Roger Dingledine c0aa77d7e7 over-long line in dir-spec
2006-02-09 03:40:53 +00:00

514 lines
23 KiB

Tor directory protocol for 0.1.1.x series
0. Scope and preliminaries
This document should eventually be merged to replace and supplement the
existing notes on directories in tor-spec.txt.
This is not a finalized version; what we actually wind up implementing
may be different from the system described here.
0.1. Goals
There are several problems with the way Tor handles directory information
in version 0.1.0.x and earlier. Here are the problems we try to fix with
this new design, already partially implemented in 0.1.1.x:
1. Directories are very large and use up a lot of bandwidth: clients
download descriptors for all router several times an hour.
2. Every directory authority is a trust bottleneck: if a single
directory authority lies, it can make clients believe for a time an
arbitrarily distorted view of the Tor network.
3. Our current "verified server" system is kind of nonsensical.
4. Getting more directory authorities adds more points of failure and
worsens possible partitioning attacks.
There are two problems that remain unaddressed by this design.
5. Requiring every client to know about every router won't scale.
6. Requiring every directory cache to know every router won't scale.
1. Outline
There is a small set (say, around 10) of semi-trusted directory
authorities. A default list of authorities is shipped with the Tor
software. Users can change this list, but are encouraged not to do so, in
order to avoid partitioning attacks.
Routers periodically upload signed "descriptors" to the directory
authorities describing their keys, capabilities, and other information.
Routers may act as directory mirrors (also called "caches"), to reduce
load on the directory authorities. They announce this in their
Each directory authority periodically generates and signs a compact
"network status" document that lists that authority's view of the current
descriptors and status for known routers, but which does not include the
descriptors themselves.
Directory mirrors download, cache, and re-serve network-status documents
to clients.
Clients, directory mirrors, and directory authorities all use
network-status documents to find out when their list of routers is
out-of-date. If it is, they download any missing router descriptors.
Clients download missing descriptors from mirrors; mirrors and authorities
download from authorities. Descriptors are downloaded by the hash of the
descriptor, not by the server's identity key: this prevents servers from
attacking clients by giving them descriptors nobody else uses.
All directory information is uploaded and downloaded with HTTP.
Coordination among directory authorities is done client-side: clients
compute a vote-like algorithm among the network-status documents they
have, and base their decisions on the result.
1.1. What's different from 0.1.0.x?
Clients used to download a signed concatenated set of router descriptors
(called a "directory") from directory mirrors, regardless of which
descriptors had changed.
Between downloading directories, clients would download "network-status"
documents that would list which servers were supposed to running.
Clients would always believe the most recently published network-status
document they were served.
Routers used to upload fresh descriptors all the time, whether their keys
and other information had changed or not.
2. Router operation
The router descriptor format is unchanged from tor-spec.txt.
ORs SHOULD generate a new router descriptor whenever any of the
following events have occurred:
- A period of time (18 hrs by default) has passed since the last
time a descriptor was generated.
- A descriptor field other than bandwidth or uptime has changed.
- Bandwidth has changed by more than +/- 50% from the last time a
descriptor was generated, and at least a given interval of time
(20 mins by default) has passed since then.
- Its uptime has been reset (by restarting).
After generating a descriptor, ORs upload it to every directory
authority they know, by posting it to the URL
3. Network status format
Directory authorities generate, sign, and compress network-status
documents. Directory servers SHOULD generate a fresh network-status
document when the contents of such a document would be different from the
last one generated, and some time (at least one second, possibly longer)
has passed since the last one was generated.
The network status document contains a preamble, a set of router status
entries, and a signature, in that order.
We use the same meta-format as used for directories and router descriptors
in "tor-spec.txt". Implementations MAY insert blank lines
for clarity between sections; these blank lines are ignored.
Implementations MUST NOT depend on blank lines in any particular location.
As used here, "whitespace" is a sequence of 1 or more tab or space
The preamble contains:
"network-status-version" -- A document format version. For this
specification, the version is "2".
"dir-source" -- The authority's hostname, current IP address, and
directory port, all separated by whitespace.
"fingerprint" -- A base16-encoded hash of the signing key's
fingerprint, with no additional spaces added.
"contact" -- An arbitrary string describing how to contact the
directory server's administrator. Administrators should include at
least an email address and a PGP fingerprint.
"dir-signing-key" -- The directory server's public signing key.
"client-versions" -- A comma-separated list of recommended client
"server-versions" -- A comma-separated list of recommended server
"published" -- The publication time for this network-status object.
"dir-options" -- A set of flags, in any order, separated by whitespace:
"Names" if this directory authority performs name bindings.
"Versions" if this directory authority recommends software versions.
The dir-options entry is optional. The "-versions" entries are required if
the "Versions" flag is present. The other entries are required and must
appear exactly once. The "network-status-version" entry must appear first;
the others may appear in any order. Implementations MUST ignore
additional arguments to the items above, and MUST ignore unrecognized
For each router, the router entry contains: (This format is designed for
"r" -- followed by the following elements, in order, separated by
- The OR's nickname,
- A hash of its identity key, encoded in base64, with trailing =
signs removed.
- A hash of its most recent descriptor, encoded in base64, with
trailing = signs removed. (The hash is calculated as for
computing the signature of a descriptor.)
- The publication time of its most recent descriptor, in the form
- An IP address
- An OR port
- A directory port (or "0" for none")
"s" -- A series of whitespace-separated status flags, in any order:
"Authority" if the router is a directory authority.
"Exit" if the router is useful for building general-purpose exit
"Fast" if the router is suitable for high-bandwidth circuits.
"Guard" if the router is suitable for use as an entry guard.
(Currently, this means 'fast' and 'stable'.)
"Named" if the router's identity-nickname mapping is canonical,
and this authority binds names.
"Stable" if the router is suitable for long-lived circuits.
"Running" if the router is currently usable.
"Valid" if the router has been 'validated'.
"V2Dir" if the router implements this protocol.
The "r" entry for each router must appear first and is required. The
's" entry is optional. Unrecognized flags and extra elements on the
"r" line must be ignored.
The signature section contains:
"directory-signature". A signature of the rest of the document using
the directory authority's signing key.
We compress the network status list with zlib before transmitting it.
3.1. Establishing server status
[[XXXXX Describe how authorities actually decide Fast, Named, Stable,
Running, Valid
For each OR, a directory server remembers whether the OR was running and
functional the last time they tried to connect to it, and possibly other
liveness information.
Directory server administrators may label some servers or IPs as
blacklisted, and elect not to include them in their network-status lists.
Thus, the network-status list includes all non-blacklisted,
non-expired, non-superseded descriptors for ORs that the directory has
observed at least once to be running.
Directory server administrators may decide to support name binding. If
they do, then they must maintain a file of nickname-to-identity-key
mappings, and try to keep this file consistent with other directory
servers. If they don't, they act as clients, and report bindings made by
other directory servers (name X is bound to identity Y if at least one
binding directory lists it, and no directory binds X to some other Y'.)
4. Directory server operation
All directory authorities and directory mirrors ("directory servers")
implement this section, except as noted.
4.1. Accepting uploads (authorities only)
When a router posts a signed descriptor to a directory authority, the
authority first checks whether it is well-formed and correctly
self-signed. If it is, the authority next verifies that the nickname
question is already assigned to a router with a different public key.
Finally, the authority MAY check that the router is not blacklisted
because of its key, IP, or another reason.
If the descriptor passes these tests, and the authority does not already
have a descriptor for a router with this public key, it accepts the
descriptor and remembers it.
If the authority _does_ have a descriptor with the same public key, the
newly uploaded descriptor is remembered if its publication time is more
recent than the most recent old descriptor for that router, and either:
- There are non-cosmetic differences between the old descriptor and the
new one.
- Enough time has passed between the descriptors' publication times.
(Currently, 12 hours.)
Differences between router descriptors are "non-cosmetic" if they would be
sufficient to force an upload as described in section 2 above.
Note that the "cosmetic difference" test only applies to uploaded
descriptors, not to descriptors that the authority downloads from other
4.2. Downloading network-status documents
All directory servers (authorities and mirrors) try to keep a fresh
set of network-status documents from every authority. To do so,
every 5 minutes, each authority asks every other authority for its
most recent network-status document. Every 15 minutes, each mirror
picks a random authority and asks it for the most recent network-status
documents for all the authorities the authority knows about (including
the chosen authority itself).
Directory servers and mirrors remember and serve the most recent
network-status document they have from each authority. Other
network-status documents don't need to be stored. If the most recent
network-status document is over 10 days old, it is discarded anyway.
Mirrors SHOULD store and serve network-status documents from authorities
they don't recognize, but SHOULD NOT use such documents for any other
4.3. Downloading and storing router descriptors
Periodically (currently, every 10 seconds), directory servers check
whether there are any specific descriptors (as identified by descriptor
hash in a network-status document) that they do not have and that they
are not currently trying to download.
If so, the directory server launches requests to the authorities for these
descriptors, such that each authority is only asked for descriptors listed
in its most recent network-status. When more than one authority lists the
descriptor, we choose which to ask at random.
If one of these downloads fails, we do not try to download that descriptor
from the authority that failed to serve it again unless we receive a newer
network-status from that authority that lists the same descriptor.
Directory servers must potentially cache multiple descriptors for each
router. Servers must not discard any descriptor listed by any current
network-status document from any authority. If there is enough space to
store additional descriptors [XXXXXX then how do we pick.]
Authorities SHOULD NOT download descriptors for routers that they would
immediately reject for reasons listed in 3.1.
4.4. HTTP URLs
"Fingerprints" in these URLs are base-16-encoded SHA1 hashes.
The authoritative network-status published by a host should be available at:
The network-status published by a host with fingerprint
<F> should be available at:
The network-status documents published by hosts with fingerprints
<F1>,<F2>,<F3> should be available at:
The most recent network-status documents from all known authorities,
concatenated, should be available at:
The most recent descriptor for a server whose identity key has a
fingerprint of <F> should be available at:
The most recent descriptors for servers with identity fingerprints
<F1>,<F2>,<F3> should be available at:
(NOTE: Implementations SHOULD NOT download descriptors by identity key
fingerprint. This allows a corrupted server (in collusion with a cache) to
provide a unique descriptor to a client, and thereby partition that client
from the rest of the network.)
The descriptor for a server whose digest (in hex) is <D> should be
available at:
The most recent descriptors with digests <D1>,<D2>,<D3> should be
available at:
The most recent descriptor for this server should be at:
A concatenated set of the most recent descriptors for all known servers
should be available at:
For debugging, directories SHOULD expose non-compressed objects at URLs like
the above, but without the final ".z".
Clients MUST handle compressed concatenated information in two forms:
- A concatenated list of zlib-compressed objects.
- A zlib-compressed concatenated list of objects.
Directory servers MAY generate either format: the former requires less
CPU, but the latter requires less bandwidth.
5. Client operation: downloading information
Every Tor that is not a directory server (that is, clients and ORs that do
not have a DirPort set) implements this section.
5.1. Downloading network-status documents
Each client maintains an ordered list of directory authorities.
Insofar as possible, clients SHOULD all use the same ordered list.
Clients check whether they have enough recently published network-status
documents (currently, this means that they must have a network-status
published within the last 48 hours for over half of the authorities).
If they do not, they download enough network-status documents so that this
is so.
Also, if the most recently published network-status document is over 30
minutes old, the client downloads a network-status document.
When choosing which documents to download, clients treat their list of
directory authorities as a circular ring, and begin with the authority
appearing immediately after the authority for their most recently
published network-status document.
If enough mirrors (currently 4) claim not to have a given network status,
we stop trying to download that authority's network-status, until we
download a new network-status that makes us believe that the authority in
question is running.
Network-status documents published over 10 hours in the past are
5.2. Downloading router descriptors
Clients try to have the best descriptor for each router. A descriptor is
"best" if:
* it the most recently published descriptor listed for that router by
at least two network-status documents.
* OR, no descriptor for that router is listed by two or more
network-status documents, and it is the most recently published
descriptor listed by any network-status document.
Periodically (currently every 10 seconds) clients check whether there are
any "downloadable" descriptors. A descriptor is downloadable if:
- It is the "best" descriptor for some router.
- The descriptor was published at least 5 minutes (???) in the past.
[This prevents clients from trying to fetch descriptors that the
mirrors have not yet retrieved and cached.]
- The client does not currently have it.
- The client is not currently trying to download it.
If at least 1/16 of known routers have downloadable descriptors, or if
enough time (currently 10 minutes) has passed since the last time the
client tried to download descriptors, it launches requests for all
downloadable descriptors, as described in 5.3 below.
When a descriptor download fails, the client notes it, and does not
consider the descriptor downloadable again until a certain amount of time
has passed. (Currently 0 seconds for the first failure, 60 seconds for the
second, 5 minutes for the third, 10 minutes for the fourth, and 1 day
thereafter.) Periodically (currently once an hour) clients reset the
failure count.
No descriptors are downloaded until the client has downloaded more than
half of the network-status documents.
5.3. Managing downloads
When a client has no live network-status documents, it downloads
network-status documents from a randomly chosen authority. In all other
cases, the client downloads from mirrors randomly chosen from among those
believed to be V2 directory servers. (This information comes from the
network-status documents; see 6 below.)
When downloading multiple router descriptors, the client chooses multiple
mirrors so that:
- At least 3 different mirrors are used, except when this would result
in more than one request for under 4 descriptors.
- No more than 128 descriptors are requested from a single mirror.
- Otherwise, as few mirrors as possible are used.
After choosing mirrors, the client divides the descriptors among them
After receiving any response client MUST discard any network-status
documents and descriptors that it did not request.
6. Using directory information
Everyone besides directory authorities uses the approaches in this section
to decide which servers to use and what their keys are likely to be.
(Directory authorities just believe their own opinions, as in 3.1 above.)
6.1. Choosing routers for circuits.
Tor implementations only pay attention to "live" network-status documents.
A network status is "live" if it is the most recently downloaded network
status document for a given directory server, and the server is a
directory server trusted by the client, and the network-status document is
no more than 2 days old.
For time-sensitive information, Tor implementations focus on "recent"
network-status documents. A network status is "recent" if it is live, and
if it was published in the last 60 minutes. If there are fewer
than 3 such documents, the most recently published 3 are "recent." If
there are fewer than 3 in all, all are "recent.")
Circuits SHOULD NOT be built until the client has enough directory
information: at least two live network-status documents, and descriptors
for at least 1/4 of the servers believed to be running.
A server is "listed" if it is included by more than half of the live
network status documents. Clients SHOULD NOT use unlisted servers.
A server is "valid" if it is listed as valid by more than half of the live
network-status documents. Clients SHOULD NOT use non-valid servers unless
specifically configured to do so.
A server is "running" if it is listed as running by more than half of the
recent network-status documents. Clients SHOULD NOT try to use
non-running servers.
A server is believed to be a directory mirror if it is listed as a V2
directory by more than half of the recent network-status documents.
6.1. Managing naming
In order to provide human-memorable names for individual server
identities, some directory servers bind names to IDs. Clients handle
names in two ways:
When a client encounters a name it has not mapped before:
If all the live "Naming" network-status documents the client has
claim that the name binds to some identity ID, and the client has at
least three live network-status documents, the client maps the name to
If a client encounters a name it has mapped before:
It uses the last-mapped identity value, unless all of the "Naming"
network status documents that list the name bind it to some other
When a user tries to refer to a router with a name that does not have a
mapping under the above rules, the implementation SHOULD warn the user.
After giving the warning, the implementation MAY use a router that at
least one Naming authority maps the name to, so long as no other naming
authority maps that name to a different router.
6.2. Software versions
An implementation of Tor SHOULD warn when it has live network-statuses from
more than half of the authorities, and it is running a software version
not listed on more than half of the live "Versioning" network-status
- Resolve XXXXs
- Are the magic numbers above sane?
- Client-knowledge partitioning is worrisome. Most versions of this
don't seem to be worse than the Danezis-Murdoch tracing attack, since
an attacker can't do more than deduce probable exits from entries (or
vice versa). But what about when the client connects to A and B but in
a different order? How bad can it be partitioned based on its