Abstract This document explains how to tell about how many Tor users there are, and how many there are in which country. Statistics are involved. Motivation There are a few reasons we need to keep track of which countries Tor users (in aggregate) are coming from: - Resource allocation. Knowing about underserved countries with lots of users can let us know about where we need to direct translation and outreach efforts. - Anticensorship. Sudden drops in usage on a national basis can indicate the arrival of a censorious firewall. - Sponsor outreach and self-evalutation. Many people and organizations who are interested in funding The Tor Project's work want to know that we're successfully serving parts of the world they're interested in, and that efforts to expand our userbase are actually succeeding. So do we. Goals We want to know approximately how many Tor users there are, and which countries they're in, even in the presence of a hypothetical "directory guard" feature. Some uncertainty is okay, but we'd like to be able to put a bound on the uncertainty. We need to make sure this information isn't exposed in a way that helps an adversary. Methods for curent clients: Every client downloads network status documents. There are currently three methods (one hypothetical) for clients to get them. - 0.1.2.x clients (and earlier) fetch a v2 networkstatus document about every NETWORKSTATUS_CLIENT_DL_INTERVAL [30 minutes]. - 0.2.0.x clients fetch a v3 networkstatus consensus document at a random interval between when their current document is no longer freshest, and when their current document is about to expire. [In both of the above cases, clients choose a running directory cache at random with odds roughly proportional to its bandwidth. If they're just starting, they know a ] - In some future version, clients will choose directory caches to serve as their "directory guards" to avoid profiling attacks, similarly to how clients currently start all their circuits at guard nodes. We assume that a directory cache can tell which of these three categories a client is in by the format of its status request. A directory cache can be made to count distinct client IP addresses that make a certain request of it in a given timeframe, and total requests made to it over that timeframe. For the first two cases, a cache can get a picture of the overall number and countries of users in the network by dividing the IP count by the probability with which they (as a cache) would be chosen. Assuming that our listed bandwidth is such that we expect to be chosen with probability P for any given request, and we've been counting IPs for long enough that we expect the average client to have made N requests, they will have visited us at least once with probability P' = 1-(1-P)^N, and so we divide the IP counts we've seen by P' for our estimate. To estimate total number of clients of a given type, determine how many requests a client of that type will make over that time, and assume we'll have seen P of them. Both of these numbers are useful: the IP counts will give the total number of IPs connecting to the network, and the request counts will give the total number of users on the network at any given time. Notes: - [Over H hours, the N for V2 clients is 2*H, and the N for V3 clients is currently around N/2 or N/3.] - (We should only count requests that we actually intend to answer; 503 requests shouldn't count.) - These measurements should also be be taken at a directory authority if possible: their picture of the network is skewed by clients that fetch from them directly. These clients, however, are all the clients that are just bootstrapping (assuming that the fallback-consensus feature isn't yet used much). - These measurements also overestimate the V2 download rate if some downloads fail and clients retry them later after backing off. Methods for directory guards: If directory guards are in use, directory guards get a picture of all those users who chose them as a guard when they were listed as a good choice for a guard, and who are also on the network now. The cleanest data here will come from nodes that were listed as good new-guards choices for a while, and have not been so for a while longer (to study decay rates); nodes that have been listed as good new-guard choices consistently for a long time (to get a sample of the network); and nodes that have been listed as good new-guard choices only recently (to get a sample of new users and users whose guards have died out.) Since directory guards are currently unspecified, we'll need to make some guesses about how they'll turn out to work. Here are a couple of approaches that could work. - We could have clients pick completely new directory guards on a rolling basis every two months or so. This would ensure that staying as a guard for a while would be sufficient to see a sample of users. This is potentially advantageous for load-balancing the network as well, though it might lose some of the benefits of directory guard. We need to quantify the impact of this; it might not actually make stuff worse in practice, if most guards don't stay good guards for a month or two. - We could try to collect statistics at several directory guards and combine their statisics, but we would need to make sure that for all time, at least one of the directory guards had been recommended as a good choice for new guards. By looking at new-IP rates for guards, we could get an idea of user uptake; for looking at old-IP decay rates, we could get an idea of turnover. This approach would entail significant complexity, and we'd probably need to record more information than we'd really like to.