Filename: 118-multiple-orports.txt Title: Advertising multiple ORPorts at once Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Nick Mathewson Created: 09-Jul-2007 Status: Draft Some notes follow. Please feel free to flesh them out, discard them, add in better ideas, etc. - Some way to configure which address:port combinations to listen on, and/or which to advertise. (The best way to support lots of ports is to have your firewall route all connections from those ports to Tor: this doesn't need anywhere near as many listening sockets. You only really want to listen on tons and tons of ports if your firewalling doesn't support this, or you don't have access to your local iptables/ipf/whatever. But if you want to do this with the firewall, you need the ability to advertise ports you aren't actually listening on.) (Cat would also like to see some discussion of the effect this is likely to have in environments that need to ban or limit Tor. "Speaking only for myself, in an environment where I need to keep a lid on Tor usage, having to chase port settings around makes it more likely that I'm going to move from limiting Tor to just plain banning it.") - Some way to advertise in one's router descriptor which address:port combinations you're listening on. For backward compatibility this should be a new line, not a change to the format of an existing line. - Possibly, some way to relay this information in network-status documents. - Some analysis of the impact on network-status and routerinfo size. My guess is "not much", but if it turns out to be a bit, we should look into making the notation concise. - What does this imply for self-testing of servers and testing by authorities of servers? What should the authorities do if one addr:port works but one doesn't? - Some way to pick which addr:port to use when you have a choice of more than one addr:port. - Some way to avoid having servers open lots and lots of connections between them when they get extend cells to the same server on different ports. - Suggested rule: - If we're told to extend to IP:Port:ID, and we have a connection to some server with ID, and we have confirmed that the server likes the address we originally used when connecting to it (via means in proposal 105), then use the existing connection. - If we're told to extend to IP:Port:ID, and we have a descriptor for the ID, and we have a connection to some server with ID, and the existing connection is to an address listed as valid in the descriptor, then use the existing connection. - Otherwise, use a new connection. - How this all interacts with coderman's ipv6 stuff (proposal 117).