2003-09-21 06:44:53 +00:00

377 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright 2001,2002 Roger Dingledine, Matej Pfajfar. */
/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
/* $Id$ */
/* buffers.c */
#include "or.h"
extern or_options_t options; /* command-line and config-file options */
/* Create a new buf of size MAX_BUF_SIZE. Write a pointer to it
* into *buf, write MAX_BUF_SIZE into *buflen, and initialize
* *buf_datalen to 0. Return 0.
int buf_new(char **buf, int *buflen, int *buf_datalen) {
assert(buf && buflen && buf_datalen);
*buf = (char *)tor_malloc(MAX_BUF_SIZE);
// memset(*buf,0,MAX_BUF_SIZE);
*buflen = MAX_BUF_SIZE;
*buf_datalen = 0;
return 0;
void buf_free(char *buf) {
/* read from socket s, writing onto buf+buf_datalen.
* read at most 'at_most' bytes, and in any case don't read more than will fit based on buflen.
* If read() returns 0, set *reached_eof to 1 and return 0. If you want to tear
* down the connection return -1, else return the number of bytes read.
int read_to_buf(int s, int at_most, char **buf, int *buflen, int *buf_datalen, int *reached_eof) {
int read_result;
int e;
assert(buf && *buf && buflen && buf_datalen && reached_eof && (s>=0));
/* this is the point where you would grow the buffer, if you want to */
if(at_most > *buflen - *buf_datalen)
at_most = *buflen - *buf_datalen; /* take the min of the two */
if(at_most == 0)
return 0; /* we shouldn't read anything */
// log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"reading at most %d bytes.",at_most);
read_result = read(s, *buf+*buf_datalen, at_most);
if (read_result < 0) {
if(!ERRNO_EAGAIN(errno)) { /* it's a real error */
return -1;
e = correct_socket_errno(s);
if(!ERRNO_EAGAIN(e)) { /* no, it *is* a real error! */
return -1;
return 0;
} else if (read_result == 0) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Encountered eof");
*reached_eof = 1;
return 0;
} else { /* we read some bytes */
*buf_datalen += read_result;
// log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Read %d bytes. %d on inbuf.",read_result, *buf_datalen);
return read_result;
int read_to_buf_tls(tor_tls *tls, int at_most, char **buf, int *buflen, int *buf_datalen) {
int r;
assert(tls && *buf && buflen && buf_datalen);
if (at_most > *buflen - *buf_datalen)
at_most = *buflen - *buf_datalen;
if (at_most == 0)
return 0;
r = tor_tls_read(tls, *buf+*buf_datalen, at_most);
if (r<0)
return r;
*buf_datalen += r;
return r;
int flush_buf(int s, char **buf, int *buflen, int *buf_flushlen, int *buf_datalen) {
/* push from buf onto s
* then memmove to front of buf
* return -1 or how many bytes remain to be flushed */
int write_result;
int e;
assert(buf && *buf && buflen && buf_flushlen && buf_datalen && (s>=0) && (*buf_flushlen <= *buf_datalen));
if(*buf_flushlen == 0) /* nothing to flush */
return 0;
/* this is the point where you would grow the buffer, if you want to */
write_result = write(s, *buf, *buf_flushlen);
if (write_result < 0) {
if(!ERRNO_EAGAIN(errno)) { /* it's a real error */
return -1;
e = correct_socket_errno(s);
if(!ERRNO_EAGAIN(e)) { /* no, it *is* a real error! */
return -1;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"write() would block, returning.");
return 0;
} else {
*buf_datalen -= write_result;
*buf_flushlen -= write_result;
memmove(*buf, *buf+write_result, *buf_datalen);
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"%d: flushed %d bytes, %d ready to flush, %d remain.",
return *buf_flushlen;
/* XXX USE_TLS should change to return write_result like any sane function would */
int flush_buf_tls(tor_tls *tls, char **buf, int *buflen, int *buf_flushlen, int *buf_datalen)
int r;
assert(tls && *buf && buflen && buf_datalen);
/* we want to let tls write even if flushlen is zero, because it might
* have a partial record pending */
r = tor_tls_write(tls, *buf, *buf_flushlen);
if (r < 0) {
return r;
*buf_datalen -= r;
*buf_flushlen -= r;
memmove(*buf, *buf+r, *buf_datalen);
return r;
int write_to_buf(char *string, int string_len,
char **buf, int *buflen, int *buf_datalen) {
/* append string to buf (growing as needed, return -1 if "too big")
* return total number of bytes on the buf
assert(string && buf && *buf && buflen && buf_datalen);
/* this is the point where you would grow the buffer, if you want to */
if (string_len + *buf_datalen > *buflen) { /* we're out of luck */
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG, "buflen too small. Time to implement growing dynamic bufs.");
return -1;
memcpy(*buf+*buf_datalen, string, string_len);
*buf_datalen += string_len;
// log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"added %d bytes to buf (now %d total).",string_len, *buf_datalen);
return *buf_datalen;
int fetch_from_buf(char *string, int string_len,
char **buf, int *buflen, int *buf_datalen) {
/* There must be string_len bytes in buf; write them onto string,
* then memmove buf back (that is, remove them from buf).
* Return the number of bytes still on the buffer. */
assert(string && buf && *buf && buflen && buf_datalen);
assert(string_len <= *buf_datalen); /* make sure we don't ask for too much */
*buf_datalen -= string_len;
memmove(*buf, *buf+string_len, *buf_datalen);
return *buf_datalen;
/* There is a (possibly incomplete) http statement on *buf, of the
* form "%s\r\n\r\n%s", headers, body.
* If a) the headers include a Content-Length field and all bytes in
* the body are present, or b) there's no Content-Length field and
* all headers are present, then:
* copy headers and body into the supplied args (and null terminate
* them), remove them from buf, and return 1.
* (If headers or body is NULL, discard that part of the buf.)
* If a headers or body doesn't fit in the arg, return -1.
* Else, change nothing and return 0.
int fetch_from_buf_http(char *buf, int *buf_datalen,
char *headers_out, int max_headerlen,
char *body_out, int max_bodylen) {
char *headers, *body;
int i;
int headerlen, bodylen, contentlen;
assert(buf && buf_datalen);
headers = buf;
i = find_on_inbuf("\r\n\r\n", 4, buf, *buf_datalen);
if(i < 0) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"headers not all here yet.");
return 0;
body = buf+i;
headerlen = body-headers; /* includes the CRLFCRLF */
bodylen = *buf_datalen - headerlen;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"headerlen %d, bodylen %d.",headerlen,bodylen);
if(headers_out && max_headerlen <= headerlen) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"headerlen %d larger than %d. Failing.", headerlen, max_headerlen-1);
return -1;
if(body_out && max_bodylen <= bodylen) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"bodylen %d larger than %d. Failing.", bodylen, max_bodylen-1);
return -1;
#define CONTENT_LENGTH "\r\nContent-Length: "
i = find_on_inbuf(CONTENT_LENGTH, strlen(CONTENT_LENGTH), headers, headerlen);
if(i > 0) {
contentlen = atoi(headers+i);
if(bodylen < contentlen) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"body not all here yet.");
return 0; /* not all there yet */
bodylen = contentlen;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"bodylen reduced to %d.",bodylen);
/* all happy. copy into the appropriate places, and return 1 */
if(headers_out) {
headers_out[headerlen] = 0; /* null terminate it */
if(body_out) {
body_out[bodylen] = 0; /* null terminate it */
*buf_datalen -= (headerlen+bodylen);
memmove(buf, buf+headerlen+bodylen, *buf_datalen);
return 1;
/* There is a (possibly incomplete) socks handshake on *buf, of the
* forms
* socks4: "socksheader || username\0".
* socks4a: "socksheader || username\0 || destaddr\0".
* If it's a complete and valid handshake, and destaddr fits in addr_out,
* then pull the handshake off the buf, assign to addr_out and port_out,
* and return 1.
* If it's invalid or too big, return -1.
* Else it's not all there yet, change nothing and return 0.
int fetch_from_buf_socks(char *buf, int *buf_datalen,
char *addr_out, int max_addrlen,
uint16_t *port_out) {
socks4_t socks4_info;
char *tmpbuf=NULL;
uint16_t port;
enum {socks4, socks4a } socks_prot = socks4a;
char *next, *startaddr;
if(*buf_datalen < sizeof(socks4_t)) /* basic info available? */
return 0; /* not yet */
/* an inlined socks4_unpack() */
socks4_info.version = *buf;
socks4_info.command = *(buf+1);
socks4_info.destport = ntohs(*(uint16_t*)(buf+2));
socks4_info.destip = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(buf+4));
if(socks4_info.version != 4) {
log_fn(LOG_NOTICE,"Unrecognized version %d.",socks4_info.version);
return -1;
if(socks4_info.command != 1) { /* not a connect? we don't support it. */
log_fn(LOG_NOTICE,"command %d not '1'.",socks4_info.command);
return -1;
port = socks4_info.destport;
if(!port) {
log_fn(LOG_NOTICE,"Port is zero.");
return -1;
if(!socks4_info.destip) {
log_fn(LOG_NOTICE,"DestIP is zero.");
return -1;
if(socks4_info.destip >> 8) {
struct in_addr in;
log_fn(LOG_NOTICE,"destip not in form 0.0.0.x.");
in.s_addr = htonl(socks4_info.destip);
tmpbuf = inet_ntoa(in);
if(max_addrlen <= strlen(tmpbuf)) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"socks4 addr too long.");
return -1;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Successfully read destip (%s)", tmpbuf);
socks_prot = socks4;
next = memchr(buf+SOCKS4_NETWORK_LEN, 0, *buf_datalen);
if(!next) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Username not here yet.");
return 0;
startaddr = next+1;
if(socks_prot == socks4a) {
next = memchr(startaddr, 0, buf+*buf_datalen-startaddr);
if(!next) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Destaddr not here yet.");
return 0;
if(max_addrlen <= next-startaddr) {
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Destaddr not here yet.");
return -1;
log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"Everything is here. Success.");
*port_out = port;
strcpy(addr_out, socks_prot == socks4 ? tmpbuf : startaddr);
*buf_datalen -= (next-buf+1); /* next points to the final \0 on inbuf */
memmove(buf, next+1, *buf_datalen);
// log_fn(LOG_DEBUG,"buf_datalen is now %d:'%s'",*buf_datalen,buf);
return 1;
int find_on_inbuf(char *string, int string_len,
char *buf, int buf_datalen) {
/* find first instance of needle 'string' on haystack 'buf'. return how
* many bytes from the beginning of buf to the end of string.
* If it's not there, return -1.
char *location;
char *last_possible = buf + buf_datalen - string_len;
assert(string && string_len > 0 && buf);
if(buf_datalen < string_len)
return -1;
for(location = buf; location <= last_possible; location++)
if((*location == *string) && !memcmp(location+1, string+1, string_len-1))
return location-buf+string_len;
return -1;
Local Variables: