Filename: 151-path-selection-improvements.txt Title: Improving Tor Path Selection Version: Last-Modified: Author: Fallon Chen, Mike Perry Created: 5-Jul-2008 Status: Draft Overview The performance of paths selected can be improved by adjusting the CircuitBuildTimeout and avoiding failing guard nodes. This proposal describes a method of tracking buildtime statistics, and using those statistics to adjust the CircuitBuildTimeout and the number of guards. Motivation Tor's performance can be improved by excluding those circuits that have long buildtimes (and by extension, high latency). For those Tor users who require better performance and have lower requirements for anonymity, this would be a very useful option to have. Implementation Learning the CircuitBuildTimeout Based on studies of build times, we found that the distribution of circuit buildtimes appears to be a Pareto distribution. The number of circuits to observe (ncircuits_to_cutoff) before changing the CircuitBuildTimeout will be tunable. From out measurements, ncircuits_to_cuttoff appears to be on the order of 100. In addition, the total number of circuits gathered (ncircuits_to_observe) will also be tunable. It is likely that ncircuits_to_observe will be somewhere on the order of 1000. The values can be represented compactly in Tor in milliseconds as a circular array of 16 bit integers. More compact long-term storage representations can be implemented by simply storing a histogram with 50 millisecond buckets when writing out the statistics to disk. Calculating the preferred CircuitBuildTimeout Circuits that have longer buildtimes than some x% of the estimated CDF of the Pareto distribution will be excluded. x will be tunable as well. Circuit timeouts In the event of a timeout, backoff values should include the 100-x% of expected CDF of timeouts. Also, in the event of network failure, the observation mechanism should stop collecting timeout data. Dropping Failed Guards In addition, we have noticed that some entry guards are much more failure prone than others. In particular, the circuit failure rates for the fastest entry guards was approximately 20-25%, where as slower guards exhibit failure rates as high as 45-50%. In [1], it was demonstrated that failing guard nodes can deliberately bias path selection to improve their success at capturing traffic. For both these reasons, failing guards should be avoided. We propose increasing the number of entry guards to five, and gathering circuit failure statistics on each entry guard. Any guards that exceed the average failure rate of all guards by 10% after we have gathered ncircuits_to_observe circuits will be replaced. Issues Impact on anonymity Since this follows a Pareto distribution, large reductions on the timeout can be achieved without cutting off a great number of the total paths. However, hard statistics on which cutoff percentage gives optimal performance have not yet been gathered. Guard Turnover We contend that the risk from failing guards biasing path selection outweighs the risk of exposure to larger portions of the network for the first hop. Furthermore, from our observations, it appears that circuit failure is strongly correlated to node load. Allowing clients to migrate away from failing guards should naturally rebalance the network, and eventually clients should converge on a stable set of reliable guards. It is also likely that once clients begin to migrate away from failing guards, their load should go down, causing their failure rates to drop as well. [1]