/* Copyright (c) 2017, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ #include "or.h" #include "config.h" #include "conscache.h" #include "storagedir.h" #define CCE_MAGIC 0x17162253 #ifdef _WIN32 /* On Windows, unlink won't work if there's an active mmap. */ #define MUST_UNMAP_TO_UNLINK #endif /** * A consensus_cache_entry_t is a reference-counted handle to an * item in a consensus_cache_t. It can be mmapped into RAM, or not, * depending whether it's currently in use. */ struct consensus_cache_entry_t { uint32_t magic; /**< Must be set to CCE_MAGIC */ HANDLE_ENTRY(consensus_cache_entry, consensus_cache_entry_t); int32_t refcnt; /**< Reference count. */ unsigned can_remove : 1; /**< If true, we want to delete this file. */ /** If true, we intend to unmap this file as soon as we're done with it. */ unsigned release_aggressively : 1; /** Filename for this object within the storage_dir_t */ char *fname; /** Labels associated with this object. Immutable once the object * is created. */ config_line_t *labels; /** Pointer to the cache that includes this entry (if any). */ consensus_cache_t *in_cache; /** Since what time has this object been mapped into RAM, but with the cache * being the only having a reference to it? */ time_t unused_since; /** mmaped contents of the underlying file. May be NULL */ tor_mmap_t *map; /** Length of the body within map. */ size_t bodylen; /** Pointer to the body within map. */ const uint8_t *body; }; /** * A consensus_cache_t holds a directory full of labeled items. */ struct consensus_cache_t { /** Underling storage_dir_t to handle persistence */ storage_dir_t *dir; /** List of all the entries in the directory. */ smartlist_t *entries; }; static void consensus_cache_clear(consensus_cache_t *cache); static void consensus_cache_rescan(consensus_cache_t *); static void consensus_cache_entry_map(consensus_cache_t *, consensus_cache_entry_t *); static void consensus_cache_entry_unmap(consensus_cache_entry_t *ent); /** * Helper: Open a consensus cache in subdirectory subdir of the * data directory, to hold up to max_entries of data. */ consensus_cache_t * consensus_cache_open(const char *subdir, int max_entries) { consensus_cache_t *cache = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(consensus_cache_t)); char *directory = get_datadir_fname(subdir); cache->dir = storage_dir_new(directory, max_entries); tor_free(directory); if (!cache->dir) { tor_free(cache); return NULL; } consensus_cache_rescan(cache); return cache; } /** * Tell the sandbox (if any) configured by cfg to allow the * operations that cache will need. */ int consensus_cache_register_with_sandbox(consensus_cache_t *cache, struct sandbox_cfg_elem **cfg) { return storage_dir_register_with_sandbox(cache->dir, cfg); } /** * Helper: clear all entries from cache (but do not delete * any that aren't marked for removal */ static void consensus_cache_clear(consensus_cache_t *cache) { consensus_cache_delete_pending(cache, 0); SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(cache->entries, consensus_cache_entry_t *, ent) { ent->in_cache = NULL; consensus_cache_entry_decref(ent); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(ent); smartlist_free(cache->entries); cache->entries = NULL; } /** * Drop all storage held by cache. */ void consensus_cache_free(consensus_cache_t *cache) { if (! cache) return; if (cache->entries) { consensus_cache_clear(cache); } storage_dir_free(cache->dir); tor_free(cache); } /** * Write datalen bytes of data at data into the cache, * labeling that data with labels. On failure, return NULL. On * success, return a newly created consensus_cache_entry_t. * * The returned value will be owned by the cache, and you will have a * reference to it. Call consensus_cache_entry_decref() when you are * done with it. * * The provided labels MUST have distinct keys: if they don't, * this API does not specify which values (if any) for the duplicate keys * will be considered. */ consensus_cache_entry_t * consensus_cache_add(consensus_cache_t *cache, const config_line_t *labels, const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) { char *fname = NULL; int r = storage_dir_save_labeled_to_file(cache->dir, labels, data, datalen, &fname); if (r < 0 || fname == NULL) { return NULL; } consensus_cache_entry_t *ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(consensus_cache_entry_t)); ent->magic = CCE_MAGIC; ent->fname = fname; ent->labels = config_lines_dup(labels); ent->in_cache = cache; ent->unused_since = TIME_MAX; smartlist_add(cache->entries, ent); /* Start the reference count at 2: the caller owns one copy, and the * cache owns another. */ ent->refcnt = 2; return ent; } /** * Given a cache, return some entry for which key=value. * Return NULL if no such entry exists. * * Does not adjust reference counts. */ consensus_cache_entry_t * consensus_cache_find_first(consensus_cache_t *cache, const char *key, const char *value) { smartlist_t *tmp = smartlist_new(); consensus_cache_find_all(tmp, cache, key, value); consensus_cache_entry_t *ent = NULL; if (smartlist_len(tmp)) ent = smartlist_get(tmp, 0); smartlist_free(tmp); return ent; } /** * Given a cache, add every entry to out for which * key=value. If key is NULL, add every entry. * * Do not add any entry that has been marked for removal. * * Does not adjust reference counts. */ void consensus_cache_find_all(smartlist_t *out, consensus_cache_t *cache, const char *key, const char *value) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(cache->entries, consensus_cache_entry_t *, ent) { if (ent->can_remove == 1) { /* We want to delete this; pretend it isn't there. */ continue; } if (! key) { smartlist_add(out, ent); continue; } const char *found_val = consensus_cache_entry_get_value(ent, key); if (found_val && !strcmp(value, found_val)) { smartlist_add(out, ent); } } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(ent); } /** * Given a list of consensus_cache_entry_t, remove all those entries * that do not have key=value in their labels. * * Does not adjust reference counts. */ void consensus_cache_filter_list(smartlist_t *lst, const char *key, const char *value) { if (BUG(lst == NULL)) return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE if (key == NULL) return; SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(lst, consensus_cache_entry_t *, ent) { const char *found_val = consensus_cache_entry_get_value(ent, key); if (! found_val || strcmp(value, found_val)) { SMARTLIST_DEL_CURRENT(lst, ent); } } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(ent); } /** * If ent has a label with the given key, return its * value. Otherwise return NULL. * * The return value is only guaranteed to be valid for as long as you * hold a reference to ent. */ const char * consensus_cache_entry_get_value(const consensus_cache_entry_t *ent, const char *key) { const config_line_t *match = config_line_find(ent->labels, key); if (match) return match->value; else return NULL; } /** * Return a pointer to the labels in ent. * * This pointer is only guaranteed to be valid for as long as you * hold a reference to ent. */ const config_line_t * consensus_cache_entry_get_labels(const consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { return ent->labels; } /** * Increase the reference count of ent. */ void consensus_cache_entry_incref(consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { if (BUG(ent->magic != CCE_MAGIC)) return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE ++ent->refcnt; ent->unused_since = TIME_MAX; } /** * Release a reference held to ent. * * If it was the last reference, ent will be freed. Therefore, you must not * use ent after calling this function. */ void consensus_cache_entry_decref(consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { if (! ent) return; if (BUG(ent->refcnt <= 0)) return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE if (BUG(ent->magic != CCE_MAGIC)) return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE --ent->refcnt; if (ent->refcnt == 1 && ent->in_cache) { /* Only the cache has a reference: we don't need to keep the file * mapped */ if (ent->map) { if (ent->release_aggressively) { consensus_cache_entry_unmap(ent); } else { ent->unused_since = approx_time(); } } return; } if (ent->refcnt > 0) return; /* Refcount is zero; we can free it. */ if (ent->map) { consensus_cache_entry_unmap(ent); } tor_free(ent->fname); config_free_lines(ent->labels); consensus_cache_entry_handles_clear(ent); memwipe(ent, 0, sizeof(consensus_cache_entry_t)); tor_free(ent); } /** * Mark ent for deletion from the cache. Deletion will not occur * until the cache is the only place that holds a reference to ent. */ void consensus_cache_entry_mark_for_removal(consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { ent->can_remove = 1; } /** * Mark ent as the kind of entry that we don't need to keep mmap'd for * any longer than we're actually using it. */ void consensus_cache_entry_mark_for_aggressive_release(consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { ent->release_aggressively = 1; } /** * Try to read the body of ent into memory if it isn't already * loaded. On success, set *body_out to the body, *sz_out * to its size, and return 0. On failure return -1. * * The resulting body pointer will only be valid for as long as you * hold a reference to ent. */ int consensus_cache_entry_get_body(const consensus_cache_entry_t *ent, const uint8_t **body_out, size_t *sz_out) { if (BUG(ent->magic != CCE_MAGIC)) return -1; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE if (! ent->map) { if (! ent->in_cache) return -1; consensus_cache_entry_map((consensus_cache_t *)ent->in_cache, (consensus_cache_entry_t *)ent); if (! ent->map) { return -1; } } *body_out = ent->body; *sz_out = ent->bodylen; return 0; } /** * Unmap every mmap'd element of cache that has been unused * since cutoff. */ void consensus_cache_unmap_lazy(consensus_cache_t *cache, time_t cutoff) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(cache->entries, consensus_cache_entry_t *, ent) { tor_assert_nonfatal(ent->in_cache == cache); if (ent->refcnt > 1 || BUG(ent->in_cache == NULL)) { /* Somebody is using this entry right now */ continue; } if (ent->unused_since > cutoff) { /* Has been unused only for a little while */ continue; } if (ent->map == NULL) { /* Not actually mapped. */ continue; } consensus_cache_entry_unmap(ent); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(ent); } /** * Return the number of currently unused filenames available in this cache. */ int consensus_cache_get_n_filenames_available(consensus_cache_t *cache) { tor_assert(cache); int max = cache->max_entries; int used = smartlist_len(storage_dir_list(cache->dir)); #ifdef MUST_UNMAP_TO_UNLINK if (used > max) return 0; #else tor_assert_nonfatal(max >= used); #endif return max - used; } /** * Delete every element of cache has been marked with * consensus_cache_entry_mark_for_removal. If force is false, * retain those entries which are in use by something other than the cache. */ void consensus_cache_delete_pending(consensus_cache_t *cache, int force) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(cache->entries, consensus_cache_entry_t *, ent) { tor_assert_nonfatal(ent->in_cache == cache); int force_ent = force; #ifdef MUST_UNMAP_TO_UNLINK /* We cannot delete anything with an active mmap on win32, so no * force-deletion. */ if (ent->map) { force_ent = 0; } #endif if (! force_ent) { if (ent->refcnt > 1 || BUG(ent->in_cache == NULL)) { /* Somebody is using this entry right now */ continue; } } if (ent->can_remove == 0) { /* Don't want to delete this. */ continue; } if (BUG(ent->refcnt <= 0)) { continue; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE } SMARTLIST_DEL_CURRENT(cache->entries, ent); ent->in_cache = NULL; char *fname = tor_strdup(ent->fname); /* save a copy */ consensus_cache_entry_decref(ent); storage_dir_remove_file(cache->dir, fname); tor_free(fname); } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(ent); } /** * Internal helper: rescan cache and rebuild its list of entries. */ static void consensus_cache_rescan(consensus_cache_t *cache) { if (cache->entries) { consensus_cache_clear(cache); } cache->entries = smartlist_new(); const smartlist_t *fnames = storage_dir_list(cache->dir); SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(fnames, const char *, fname) { tor_mmap_t *map = NULL; config_line_t *labels = NULL; const uint8_t *body; size_t bodylen; map = storage_dir_map_labeled(cache->dir, fname, &labels, &body, &bodylen); if (! map) { /* Can't load this; continue */ log_warn(LD_FS, "Unable to map file %s from consensus cache: %s", escaped(fname), strerror(errno)); continue; } consensus_cache_entry_t *ent = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(consensus_cache_entry_t)); ent->magic = CCE_MAGIC; ent->fname = tor_strdup(fname); ent->labels = labels; ent->refcnt = 1; ent->in_cache = cache; ent->unused_since = TIME_MAX; smartlist_add(cache->entries, ent); tor_munmap_file(map); /* don't actually need to keep this around */ } SMARTLIST_FOREACH_END(fname); } /** * Make sure that ent is mapped into RAM. */ static void consensus_cache_entry_map(consensus_cache_t *cache, consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { if (ent->map) return; ent->map = storage_dir_map_labeled(cache->dir, ent->fname, NULL, &ent->body, &ent->bodylen); ent->unused_since = TIME_MAX; } /** * Unmap ent from RAM. * * Do not call this if something other than the cache is holding a reference * to ent */ static void consensus_cache_entry_unmap(consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { ent->unused_since = TIME_MAX; if (!ent->map) return; tor_munmap_file(ent->map); ent->map = NULL; ent->body = NULL; ent->bodylen = 0; ent->unused_since = TIME_MAX; } HANDLE_IMPL(consensus_cache_entry, consensus_cache_entry_t, ) #ifdef TOR_UNIT_TESTS /** * Testing only: Return true iff ent is mapped into memory. * * (In normal operation, this information is not exposed.) */ int consensus_cache_entry_is_mapped(consensus_cache_entry_t *ent) { if (ent->map) { tor_assert(ent->body); return 1; } else { tor_assert(!ent->body); return 0; } } #endif