/* Copyright (c) 2015-2018, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ #define LOG_PRIVATE #include "torlog.h" #include "log_test_helpers.h" /** * \file log_test_helpers.c * \brief Code to check for expected log messages during testing. */ static void mock_saving_logv(int severity, log_domain_mask_t domain, const char *funcname, const char *suffix, const char *format, va_list ap) CHECK_PRINTF(5, 0); /** * Smartlist of all the logs we've received since we last set up * log capture. */ static smartlist_t *saved_logs = NULL; /** Boolean: should we also send messages to the test-runner? */ static int echo_to_real_logs = 1; /** Record logs at this level or more severe */ static int record_logs_at_level = LOG_ERR; static int saved_log_level = 0; /** * As setup_capture_of_logs, but do not relay log messages into the main * logging system. * * Avoid using this function; use setup_capture_of_logs() instead if you * can. If you must use this function, then make sure you detect any * unexpected log messages, and treat them as test failures. */ void setup_full_capture_of_logs(int new_level) { setup_capture_of_logs(new_level); echo_to_real_logs = 0; } /** * Temporarily capture all the messages logged at severity new_level or * higher. * * This function does not prevent messages from being sent to the main * logging system. */ void setup_capture_of_logs(int new_level) { if (saved_log_level == 0) { saved_log_level = log_global_min_severity_; } else { tor_assert(0); } /* Only change the log_global_min_severity_ if we're making things _more_ * verbose. Otherwise we could prevent real log messages that the test- * runner wanted. */ if (log_global_min_severity_ < new_level) log_global_min_severity_ = new_level; record_logs_at_level = new_level; mock_clean_saved_logs(); saved_logs = smartlist_new(); MOCK(logv, mock_saving_logv); echo_to_real_logs = 1; } /** * Undo setup_capture_of_logs(). * * This function is safe to call more than once. */ void teardown_capture_of_logs(void) { UNMOCK(logv); if (saved_log_level) log_global_min_severity_ = saved_log_level; saved_log_level = 0; mock_clean_saved_logs(); } /** * Clear all messages in mock_saved_logs() */ void mock_clean_saved_logs(void) { if (!saved_logs) return; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(saved_logs, mock_saved_log_entry_t *, m, { tor_free(m->generated_msg); tor_free(m); }); smartlist_free(saved_logs); saved_logs = NULL; } /** * Return a list of all the messages captured since the last * setup_[full_]capture_of_logs() call. Each log call is recorded as a * mock_saved_log_entry_t. */ const smartlist_t * mock_saved_logs(void) { return saved_logs; } int mock_saved_log_n_entries(void) { return saved_logs ? smartlist_len(saved_logs) : 0; } /** * Return true iff there is a message recorded by log capture * that is exactly equal to msg */ int mock_saved_log_has_message(const char *msg) { if (saved_logs) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(saved_logs, mock_saved_log_entry_t *, m, { if (msg && m->generated_msg && !strcmp(msg, m->generated_msg)) { return 1; } }); } return 0; } /** * Return true iff there is a message recorded by log capture * that contains msg as a substring. */ int mock_saved_log_has_message_containing(const char *msg) { if (saved_logs) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(saved_logs, mock_saved_log_entry_t *, m, { if (msg && m->generated_msg && strstr(m->generated_msg, msg)) { return 1; } }); } return 0; } /** Return true iff the saved logs have any messages with severity */ int mock_saved_log_has_severity(int severity) { int has_sev = 0; if (saved_logs) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(saved_logs, mock_saved_log_entry_t *, m, { if (m->severity == severity) { has_sev = 1; } }); } return has_sev; } /** Return true iff the the saved logs have at lease one message */ int mock_saved_log_has_entry(void) { if (saved_logs) { return smartlist_len(saved_logs) > 0; } return 0; } /* Replacement for logv: record the log message, and (maybe) send it * into the logging system again. */ static void mock_saving_logv(int severity, log_domain_mask_t domain, const char *funcname, const char *suffix, const char *format, va_list ap) { char *buf = tor_malloc_zero(10240); int n; n = tor_vsnprintf(buf,10240,format,ap); tor_assert(n < 10240-1); buf[n]='\n'; buf[n+1]='\0'; if (echo_to_real_logs) { tor_log(severity, domain|LD_NO_MOCK, "%s", buf); } if (severity > record_logs_at_level) { tor_free(buf); return; } if (!saved_logs) saved_logs = smartlist_new(); mock_saved_log_entry_t *e = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(mock_saved_log_entry_t)); e->severity = severity; e->funcname = funcname; e->suffix = suffix; e->format = format; e->generated_msg = tor_strdup(buf); tor_free(buf); smartlist_add(saved_logs, e); } void mock_dump_saved_logs(void) { if (saved_logs == NULL) { puts(" Captured logs: NULL"); return; } puts(" Captured logs:"); SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(saved_logs, const mock_saved_log_entry_t *, m) { printf("% 5d. %s: %s\n", m_sl_idx + 1, log_level_to_string(m->severity), escaped(m->generated_msg)); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(m); }