#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright 2007 Nick Mathewson. See LICENSE for licensing information. use strict; my $propdir = "."; local *DIR; local *F; opendir(DIR, $propdir) || die "Can't open $propdir"; my @files = sort grep { /^\d\d\d-.*[^\~]$/ } readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; my %title = (); my %status = (); my @KNOWN_STATUSES = qw{ DRAFT OPEN NEEDS-REVISION NEEDS-RESEARCH ACCEPTED META FINISHED CLOSED SUPERSEDED DEAD}; for my $f (@files) { my $num = substr($f, 0, 3); my $status = undef; my $title = undef; my $implemented_in = undef; my $target = undef; my $alleged_fname = undef; if ($f !~ /\.txt/) { print "$f doesn't end with .txt\n"; } open(F, "$f"); while () { last if (/^\s*$/); if (/^Status: (.*)/) { $status = uc $1; chomp $status; } if (/^Filename: (.*)/) { $alleged_fname = $1; chomp $alleged_fname; } if (/^Title: (.*)/) { $title = $1; $title =~ s/\.$//; chomp $title; } if (/^Implemented-In: (.*)/) { $implemented_in = $1; chomp $implemented_in; } if (/^Target: (.*)/) { $target = $1; chomp $target; } } close F; die "Proposal $num has no status line" if (!defined $status); die "I've never heard of status $status in proposal $num" unless (grep(/$status/, @KNOWN_STATUSES) == 1); die "Proposal $num has no title line" if (!defined $title); die "Proposal $num has no Filename line" unless (defined $alleged_fname); die "Proposal $num says its fname is $alleged_fname, but it's really $f" if ($alleged_fname ne $f); print "No Target for proposal $num\n" if (($status eq 'OPEN' or $status eq 'ACCEPTED') and !defined $target); print "No Implemented-In for proposal $num\n" if (($status eq 'CLOSED' or $status eq 'FINISHED') and !defined $implemented_in); $title{$num} = $title; $status{$num} = $status; } local *OUT; open(OUT, ">000-index.txt.tmp"); open(F, "000-index.txt") or die "Can't open index file."; while () { print OUT; last if (/^={3,}/); } close(F); print OUT "Proposals by number:\n\n"; for my $num (sort keys %title) { print OUT "$num $title{$num} [$status{$num}]\n"; } print OUT "\n\nProposals by status:\n\n"; for my $status (@KNOWN_STATUSES) { print OUT " $status:\n"; for my $num (sort keys %status) { next unless ($status{$num} eq $status); print OUT " $num $title{$num}\n"; } } rename('000-index.txt.tmp', '000-index.txt');