Filename: 145-newguard-flag.txt Title: Separate "suitable as a guard" from "suitable as a new guard" Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Nick Mathewson Created: 1-Jul-2008 Status: Open [This could be obsoleted by proposal 141, which could replace NewGuard with a Guard weight.] Overview Right now, Tor has one flag that clients use both to tell which nodes should be kept as guards, and which nodes should be picked when choosing new guards. This proposal separates this flag into two. Motivation Balancing clients amoung guards is not done well by our current algorithm. When a new guard appears, it is chosen by clients looking for a new guard with the same probability as all existing guards... but new guards are likelier to be under capacity, whereas old guards are likelier to be under more use. Implementation We add a new flag, NewGuard. Clients will change so that when they are choosing new guards, they only consider nodes with the NewGuard flag set. For now, authorities will always set NewGuard if they are setting the Guard flag. Later, it will be easy to migrate authorities to set NewGuard for underused guards. Alternatives We might instead have authorities list weights with which nodes should be picked as guards.