond which point it grows unbounded.
STATIC double
sf_log_logistic(double x, double alpha, double beta)
* The error analysis here is essentially the same as in
* cdf_log_logistic, except that rather than levelling off at
* 1, |(1 + d0)^beta - 1| grows unbounded.
return 1/(1 + pow(x/alpha, beta));
* Compute the inverse of the CDF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta)
* distribution. Ill-conditioned for p near 1 and beta near 0 with
* condition number 1/[beta (1 - p)].
STATIC double
icdf_log_logistic(double p, double alpha, double beta)
return alpha*pow(p/(1 - p), 1/beta);
* Compute the inverse of the SF of the LogLogistic(alpha, beta)
* distribution. Ill-conditioned for p near 1 and for large beta, with
* condition number -1/[beta (1 - p)].
STATIC double
isf_log_logistic(double p, double alpha, double beta)
return alpha*pow((1 - p)/p, 1/beta);
* Weibull(lambda, k) distribution, supported on (0, +\infty).
* pdf(x) = (k/lambda) (x/lambda)^{k - 1} e^{-(x/lambda)^k}
* cdf(x) = 1 - e^{-(x/lambda)^k}
* icdf(p) = lambda * (-log (1 - p))^{1/k}
* sf(x) = e^{-(x/lambda)^k}
* isf(p) = lambda * (-log p)^{1/k}
* Compute the CDF of the Weibull(lambda, k) distribution.
* Well-conditioned for small x and k, and for large lambda --
* condition number
* -k (x/lambda)^k exp(-(x/lambda)^k)/[exp(-(x/lambda)^k) - 1]
* grows linearly with k, x^k, and lambda^{-k}.
STATIC double
cdf_weibull(double x, double lambda, double k)
return -expm1(-pow(x/lambda, k));
* Compute the SF of the Weibull(lambda, k) distribution.
* Well-conditioned for small x and k, and for large lambda --
* condition number
* -k (x/lambda)^k
* grows linearly with k, x^k, and lambda^{-k}.
STATIC double
sf_weibull(double x, double lambda, double k)
return exp(-pow(x/lambda, k));
* Compute the inverse of the CDF of the Weibull(lambda, k)
* distribution. Ill-conditioned for p near 1, and for k near 0;
* condition number is
* (p/(1 - p))/(k log(1 - p)).
STATIC double
icdf_weibull(double p, double lambda, double k)
return lambda*pow(-log1p(-p), 1/k);
* Compute the inverse of the SF of the Weibull(lambda, k)
* distribution. Ill-conditioned for p near 0, and for k near 0;
* condition number is
* 1/(k log(p)).
STATIC double
isf_weibull(double p, double lambda, double k)
return lambda*pow(-log(p), 1/k);
* GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma, xi), supported on (mu, +\infty) for
* nonnegative xi, or (mu, mu - sigma/xi) for negative xi.
* Samples:
* = mu - sigma log U, if xi = 0;
* = mu + sigma (U^{-xi} - 1)/xi = mu + sigma*expm1(-xi log U)/xi, if xi =/= 0,
* where U is uniform on (0,1].
* = mu + sigma (e^{xi X} - 1)/xi,
* where X has standard exponential distribution.
* pdf(x) = sigma^{-1} (1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)^{-(1 + 1/xi)}
* cdf(x) = 1 - (1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)^{-1/xi}
* = 1 - e^{-log(1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)/xi}
* --> 1 - e^{-(x - mu)/sigma} as xi --> 0
* sf(x) = (1 + xi (x - mu)/sigma)^{-1/xi}
* --> e^{-(x - mu)/sigma} as xi --> 0
* icdf(p) = mu + sigma*(p^{-xi} - 1)/xi
* = mu + sigma*expm1(-xi log p)/xi
* --> mu + sigma*log p as xi --> 0
* isf(p) = mu + sigma*((1 - p)^{xi} - 1)/xi
* = mu + sigma*expm1(-xi log1p(-p))/xi
* --> mu + sigma*log1p(-p) as xi --> 0
* Compute the CDF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma, xi)
* distribution. Well-conditioned everywhere. For standard
* distribution (mu=0, sigma=1), condition number
* (x/(1 + x xi)) / ((1 + x xi)^{1/xi} - 1)
* is bounded by 1, attained only at x = 0.
STATIC double
cdf_genpareto(double x, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
double x_0 = (x - mu)/sigma;
* log(1 + xi x_0)/xi
* = (-1/xi) \sum_{n=1}^\infty (-xi x_0)^n/n
* = (-1/xi) (-xi x_0 + \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi x_0)^n/n)
* = x_0 - (1/xi) \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi x_0)^n/n
* = x_0 - x_0 \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi x_0)^{n-1}/n
* = x_0 (1 - d),
* where d = \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi x_0)^{n-1}/n. If |xi| <
* eps/4|x_0|, then
* |d| <= \sum_{n=2}^\infty (eps/4)^{n-1}/n
* <= \sum_{n=2}^\infty (eps/4)^{n-1}
* = \sum_{n=1}^\infty (eps/4)^n
* = (eps/4) \sum_{n=0}^\infty (eps/4)^n
* = (eps/4)/(1 - eps/4)
* < eps/2
* for any 0 < eps < 2. Thus, the relative error of x_0 from
* log(1 + xi x_0)/xi is bounded by eps.
if (fabs(xi) < 1e-17/x_0)
return -expm1(-x_0);
return -expm1(-log1p(xi*x_0)/xi);
* Compute the SF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma, xi) distribution.
* For standard distribution (mu=0, sigma=1), ill-conditioned for xi
* near 0; condition number
* -x (1 + x xi)^{(-1 - xi)/xi}/(1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}
* = -x (1 + x xi)^{-1/xi - 1}/(1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}
* = -(x/(1 + x xi)) (1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}/(1 + x xi)^{-1/xi}
* = -x/(1 + x xi)
* is bounded by 1/xi.
STATIC double
sf_genpareto(double x, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
double x_0 = (x - mu)/sigma;
if (fabs(xi) < 1e-17/x_0)
return exp(-x_0);
return exp(-log1p(xi*x_0)/xi);
* Compute the inverse of the CDF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma,
* xi) distribution. Ill-conditioned for p near 1; condition number is
* xi (p/(1 - p))/(1 - (1 - p)^xi)
STATIC double
icdf_genpareto(double p, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
* To compute f(xi) = (U^{-xi} - 1)/xi = (e^{-xi log U} - 1)/xi
* for xi near zero (note f(xi) --> -log U as xi --> 0), write
* the absolutely convergent Taylor expansion
* f(xi) = (1/xi)*(-xi log U + \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi log U)^n/n!
* = -log U + (1/xi)*\sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi log U)^n/n!
* = -log U + \sum_{n=2}^\infty xi^{n-1} (-log U)^n/n!
* = -log U - log U \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi log U)^{n-1}/n!
* = -log U (1 + \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi log U)^{n-1}/n!).
* Let d = \sum_{n=2}^\infty (-xi log U)^{n-1}/n!. What do we
* lose if we discard it and use -log U as an approximation to
* f(xi)? If |xi| < eps/-4log U, then
* |d| <= \sum_{n=2}^\infty |xi log U|^{n-1}/n!
* <= \sum_{n=2}^\infty (eps/4)^{n-1}/n!
* <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty (eps/4)^n
* = (eps/4) \sum_{n=0}^\infty (eps/4)^n
* = (eps/4)/(1 - eps/4)
* < eps/2,
* for any 0 < eps < 2. Hence, as long as |xi| < eps/-2log U,
* f(xi) = -log U (1 + d) for |d| <= eps/2. |d| is the
* relative error of f(xi) from -log U; from this bound, the
* relative error of -log U from f(xi) is at most (eps/2)/(1 -
* eps/2) = eps/2 + (eps/2)^2 + (eps/2)^3 + ... < eps for 0 <
* eps < 1. Since -log U < 1000 for all U in (0, 1] in
* binary64 floating-point, we can safely cut xi off at 1e-20 <
* eps/4000 and attain <1ulp error from series truncation.
if (fabs(xi) <= 1e-20)
return mu - sigma*log1p(-p);
return mu + sigma*expm1(-xi*log1p(-p))/xi;
* Compute the inverse of the SF of the GeneralizedPareto(mu, sigma,
* xi) distribution. Ill-conditioned for p near 1; conditon number is
* -xi/(1 - p^{-xi})
STATIC double
isf_genpareto(double p, double mu, double sigma, double xi)
if (fabs(xi) <= 1e-20)
return mu - sigma*log(p);
return mu + sigma*expm1(-xi*log(p))/xi;
* Deterministic samplers, parametrized by uniform integer and (0,1]
* samples. No guarantees are made about _which_ mapping from the
* integer and (0,1] samples these use; all that is guaranteed is the
* distribution of the outputs conditioned on a uniform distribution on
* the inputs. The automatic tests in test_prob_distr.c double-check
* the particular mappings we use.
* Beware: Unlike random_uniform_01(), these are not guaranteed to be
* supported on all possible outputs. See Ilya Mironov, `On the
* Significance of the Least Significant Bits for Differential
* Privacy', for an example of what can go wrong if you try to use
* these to conceal information from an adversary but you expose the
* specific full-precision floating-point values.
* Note: None of these samplers use rejection sampling; they are all
* essentially inverse-CDF transforms with tweaks. If you were to add,
* say, a Gamma sampler with the Marsaglia-Tsang method, you would have
* to parametrize it by a potentially infinite stream of uniform (and
* perhaps normal) samples rather than a fixed number, which doesn't
* make for quite as nice automatic testing as for these.
* Deterministically sample from the interval [a, b], indexed by a
* uniform random floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
* Note that even if p0 is nonzero, the result may be equal to a, if
* ulp(a)/2 is nonnegligible, e.g. if a = 1. For maximum resolution,
* arrange |a| <= |b|.
STATIC double
sample_uniform_interval(double p0, double a, double b)
* XXX Prove that the distribution is, in fact, uniform on
* [a,b], particularly around p0 = 1, or at least has very
* small deviation from uniform, quantified appropriately
* (e.g., like in Monahan 1984, or by KL divergence). It
* almost certainly does but it would be nice to quantify the
* error.
if ((a <= 0 && 0 <= b) || (b <= 0 && 0 <= a)) {
* When ab < 0, (1 - t) a + t b is monotonic, since for
* a <= b it is a sum of nondecreasing functions of t,
* and for b <= a, of nonincreasing functions of t.
* Further, clearly at 0 and 1 it attains a and b,
* respectively. Hence it is bounded within [a, b].
return (1 - p0)*a + p0*b;
} else {
* a + (b - a) t is monotonic -- it is obviously a
* nondecreasing function of t for a <= b. Further, it
* attains a at 0, and while it may overshoot b at 1,
* we have a
* Theorem. If 0 <= t < 1, then the floating-point
* evaluation of a + (b - a) t is bounded in [a, b].
* Lemma 1. If 0 <= t < 1 is a floating-point number,
* then for any normal floating-point number x except
* the smallest in magnitude, |round(x*t)| < |x|.
* Proof. WLOG, assume x >= 0. Since the rounding
* function and t |---> x*t are nondecreasing, their
* composition t |---> round(x*t) is also
* nondecreasing, so it suffices to consider the
* largest floating-point number below 1, in particular
* t = 1 - ulp(1)/2.
* Case I: If x is a power of two, then the next
* floating-point number below x is x - ulp(x)/2 = x -
* x*ulp(1)/2 = x*(1 - ulp(1)/2) = x*t, so, since x*t
* is a floating-point number, multiplication is exact,
* and thus round(x*t) = x*t < x.
* Case II: If x is not a power of two, then the
* greatest lower bound of real numbers rounded to x is
* x - ulp(x)/2 = x - ulp(T(x))/2 = x - T(x)*ulp(1)/2,
* where T(X) is the largest power of two below x.
* Anything below this bound is rounded to a
* floating-point number smaller than x, and x*t = x*(1
* - ulp(1)/2) = x - x*ulp(1)/2 < x - T(x)*ulp(1)/2
* since T(x) < x, so round(x*t) < x*t < x. QED.
* Lemma 2. If x and y are subnormal, then round(x +
* y) = x + y.
* Proof. It is a matter of adding the significands,
* since if we treat subnormals as having an implicit
* zero bit before the `binary' point, their exponents
* are all the same. There is at most one carry/borrow
* bit, which can always be acommodated either in a
* subnormal, or, at largest, in the implicit one bit
* of a normal.
* Lemma 3. Let x and y be floating-point numbers. If
* round(x - y) is subnormal or zero, then it is equal
* to x - y.
* Proof. Case I (equal): round(x - y) = 0 iff x = y;
* hence if round(x - y) = 0, then round(x - y) = 0 = x
* - y.
* Case II (subnormal/subnormal): If x and y are both
* subnormal, this follows directly from Lemma 2.
* Case IIIa (normal/subnormal): If x is normal and y
* is subnormal, then x and y must share sign, or else
* x - y would be larger than x and thus rounded to
* normal. If s is the smallest normal positive
* floating-point number, |x| < 2s since by
* construction 2s - |y| is normal for all subnormal y.
* This means that x and y must have the same exponent,
* so the difference is the difference of significands,
* which is exact.
* Case IIIb (subnormal/normal): Same as case IIIa for
* -(y - x).
* Case IV (normal/normal): If x and y are both normal,
* then they must share sign, or else x - y would be
* larger than x and thus rounded to normal. Note that
* |y| < 2|x|, for if |y| >= 2|x|, then |x| - |y| <=
* -|x| but -|x| is normal like x. Also, |x|/2 < |y|:
* if |x|/2 is subnormal, it must hold because y is
* normal; if |x|/2 is normal, then |x|/2 >= s, so
* since |x| - |y| < s,
* |x|/2 = |x| - |x|/2 <= |x| - s <= |y|;
* that is, |x|/2 < |y| < 2|x|, so by the Sterbenz
* lemma, round(x - y) = x - y. QED.
* Proof of theorem. WLOG, assume 0 <= a <= b. Since
* round(a + round(round(b - a)*t) is nondecreasing in
* t and attains a at 0, the lower end of the bound is
* trivial; we must show the upper end of the bound
* strictly. It suffices to show this for the largest
* floating-point number below 1, namely 1 - ulp(1)/2.
* Case I: round(b - a) is normal. Then it is at most
* the smallest floating-point number above b - a. By
* Lemma 1, round(round(b - a)*t) < round(b - a).
* Since the inequality is strict, and since
* round(round(b - a)*t) is a floating-point number
* below round(b - a), and since there are no
* floating-point numbers between b - a and round(b -
* a), we must have round(round(b - a)*t) < b - a.
* Then since y |---> round(a + y) is nondecreasing, we
* must have
* round(a + round(round(b - a)*t))
* <= round(a + (b - a))
* = round(b) = b.
* Case II: round(b - a) is subnormal. In this case,
* Lemma 1 falls apart -- we are not guaranteed the
* strict inequality. However, by Lemma 3, the
* difference is exact: round(b - a) = b - a. Thus,
* round(a + round(round(b - a)*t))
* <= round(a + round((b - a)*t))
* <= round(a + (b - a))
* = round(b)
* = b,
* QED.
/* p0 is restricted to [0,1], but we use >= to silence -Wfloat-equal. */
if (p0 >= 1)
return b;
return a + (b - a)*p0;
* Deterministically sample from the standard logistic distribution,
* indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and uniform random
* floating-point numbers t and p0 in (0, 1].
STATIC double
sample_logistic(uint32_t s, double t, double p0)
double sign = (s & 1) ? -1 : +1;
double r;
* We carve up the interval (0, 1) into subregions to compute
* the inverse CDF precisely:
* A = (0, 1/(1 + e)] ---> (-\infty, -1]
* B = [1/(1 + e), 1/2] ---> [-1, 0]
* C = [1/2, 1 - 1/(1 + e)] ---> [0, 1]
* D = [1 - 1/(1 + e), 1) ---> [1, +\infty)
* Cases D and C are mirror images of cases A and B,
* respectively, so we choose between them by the sign chosen
* by a fair coin toss. We choose between cases A and B by a
* coin toss weighted by
* 2/(1 + e) = 1 - [1/2 - 1/(1 + e)]/(1/2):
* if it comes up heads, scale p0 into a uniform (0, 1/(1 + e)]
* sample p; if it comes up tails, scale p0 into a uniform (0,
* 1/2 - 1/(1 + e)] sample and compute the inverse CDF of p =
* 1/2 - p0.
if (t <= 2/(1 + exp(1))) {
/* p uniform in (0, 1/(1 + e)], represented by p. */
p0 /= 1 + exp(1);
r = logit(p0);
} else {
* p uniform in [1/(1 + e), 1/2), actually represented
* by p0 = 1/2 - p uniform in (0, 1/2 - 1/(1 + e)], so
* that p = 1/2 - p.
p0 *= 0.5 - 1/(1 + exp(1));
r = logithalf(p0);
* We have chosen from the negative half of the standard
* logistic distribution, which is symmetric with the positive
* half. Now use the sign to choose uniformly between them.
return sign*r;
* Deterministically sample from the logistic distribution scaled by
* sigma and translated by mu.
static double
sample_logistic_locscale(uint32_t s, double t, double p0, double mu,
double sigma)
return mu + sigma*sample_logistic(s, t, p0);
* Deterministically sample from the standard log-logistic
* distribution, indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and a
* uniform random floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
STATIC double
sample_log_logistic(uint32_t s, double p0)
* Carve up the interval (0, 1) into (0, 1/2] and [1/2, 1); the
* condition numbers of the icdf and the isf coincide at 1/2.
p0 *= 0.5;
if ((s & 1) == 0) {
/* p = p0 in (0, 1/2] */
return p0/(1 - p0);
} else {
/* p = 1 - p0 in [1/2, 1) */
return (1 - p0)/p0;
* Deterministically sample from the log-logistic distribution with
* scale alpha and shape beta.
static double
sample_log_logistic_scaleshape(uint32_t s, double p0, double alpha,
double beta)
double x = sample_log_logistic(s, p0);
return alpha*pow(x, 1/beta);
* Deterministically sample from the standard exponential distribution,
* indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and a uniform random
* floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
static double
sample_exponential(uint32_t s, double p0)
* We would like to evaluate log(p) for p near 0, and log1p(-p)
* for p near 1. Simply carve the interval into (0, 1/2] and
* [1/2, 1) by a fair coin toss.
p0 *= 0.5;
if ((s & 1) == 0)
/* p = p0 in (0, 1/2] */
return -log(p0);
/* p = 1 - p0 in [1/2, 1) */
return -log1p(-p0);
* Deterministically sample from a Weibull distribution with scale
* lambda and shape k -- just an exponential with a shape parameter in
* addition to a scale parameter. (Yes, lambda really is the scale,
* _not_ the rate.)
STATIC double
sample_weibull(uint32_t s, double p0, double lambda, double k)
return lambda*pow(sample_exponential(s, p0), 1/k);
* Deterministically sample from the generalized Pareto distribution
* with shape xi, indexed by a uniform random 32-bit integer s and a
* uniform random floating-point number p0 in (0, 1].
STATIC double
sample_genpareto(uint32_t s, double p0, double xi)
double x = sample_exponential(s, p0);
* Write f(xi) = (e^{xi x} - 1)/xi for xi near zero as the
* absolutely convergent Taylor series
* f(x) = (1/xi) (xi x + \sum_{n=2}^\infty (xi x)^n/n!)
* = x + (1/xi) \sum_{n=2}^\inty (xi x)^n/n!
* = x + \sum_{n=2}^\infty xi^{n-1} x^n/n!
* = x + x \sum_{n=2}^\infty (xi x)^{n-1}/n!
* = x (1 + \sum_{n=2}^\infty (xi x)^{n-1}/n!).
* d = \sum_{n=2}^\infty (xi x)^{n-1}/n! is the relative error
* of f(x) from x. If |xi| < eps/4x, then
* |d| <= \sum_{n=2}^\infty |xi x|^{n-1}/n!
* <= \sum_{n=2}^\infty (eps/4)^{n-1}/n!
* <= \sum_{n=1}^\infty (eps/4)
* = (eps/4) \sum_{n=0}^\infty (eps/4)^n
* = (eps/4)/(1 - eps/4)
* < eps/2,
* for any 0 < eps < 2. Hence, as long as |xi| < eps/2x, f(xi)
* = x (1 + d) for |d| <= eps/2, so x = f(xi) (1 + d') for |d'|
* <= eps. What bound should we use for x?
* - If x is exponentially distributed, x > 200 with
* probability below e^{-200} << 2^{-256}, i.e. never.
* - If x is computed by -log(U) for U in (0, 1], x is
* guaranteed to be below 1000 in IEEE 754 binary64
* floating-point.
* We can safely cut xi off at 1e-20 < eps/4000 and attain an
* error bounded by 0.5 ulp for this expression.
return (fabs(xi) < 1e-20 ? x : expm1(xi*x)/xi);
* Deterministically sample from a generalized Pareto distribution with
* shape xi, scaled by sigma and translated by mu.
static double
sample_genpareto_locscale(uint32_t s, double p0, double mu, double sigma,
double xi)
return mu + sigma*sample_genpareto(s, p0, xi);
* Deterministically sample from the geometric distribution with
* per-trial success probability p.
* XXX Quantify the error (KL divergence?) of this
* ceiling-of-exponential sampler from a true geometric distribution,
* which we could get by rejection sampling. Relevant papers:
* John F. Monahan, `Accuracy in Random Number Generation',
* Mathematics of Computation 45(172), October 1984, pp. 559--568.
* Karl Bringmann and Tobias Friedrich, `Exact and Efficient
* Generation of Geometric Random Variates and Random Graphs', in
* Proceedings of the 40th International Colloaquium on Automata,
* Languages, and Programming -- ICALP 2013, Springer LNCS 7965,
* pp.267--278.
static double
sample_geometric(uint32_t s, double p0, double p)
double x = sample_exponential(s, p0);
/* This is actually a check against 1, but we do >= so that the compiler
does not raise a -Wfloat-equal */
if (p >= 1)
return 1;
return ceil(-x/log1p(-p));
/** Public API for probability distributions:
* For each probability distribution we define each public functions
* (sample/cdf/sf/icdf/isf) as part of its dist_ops structure.
/** Functions for uniform distribution */
const struct dist_ops uniform_ops = {
.name = "uniform",
.sample = uniform_sample,
.cdf = uniform_cdf,
.sf = uniform_sf,
.icdf = uniform_icdf,
.isf = uniform_isf,
uniform_sample(const struct dist *dist)
const struct uniform *U = const_container_of(dist, struct uniform,
double p0 = random_uniform_01();
return sample_uniform_interval(p0, U->a, U->b);
uniform_cdf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct uniform *U = const_container_of(dist, struct uniform,
if (x < U->a)
return 0;
else if (x < U->b)
return (x - U->a)/(U->b - U->a);
return 1;
uniform_sf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct uniform *U = const_container_of(dist, struct uniform,
if (x > U->b)
return 0;
else if (x > U->a)
return (U->b - x)/(U->b - U->a);
return 1;
uniform_icdf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct uniform *U = const_container_of(dist, struct uniform,
double w = U->b - U->a;
return (p < 0.5 ? (U->a + w*p) : (U->b - w*(1 - p)));
uniform_isf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct uniform *U = const_container_of(dist, struct uniform,
double w = U->b - U->a;
return (p < 0.5 ? (U->b - w*p) : (U->a + w*(1 - p)));
/** Functions for logistic distribution: */
const struct dist_ops logistic_ops = {
.name = "logistic",
.sample = logistic_sample,
.cdf = logistic_cdf,
.sf = logistic_sf,
.icdf = logistic_icdf,
.isf = logistic_isf,
logistic_sample(const struct dist *dist)
const struct logistic *L = const_container_of(dist, struct logistic,
uint32_t s = crypto_rand_u32();
double t = random_uniform_01();
double p0 = random_uniform_01();
return sample_logistic_locscale(s, t, p0, L->mu, L->sigma);
logistic_cdf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct logistic *L = const_container_of(dist, struct logistic,
return cdf_logistic(x, L->mu, L->sigma);
logistic_sf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct logistic *L = const_container_of(dist, struct logistic,
return sf_logistic(x, L->mu, L->sigma);
logistic_icdf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct logistic *L = const_container_of(dist, struct logistic,
return icdf_logistic(p, L->mu, L->sigma);
logistic_isf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct logistic *L = const_container_of(dist, struct logistic,
return isf_logistic(p, L->mu, L->sigma);
/** Functions for log-logistic distribution: */
const struct dist_ops log_logistic_ops = {
.name = "log logistic",
.sample = log_logistic_sample,
.cdf = log_logistic_cdf,
.sf = log_logistic_sf,
.icdf = log_logistic_icdf,
.isf = log_logistic_isf,
log_logistic_sample(const struct dist *dist)
const struct log_logistic *LL = const_container_of(dist, struct
log_logistic, base);
uint32_t s = crypto_rand_u32();
double p0 = random_uniform_01();
return sample_log_logistic_scaleshape(s, p0, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
log_logistic_cdf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct log_logistic *LL = const_container_of(dist,
struct log_logistic, base);
return cdf_log_logistic(x, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
log_logistic_sf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct log_logistic *LL = const_container_of(dist,
struct log_logistic, base);
return sf_log_logistic(x, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
log_logistic_icdf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct log_logistic *LL = const_container_of(dist,
struct log_logistic, base);
return icdf_log_logistic(p, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
log_logistic_isf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct log_logistic *LL = const_container_of(dist,
struct log_logistic, base);
return isf_log_logistic(p, LL->alpha, LL->beta);
/** Functions for Weibull distribution */
const struct dist_ops weibull_ops = {
.name = "Weibull",
.sample = weibull_sample,
.cdf = weibull_cdf,
.sf = weibull_sf,
.icdf = weibull_icdf,
.isf = weibull_isf,
weibull_sample(const struct dist *dist)
const struct weibull *W = const_container_of(dist, struct weibull,
uint32_t s = crypto_rand_u32();
double p0 = random_uniform_01();
return sample_weibull(s, p0, W->lambda, W->k);
weibull_cdf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct weibull *W = const_container_of(dist, struct weibull,
return cdf_weibull(x, W->lambda, W->k);
weibull_sf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct weibull *W = const_container_of(dist, struct weibull,
return sf_weibull(x, W->lambda, W->k);
weibull_icdf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct weibull *W = const_container_of(dist, struct weibull,
return icdf_weibull(p, W->lambda, W->k);
weibull_isf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct weibull *W = const_container_of(dist, struct weibull,
return isf_weibull(p, W->lambda, W->k);
/** Functions for generalized Pareto distributions */
const struct dist_ops genpareto_ops = {
.name = "generalized Pareto",
.sample = genpareto_sample,
.cdf = genpareto_cdf,
.sf = genpareto_sf,
.icdf = genpareto_icdf,
.isf = genpareto_isf,
genpareto_sample(const struct dist *dist)
const struct genpareto *GP = const_container_of(dist, struct genpareto,
uint32_t s = crypto_rand_u32();
double p0 = random_uniform_01();
return sample_genpareto_locscale(s, p0, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
genpareto_cdf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct genpareto *GP = const_container_of(dist, struct genpareto,
return cdf_genpareto(x, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
genpareto_sf(const struct dist *dist, double x)
const struct genpareto *GP = const_container_of(dist, struct genpareto,
return sf_genpareto(x, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
genpareto_icdf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct genpareto *GP = const_container_of(dist, struct genpareto,
return icdf_genpareto(p, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
genpareto_isf(const struct dist *dist, double p)
const struct genpareto *GP = const_container_of(dist, struct genpareto,
return isf_genpareto(p, GP->mu, GP->sigma, GP->xi);
/* Deterministically sample from the geometric distribution with
* per-trial success probability p. */
geometric_sample(double p)
uint32_t s = crypto_rand_u32();
double p0 = random_uniform_01();
return sample_geometric(s, p0, p);