/* Copyright (c) 2016-2019, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /** * @file shared_random_state.h * @brief Header for shared_random_state.c **/ #ifndef TOR_SHARED_RANDOM_STATE_H #define TOR_SHARED_RANDOM_STATE_H #include "feature/dirauth/shared_random.h" /** Action that can be performed on the state for any objects. */ typedef enum { SR_STATE_ACTION_GET = 1, SR_STATE_ACTION_PUT = 2, SR_STATE_ACTION_DEL = 3, SR_STATE_ACTION_DEL_ALL = 4, SR_STATE_ACTION_SAVE = 5, } sr_state_action_t; /** Object in the state that can be queried through the state API. */ typedef enum { /** Will return a single commit using an authority identity key. */ SR_STATE_OBJ_COMMIT, /** Returns the entire list of commits from the state. */ SR_STATE_OBJ_COMMITS, /** Return the current SRV object pointer. */ SR_STATE_OBJ_CURSRV, /** Return the previous SRV object pointer. */ SR_STATE_OBJ_PREVSRV, /** Return the phase. */ SR_STATE_OBJ_PHASE, /** Get or Put the valid after time. */ SR_STATE_OBJ_VALID_AFTER, } sr_state_object_t; /** State of the protocol. It's also saved on disk in fname. This data * structure MUST be synchronized at all time with the one on disk. */ typedef struct sr_state_t { /** Filename of the state file on disk. */ char *fname; /** Version of the protocol. */ uint32_t version; /** The valid-after of the voting period we have prepared the state for. */ time_t valid_after; /** Until when is this state valid? */ time_t valid_until; /** Protocol phase. */ sr_phase_t phase; /** Number of runs completed. */ uint64_t n_protocol_runs; /** The number of commitment rounds we've performed in this protocol run. */ unsigned int n_commit_rounds; /** The number of reveal rounds we've performed in this protocol run. */ unsigned int n_reveal_rounds; /** A map of all the received commitments for this protocol run. This is * indexed by authority RSA identity digest. */ digestmap_t *commits; /** Current shared random value. */ sr_srv_t *previous_srv; /** Previous shared random value. */ sr_srv_t *current_srv; /** Indicate if the state contains an SRV that was _just_ generated. This is * used during voting so that we know whether to use the super majority rule * or not when deciding on keeping it for the consensus. It is _always_ set * to 0 post consensus. * * EDGE CASE: if an authority computes a new SRV then immediately reboots * and, once back up, votes for the current round, it won't know if the * SRV is fresh or not ultimately making it _NOT_ use the super majority * when deciding to put or not the SRV in the consensus. This is for now * an acceptable very rare edge case. */ unsigned int is_srv_fresh:1; } sr_state_t; /** Persistent state of the protocol, as saved to disk. */ typedef struct sr_disk_state_t { uint32_t magic_; /** Version of the protocol. */ int Version; /** Version of our running tor. */ char *TorVersion; /** Creation time of this state */ time_t ValidAfter; /** State valid until? */ time_t ValidUntil; /** All commits seen that are valid. */ struct config_line_t *Commit; /** Previous and current shared random value. */ struct config_line_t *SharedRandValues; /** Extra Lines for configuration we might not know. */ struct config_line_t *ExtraLines; } sr_disk_state_t; /* API */ /* Public methods: */ void sr_state_update(time_t valid_after); /* Private methods (only used by shared-random.c): */ void sr_state_set_valid_after(time_t valid_after); sr_phase_t sr_state_get_phase(void); const sr_srv_t *sr_state_get_previous_srv(void); const sr_srv_t *sr_state_get_current_srv(void); void sr_state_set_previous_srv(const sr_srv_t *srv); void sr_state_set_current_srv(const sr_srv_t *srv); void sr_state_clean_srvs(void); digestmap_t *sr_state_get_commits(void); sr_commit_t *sr_state_get_commit(const char *rsa_fpr); void sr_state_add_commit(sr_commit_t *commit); void sr_state_delete_commits(void); void sr_state_copy_reveal_info(sr_commit_t *saved_commit, const sr_commit_t *commit); unsigned int sr_state_srv_is_fresh(void); void sr_state_set_fresh_srv(void); void sr_state_unset_fresh_srv(void); int sr_state_init(int save_to_disk, int read_from_disk); int sr_state_is_initialized(void); void sr_state_save(void); void sr_state_free_all(void); #ifdef SHARED_RANDOM_STATE_PRIVATE STATIC int disk_state_load_from_disk_impl(const char *fname); STATIC sr_phase_t get_sr_protocol_phase(time_t valid_after); STATIC time_t get_state_valid_until_time(time_t now); STATIC const char *get_phase_str(sr_phase_t phase); STATIC void reset_state_for_new_protocol_run(time_t valid_after); STATIC void new_protocol_run(time_t valid_after); STATIC void state_rotate_srv(void); STATIC int is_phase_transition(sr_phase_t next_phase); #endif /* defined(SHARED_RANDOM_STATE_PRIVATE) */ #ifdef TOR_UNIT_TESTS STATIC void set_sr_phase(sr_phase_t phase); STATIC sr_state_t *get_sr_state(void); STATIC void state_del_previous_srv(void); STATIC void state_del_current_srv(void); #endif /* defined(TOR_UNIT_TESTS) */ #endif /* !defined(TOR_SHARED_RANDOM_STATE_H) */