/* Copyright 2004 Nick Mathewson */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /* $Id$ */ #include "or.h" #define CONTROL_CMD_ERROR 0x0000 #define CONTROL_CMD_DONE 0x0001 #define CONTROL_CMD_SETCONF 0x0002 #define CONTROL_CMD_GETCONF 0x0003 #define CONTROL_CMD_CONFVALUE 0x0004 #define CONTROL_CMD_SETEVENTS 0x0005 #define CONTROL_CMD_EVENT 0x0006 #define CONTROL_CMD_AUTHENTICATE 0x0007 #define _CONTROL_CMD_MAX_RECOGNIZED 0x0007 #define ERR_UNSPECIFIED 0x0000 #define ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_TYPE 0x0001 #define ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_CONFIG_KEY 0x0002 #define ERR_INVALID_CONFIG_VALUE 0x0003 #define ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_EVENT_CODE 0x0004 #define ERR_UNAUTHORIZED_USER 0x0005 #define ERR_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION 0x0006 #define _EVENT_MIN 0x0001 #define EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS 0x0001 #define EVENT_STREAM_STATUS 0x0002 #define EVENT_OR_CONN_STATUS 0x0003 #define EVENT_BANDWIDTH_USED 0x0004 #define EVENT_WARNING 0x0005 #define _EVENT_MAX 0x0005 #define EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(e) (global_event_mask & (1<<(e))) static const char *CONTROL_COMMANDS[] = { "error", "done", "setconf", "getconf", "confvalue", "setevents", "events", "authenticate", }; static uint32_t global_event_mask = 0; static void update_global_event_mask(void); static void send_control_message(connection_t *conn, uint16_t type, uint16_t len, const char *body); static void send_control_done(connection_t *conn); static void send_control_error(connection_t *conn, uint16_t error, const char *message); static void send_control_event(uint16_t event, uint16_t len, const char *body); static int handle_control_setconf(connection_t *conn, uint16_t len, const char *body); static int handle_control_getconf(connection_t *conn, uint16_t len, const char *body); static int handle_control_setevents(connection_t *conn, uint16_t len, const char *body); static int handle_control_authenticate(connection_t *conn, uint16_t len, const char *body); static INLINE const char * control_cmd_to_string(uint16_t cmd) { return (cmd<=_CONTROL_CMD_MAX_RECOGNIZED) ? CONTROL_COMMANDS[cmd] : "Unknown"; } static void update_global_event_mask(void) { connection_t **conns; int n_conns, i; global_event_mask = 0; get_connection_array(&conns, &n_conns); for (i = 0; i < n_conns; ++i) { if (conns[i]->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL && conns[i]->state == CONTROL_CONN_STATE_OPEN) { global_event_mask |= conns[i]->event_mask; } } } static void send_control_message(connection_t *conn, uint16_t type, uint16_t len, const char *body) { char buf[4]; tor_assert(conn); tor_assert(len || !body); tor_assert(type <= _CONTROL_CMD_MAX_RECOGNIZED); set_uint32(buf, htons(len)); set_uint32(buf+2, htons(type)); connection_write_to_buf(buf, 4, conn); if (len) connection_write_to_buf(body, len, conn); } static void send_control_done(connection_t *conn) { send_control_message(conn, CONTROL_CMD_DONE, 0, NULL); } static void send_control_error(connection_t *conn, uint16_t error, const char *message) { char buf[256]; size_t len; set_uint16(buf, htons(error)); len = strlen(message); tor_assert(len < (256-2)); memcpy(buf+2, message, len); send_control_message(conn, CONTROL_CMD_ERROR, len+2, buf); } static void send_control_event(uint16_t event, uint16_t len, const char *body) { connection_t **conns; int n_conns, i; get_connection_array(&conns, &n_conns); for (i = 0; i < n_conns; ++i) { if (conns[i]->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL && conns[i]->state == CONTROL_CONN_STATE_OPEN && conns[i]->event_mask & (1< _EVENT_MAX) { send_control_error(conn, ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_EVENT_CODE, "Unrecognized event code"); return 0; } event_mask |= (1 << event_code); } conn->event_mask = event_mask; update_global_event_mask(); send_control_done(conn); return 0; } static int handle_control_authenticate(connection_t *conn, uint16_t len, const char *body) { if (0/* XXXX009 NM */) { send_control_done(conn); conn->state = CONTROL_CONN_STATE_OPEN; } else { send_control_error(conn, ERR_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION,"Authentication failed"); } return 0; } int connection_control_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn) { tor_assert(conn); tor_assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL); connection_stop_writing(conn); return 0; } int connection_control_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn) { uint16_t body_len, command_type; char *body; tor_assert(conn); tor_assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_CONTROL); again: switch(fetch_from_buf_control(conn->inbuf, &body_len, &command_type, &body)) { case -1: log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Error in control command. Failing."); return -1; case 0: /* Control command not all here yet. Wait. */ return 0; case 1: /* We got a command. Process it. */ break; default: tor_assert(0); } /* We got a command. If we need authentication, only authentication * commands will be considered. */ if (conn->state == CONTROL_CONN_STATE_NEEDAUTH && command_type != CONTROL_CMD_AUTHENTICATE) { log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Rejecting '%s' command; authentication needed.", control_cmd_to_string(command_type)); send_control_error(conn, ERR_UNAUTHORIZED_USER, "Authentication required"); tor_free(body); goto again; } switch(command_type) { case CONTROL_CMD_SETCONF: if (handle_control_setconf(conn, body_len, body)) return -1; break; case CONTROL_CMD_GETCONF: if (handle_control_getconf(conn, body_len, body)) return -1; break; case CONTROL_CMD_SETEVENTS: if (handle_control_setevents(conn, body_len, body)) return -1; break; case CONTROL_CMD_AUTHENTICATE: if (handle_control_authenticate(conn, body_len, body)) return -1; break; case CONTROL_CMD_ERROR: case CONTROL_CMD_DONE: case CONTROL_CMD_CONFVALUE: case CONTROL_CMD_EVENT: log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Received client-only '%s' command; ignoring.", control_cmd_to_string(command_type)); send_control_error(conn, ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_TYPE, "Command type only valid from server to tor client"); break; default: log_fn(LOG_WARN, "Received unrecognized command type %d; ignoring.", (int)command_type); send_control_error(conn, ERR_UNRECOGNIZED_TYPE, "Unrecognized command type"); break; } tor_free(body); goto again; /* There might be more data. */ } int control_event_circuit_status(circuit_t *circ) { if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(EVENT_CIRCUIT_STATUS)) return 0; /* XXXXX009 NM */ return 0; } int control_event_stream_status(connection_t *conn) { tor_assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_AP); if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(EVENT_STREAM_STATUS)) return 0; /* XXXXX009 NM */ return 0; } int control_event_or_conn_status(connection_t *conn) { tor_assert(conn->type == CONN_TYPE_OR); if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(EVENT_OR_CONN_STATUS)) return 0; /* XXXXX009 NM */ return 0; } int control_event_bandwidth_used(uint32_t n_read, uint32_t n_written) { char buf[8]; if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(EVENT_BANDWIDTH_USED)) return 0; set_uint32(buf, htonl(n_read)); set_uint32(buf+4, htonl(n_read)); send_control_event(EVENT_BANDWIDTH_USED, 8, buf); return 0; } int control_event_warning(const char *msg) { size_t len; if (!EVENT_IS_INTERESTING(EVENT_WARNING)) return 0; len = strlen(msg); send_control_event(EVENT_WARNING, len+1, msg); return 0; } /* Local Variabls: mode:c indent-tabs-mode:nil c-basic-offset:2 End: */