/* Copyright (c) 2001-2004, Roger Dingledine. * Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson. * Copyright (c) 2007-2013, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ #include "orconfig.h" #define CONFIG_PRIVATE #include "or.h" #include "addressmap.h" #include "config.h" #include "confparse.h" #include "connection_edge.h" #include "test.h" #include "util.h" #include "address.h" static void test_config_addressmap(void *arg) { char buf[1024]; char address[256]; time_t expires = TIME_MAX; (void)arg; strlcpy(buf, "MapAddress .invalidwildcard.com *.torserver.exit\n" // invalid "MapAddress *invalidasterisk.com *.torserver.exit\n" // invalid "MapAddress *.google.com *.torserver.exit\n" "MapAddress *.yahoo.com *.google.com.torserver.exit\n" "MapAddress *.cn.com www.cnn.com\n" "MapAddress *.cnn.com www.cnn.com\n" "MapAddress ex.com www.cnn.com\n" "MapAddress ey.com *.cnn.com\n" "MapAddress www.torproject.org\n" "MapAddress other.torproject.org " "this.torproject.org.otherserver.exit\n" "MapAddress test.torproject.org\n" "MapAddress www.google.com\n" "MapAddress www.example.org\n" "MapAddress\n" "MapAddress\n" "MapAddress www.infiniteloop.org\n" "MapAddress www.infiniteloop.org\n" , sizeof(buf)); config_get_lines(buf, &(get_options_mutable()->AddressMap), 0); config_register_addressmaps(get_options()); /* Use old interface for now, so we don't need to rewrite the unit tests */ #define addressmap_rewrite(a,s,eo,ao) \ addressmap_rewrite((a),(s),AMR_FLAG_USE_IPV4_DNS|AMR_FLAG_USE_IPV6_DNS, \ (eo),(ao)) /* MapAddress .invalidwildcard.com .torserver.exit - no match */ strlcpy(address, "www.invalidwildcard.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); /* MapAddress *invalidasterisk.com .torserver.exit - no match */ strlcpy(address, "www.invalidasterisk.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); /* Where no mapping for FQDN match on top-level domain */ /* MapAddress .google.com .torserver.exit */ strlcpy(address, "reader.google.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "reader.torserver.exit"); /* MapAddress *.yahoo.com *.google.com.torserver.exit */ strlcpy(address, "reader.yahoo.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "reader.google.com.torserver.exit"); /*MapAddress *.cnn.com www.cnn.com */ strlcpy(address, "cnn.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "www.cnn.com"); /* MapAddress .cn.com www.cnn.com */ strlcpy(address, "www.cn.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "www.cnn.com"); /* MapAddress ex.com www.cnn.com - no match */ strlcpy(address, "www.ex.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); /* MapAddress ey.com *.cnn.com - invalid expression */ strlcpy(address, "ey.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); /* Where mapping for FQDN match on FQDN */ strlcpy(address, "www.google.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, ""); strlcpy(address, "www.torproject.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, ""); strlcpy(address, "other.torproject.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "this.torproject.org.otherserver.exit"); strlcpy(address, "test.torproject.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, ""); /* Test a chain of address mappings and the order in which they were added: "MapAddress www.example.org" "MapAddress" "MapAddress" */ strlcpy(address, "www.example.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, ""); /* Test infinite address mapping results in no change */ strlcpy(address, "www.infiniteloop.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "www.infiniteloop.org"); /* Test we don't find false positives */ strlcpy(address, "www.example.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); /* Test top-level-domain matching a bit harder */ addressmap_clear_configured(); strlcpy(buf, "MapAddress *.com *.torserver.exit\n" "MapAddress *.torproject.org\n" "MapAddress *.net\n" , sizeof(buf)); config_get_lines(buf, &(get_options_mutable()->AddressMap), 0); config_register_addressmaps(get_options()); strlcpy(address, "www.abc.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "www.abc.torserver.exit"); strlcpy(address, "www.def.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, "www.def.torserver.exit"); strlcpy(address, "www.torproject.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, ""); strlcpy(address, "test.torproject.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, ""); strlcpy(address, "torproject.net", sizeof(address)); test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); test_streq(address, ""); /* We don't support '*' as a mapping directive */ addressmap_clear_configured(); strlcpy(buf, "MapAddress * *.torserver.exit\n", sizeof(buf)); config_get_lines(buf, &(get_options_mutable()->AddressMap), 0); config_register_addressmaps(get_options()); strlcpy(address, "www.abc.com", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); strlcpy(address, "www.def.net", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); strlcpy(address, "www.torproject.org", sizeof(address)); test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL)); #undef addressmap_rewrite done: ; } static int is_private_dir(const char* path) { struct stat st; int r = stat(path, &st); if (r) { return 0; } #if !defined (_WIN32) || defined (WINCE) if ((st.st_mode & (S_IFDIR | 0777)) != (S_IFDIR | 0700)) { return 0; } #endif return 1; } static void test_config_check_or_create_data_subdir(void *arg) { or_options_t *options = get_options_mutable(); char *datadir = options->DataDirectory = tor_strdup(get_fname("datadir-0")); const char *subdir = "test_stats"; char *subpath = get_datadir_fname(subdir); struct stat st; int r; #if !defined (_WIN32) || defined (WINCE) unsigned group_permission; #endif (void)arg; #if defined (_WIN32) && !defined (WINCE) tt_int_op(mkdir(options->DataDirectory), ==, 0); #else tt_int_op(mkdir(options->DataDirectory, 0700), ==, 0); #endif r = stat(subpath, &st); // The subdirectory shouldn't exist yet, // but should be created by the call to check_or_create_data_subdir. test_assert(r && (errno == ENOENT)); test_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir)); test_assert(is_private_dir(subpath)); // The check should return 0, if the directory already exists // and is private to the user. test_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir)); r = stat(subpath, &st); if (r) { tt_abort_perror("stat"); } #if !defined (_WIN32) || defined (WINCE) group_permission = st.st_mode | 0070; r = chmod(subpath, group_permission); if (r) { tt_abort_perror("chmod"); } // If the directory exists, but its mode is too permissive // a call to check_or_create_data_subdir should reset the mode. test_assert(!is_private_dir(subpath)); test_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir)); test_assert(is_private_dir(subpath)); #endif done: rmdir(subpath); tor_free(datadir); tor_free(subpath); } static void test_config_write_to_data_subdir(void *arg) { or_options_t* options = get_options_mutable(); char *datadir = options->DataDirectory = tor_strdup(get_fname("datadir-1")); char *cp = NULL; const char* subdir = "test_stats"; const char* fname = "test_file"; const char* str = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing\n" "elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod\n" "tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam\n" "erat, sed diam voluptua.\n" "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea\n" "rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,\n" "no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.\n" "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\n" "consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod\n" "tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore\n" "magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et\n" "accusam et justo duo dolores et\n" "ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata\n" "sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."; char* filepath = get_datadir_fname2(subdir, fname); (void)arg; #if defined (_WIN32) && !defined (WINCE) tt_int_op(mkdir(options->DataDirectory), ==, 0); #else tt_int_op(mkdir(options->DataDirectory, 0700), ==, 0); #endif // Write attempt shoudl fail, if subdirectory doesn't exist. test_assert(write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL)); test_assert(! check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir)); // Content of file after write attempt should be // equal to the original string. test_assert(!write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL)); cp = read_file_to_str(filepath, 0, NULL); test_streq(cp, str); tor_free(cp); // A second write operation should overwrite the old content. test_assert(!write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL)); cp = read_file_to_str(filepath, 0, NULL); test_streq(cp, str); tor_free(cp); done: (void) unlink(filepath); rmdir(options->DataDirectory); tor_free(datadir); tor_free(filepath); tor_free(cp); } /* Test helper function: Make sure that a bridge line gets parsed * properly. Also make sure that the resulting bridge_line_t structure * has its fields set correctly. */ static void good_bridge_line_test(const char *string, const char *test_addrport, const char *test_digest, const char *test_transport, const smartlist_t *test_socks_args) { char *tmp = NULL; bridge_line_t *bridge_line = parse_bridge_line(string); test_assert(bridge_line); /* test addrport */ tmp = tor_strdup(fmt_addrport(&bridge_line->addr, bridge_line->port)); test_streq(test_addrport, tmp); tor_free(tmp); /* If we were asked to validate a digest, but we did not get a digest after parsing, we failed. */ if (test_digest && tor_digest_is_zero(bridge_line->digest)) test_assert(0); /* If we were not asked to validate a digest, and we got a digest after parsing, we failed again. */ if (!test_digest && !tor_digest_is_zero(bridge_line->digest)) test_assert(0); /* If we were asked to validate a digest, and we got a digest after parsing, make sure it's correct. */ if (test_digest) { tmp = tor_strdup(hex_str(bridge_line->digest, DIGEST_LEN)); tor_strlower(tmp); test_streq(test_digest, tmp); tor_free(tmp); } /* If we were asked to validate a transport name, make sure tha it matches with the transport name that was parsed. */ if (test_transport && !bridge_line->transport_name) test_assert(0); if (!test_transport && bridge_line->transport_name) test_assert(0); if (test_transport) test_streq(test_transport, bridge_line->transport_name); /* Validate the SOCKS argument smartlist. */ if (test_socks_args && !bridge_line->socks_args) test_assert(0); if (!test_socks_args && bridge_line->socks_args) test_assert(0); if (test_socks_args) test_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(test_socks_args, bridge_line->socks_args)); done: tor_free(tmp); bridge_line_free(bridge_line); } /* Test helper function: Make sure that a bridge line is * unparseable. */ static void bad_bridge_line_test(const char *string) { bridge_line_t *bridge_line = parse_bridge_line(string); if (bridge_line) TT_FAIL(("%s was supposed to fail, but it didn't.", string)); test_assert(!bridge_line); done: bridge_line_free(bridge_line); } static void test_config_parse_bridge_line(void *arg) { (void) arg; good_bridge_line_test("", "", NULL, NULL, NULL); good_bridge_line_test("", "", NULL, NULL, NULL); good_bridge_line_test("transport [::1]", "[::1]:443", NULL, "transport", NULL); good_bridge_line_test("transport " "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413", "", "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413", "transport", NULL); { smartlist_t *sl_tmp = smartlist_new(); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "twoandtwo=five"); good_bridge_line_test("transport " "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413 twoandtwo=five", "", "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413", "transport", sl_tmp); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(sl_tmp); } { smartlist_t *sl_tmp = smartlist_new(); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "twoandtwo=five"); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "z=z"); good_bridge_line_test("transport twoandtwo=five z=z", "", NULL, "transport", sl_tmp); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(sl_tmp); } { smartlist_t *sl_tmp = smartlist_new(); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "dub=come"); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "save=me"); good_bridge_line_test("transport " "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349666 " "dub=come save=me", "", "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349666", "transport", sl_tmp); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(sl_tmp); } good_bridge_line_test(" " "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413", "", "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413", NULL, NULL); /* Empty line */ bad_bridge_line_test(""); /* bad transport name */ bad_bridge_line_test("tr$n_sp0r7"); /* weird ip address */ bad_bridge_line_test("a.b.c.d"); /* invalid fpr */ bad_bridge_line_test(" 4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349"); /* no k=v in the end */ bad_bridge_line_test("obfs2 " "4352e58420e68f5e40bf7c74faddccd9d1349413 what"); /* no addrport */ bad_bridge_line_test("asdw"); /* huge k=v value that can't fit in SOCKS fields */ bad_bridge_line_test( "obfs2 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" "aa=b"); } static void test_config_parse_transport_options_line(void *arg) { smartlist_t *options_sl = NULL, *sl_tmp = NULL; (void) arg; { /* too small line */ options_sl = get_options_from_transport_options_line("valley", NULL); test_assert(!options_sl); } { /* no k=v values */ options_sl = get_options_from_transport_options_line("hit it!", NULL); test_assert(!options_sl); } { /* correct line, but wrong transport specified */ options_sl = get_options_from_transport_options_line("trebuchet k=v", "rook"); test_assert(!options_sl); } { /* correct -- no transport specified */ sl_tmp = smartlist_new(); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "ladi=dadi"); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "weliketo=party"); options_sl = get_options_from_transport_options_line("rook ladi=dadi weliketo=party", NULL); test_assert(options_sl); test_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(options_sl, sl_tmp)); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(sl_tmp); sl_tmp = NULL; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(options_sl, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(options_sl); options_sl = NULL; } { /* correct -- correct transport specified */ sl_tmp = smartlist_new(); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "ladi=dadi"); smartlist_add_asprintf(sl_tmp, "weliketo=party"); options_sl = get_options_from_transport_options_line("rook ladi=dadi weliketo=party", "rook"); test_assert(options_sl); test_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(options_sl, sl_tmp)); SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(sl_tmp); sl_tmp = NULL; SMARTLIST_FOREACH(options_sl, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(options_sl); options_sl = NULL; } done: if (options_sl) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(options_sl, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(options_sl); } if (sl_tmp) { SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s)); smartlist_free(sl_tmp); } } // Tests if an options with MyFamily fingerprints missing '$' normalises // them correctly and also ensure it also works with multiple fingerprints static void test_config_fix_my_family(void *arg) { char *err = NULL; const char *family = "$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111, " "1111111111111111111111111111111111111112, " "$1111111111111111111111111111111111111113"; or_options_t* options = options_new(); or_options_t* defaults = options_new(); (void) arg; options_init(options); options_init(defaults); options->MyFamily = tor_strdup(family); options_validate(NULL, options, defaults, 0, &err) ; if (err != NULL) { TT_FAIL(("options_validate failed: %s", err)); } test_streq(options->MyFamily, "$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111, " "$1111111111111111111111111111111111111112, " "$1111111111111111111111111111111111111113"); done: if (err != NULL) { tor_free(err); } or_options_free(options); or_options_free(defaults); } static int n_hostname_01010101 = 0; /** This mock function is meant to replace tor_lookup_hostname(). * It answers with as IP adddress that resulted from lookup. * This function increments n_hostname_01010101 counter by one * every time it is called. */ static int tor_lookup_hostname_01010101(const char *name, uint32_t *addr) { n_hostname_01010101++; if (name && addr) { *addr = ntohl(0x01010101); } return 0; } static int n_hostname_localhost = 0; /** This mock function is meant to replace tor_lookup_hostname(). * It answers with as IP adddress that resulted from lookup. * This function increments n_hostname_localhost counter by one * every time it is called. */ static int tor_lookup_hostname_localhost(const char *name, uint32_t *addr) { n_hostname_localhost++; if (name && addr) { *addr = 0x7f000001; } return 0; } static int n_hostname_failure = 0; /** This mock function is meant to replace tor_lookup_hostname(). * It pretends to fail by returning -1 to caller. Also, this function * increments n_hostname_failure every time it is called. */ static int tor_lookup_hostname_failure(const char *name, uint32_t *addr) { (void)name; (void)addr; n_hostname_failure++; return -1; } static int n_gethostname_replacement = 0; /** This mock function is meant to replace tor_gethostname(). It * responds with string "onionrouter" as hostname. This function * increments n_gethostname_replacement by one every time * it is called. */ static int tor_gethostname_replacement(char *name, size_t namelen) { n_gethostname_replacement++; if (name && namelen) { strlcpy(name,"onionrouter",namelen); } return 0; } static int n_gethostname_localhost = 0; /** This mock function is meant to replace tor_gethostname(). It * responds with string "" as hostname. This function * increments n_gethostname_localhost by one every time * it is called. */ static int tor_gethostname_localhost(char *name, size_t namelen) { n_gethostname_localhost++; if (name && namelen) { strlcpy(name,"",namelen); } return 0; } static int n_gethostname_failure = 0; /** This mock function is meant to replace tor_gethostname. * It pretends to fail by returning -1. This function increments * n_gethostname_failure by one every time it is called. */ static int tor_gethostname_failure(char *name, size_t namelen) { n_gethostname_failure++; return -1; } static int n_get_interface_address = 0; /** This mock function is meant to replace get_interface_address(). * It answers with address This function increments * n_get_interface_address by one every time it is called. */ static int get_interface_address_08080808(int severity, uint32_t *addr) { (void)severity; n_get_interface_address++; if (addr) { *addr = ntohl(0x08080808); } return 0; } static int n_get_interface_address6 = 0; static sa_family_t last_address6_family; /** This mock function is meant to replace get_interface_address6(). * It answers with IP address iff both of the following are true: * - family is AF_INET * - addr pointer is not NULL. * This function increments n_get_interface_address6 by one every * time it is called. */ static int get_interface_address6_replacement(int severity, sa_family_t family, tor_addr_t *addr) { (void)severity; last_address6_family = family; n_get_interface_address6++; if ((family != AF_INET) || !addr) { return -1; } tor_addr_from_ipv4h(addr,0x09090909); return 0; } static int n_get_interface_address_failure = 0; /** * This mock function is meant to replace get_interface_address(). * It pretends to fail getting interface address by returning -1. * n_get_interface_address_failure is incremented by one * every time this function is called. */ static int get_interface_address_failure(int severity, uint32_t *addr) { (void)severity; (void)addr; n_get_interface_address_failure++; return -1; } static int n_get_interface_address6_failure = 0; /** * This mock function is meant to replace get_interface_addres6(). * It will pretent to fail by return -1. * n_get_interface_address6_failure is incremented by one * every time this function is called and last_address6_family * is assigned the value of family argument. */ static int get_interface_address6_failure(int severity, sa_family_t family, tor_addr_t *addr) { n_get_interface_address6_failure++; last_address6_family = family; return -1; } static void test_config_resolve_my_address(void *arg) { (void)arg; or_options_t *options; uint32_t resolved_addr; const char *method_used; char *hostname_out; int retval; int prev_n_hostname_01010101; int prev_n_hostname_localhost; int prev_n_hostname_failure; int prev_n_gethostname_replacement; int prev_n_gethostname_failure; int prev_n_gethostname_localhost; int prev_n_get_interface_address; int prev_n_get_interface_address_failure; int prev_n_get_interface_address6; int prev_n_get_interface_address6_failure; options = options_new(); options_init(options); /* * CASE 1: * If options->Address is a valid IPv4 address string, we want * the corresponding address to be parsed and returned. */ options->Address = tor_strdup(""); retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(retval == 0); tt_want_str_op(method_used,==,"CONFIGURED"); tt_want(hostname_out == NULL); tt_assert(htonl(resolved_addr) == 0x69803480); tor_free(options->Address); /* * CASE 2: * If options->Address is a valid DNS address, we want resolve_my_address() * function to ask tor_lookup_hostname() for help with resolving it * and return the address that was resolved (in host order). */ MOCK(tor_lookup_hostname,tor_lookup_hostname_01010101); tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = tor_strdup("www.torproject.org"); prev_n_hostname_01010101 = n_hostname_01010101; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(retval == 0); tt_want(n_hostname_01010101 == prev_n_hostname_01010101 + 1); tt_want_str_op(method_used,==,"RESOLVED"); tt_want_str_op(hostname_out,==,"www.torproject.org"); tt_assert(htonl(resolved_addr) == 0x01010101); UNMOCK(tor_lookup_hostname); tor_free(options->Address); /* * CASE 3: * Given that options->Address is NULL, we want resolve_my_address() * to try and use tor_gethostname() to get hostname AND use * tor_lookup_hostname() to get IP address. */ resolved_addr = 0; tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = NULL; MOCK(tor_gethostname,tor_gethostname_replacement); MOCK(tor_lookup_hostname,tor_lookup_hostname_01010101); prev_n_gethostname_replacement = n_gethostname_replacement; prev_n_hostname_01010101 = n_hostname_01010101; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(retval == 0); tt_want(n_gethostname_replacement == prev_n_gethostname_replacement + 1); tt_want(n_hostname_01010101 == prev_n_hostname_01010101 + 1); tt_want_str_op(method_used,==,"GETHOSTNAME"); tt_want_str_op(hostname_out,==,"onionrouter"); tt_assert(htonl(resolved_addr) == 0x01010101); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); UNMOCK(tor_lookup_hostname); /* * CASE 4: * Given that options->Address is a local host address, we want * resolve_my_address() function to fail. */ resolved_addr = 0; tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = tor_strdup(""); retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(resolved_addr == 0); tt_assert(retval == -1); tor_free(options->Address); /* * CASE 5: * We want resolve_my_address() to fail if DNS address in options->Address * cannot be resolved. */ MOCK(tor_lookup_hostname,tor_lookup_hostname_failure); prev_n_hostname_failure = n_hostname_failure; tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = tor_strdup("www.tor-project.org"); retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(n_hostname_failure == prev_n_hostname_failure + 1); tt_assert(retval == -1); UNMOCK(tor_lookup_hostname); tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = NULL; /* * CASE 6: * If options->Address is NULL AND gettting local hostname fails, we want * resolve_my_address() to fail as well. */ MOCK(tor_gethostname,tor_gethostname_failure); prev_n_gethostname_failure = n_gethostname_failure; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(n_gethostname_failure == prev_n_gethostname_failure + 1); tt_assert(retval == -1); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); /* * CASE 7: * We want resolve_my_address() to try and get network interface address via * get_interface_address() if hostname returned by tor_gethostname() cannot be * resolved into IP address. */ MOCK(tor_gethostname,tor_gethostname_replacement); MOCK(get_interface_address,get_interface_address_08080808); prev_n_gethostname_replacement = n_gethostname_replacement; prev_n_get_interface_address = n_get_interface_address; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(retval == 0); tt_want(n_gethostname_replacement == prev_n_gethostname_replacement + 1); tt_want(n_get_interface_address == prev_n_get_interface_address + 1); tt_want_str_op(method_used,==,"INTERFACE"); tt_want(hostname_out == NULL); tt_assert(resolved_addr == ntohl(0x08080808)); UNMOCK(get_interface_address); /* * CASE 8: * Suppose options->Address is NULL AND hostname returned by tor_gethostname() * is unresolvable. We want resolve_my_address to fail if * get_interface_address() fails. */ MOCK(get_interface_address,get_interface_address_failure); prev_n_get_interface_address_failure = n_get_interface_address_failure; prev_n_gethostname_replacement = n_gethostname_replacement; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(n_get_interface_address_failure == prev_n_get_interface_address_failure + 1); tt_want(n_gethostname_replacement == prev_n_gethostname_replacement + 1); tt_assert(retval == -1); UNMOCK(get_interface_address); /* * CASE 9: * Given that options->Address is NULL AND tor_lookup_hostname() * fails AND hostname returned by gethostname() resolves * to local IP address, we want resolve_my_address() function to * call get_interface_address6(.,AF_INET,.) and return IP address * the latter function has found. */ MOCK(tor_lookup_hostname,tor_lookup_hostname_failure); MOCK(tor_gethostname,tor_gethostname_replacement); MOCK(get_interface_address6,get_interface_address6_replacement); prev_n_gethostname_replacement = n_gethostname_replacement; prev_n_hostname_failure = n_hostname_failure; prev_n_get_interface_address6 = n_get_interface_address6; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE,options,&resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(last_address6_family == AF_INET); tt_want(n_get_interface_address6 == prev_n_get_interface_address6 + 1); tt_want(n_hostname_failure == prev_n_hostname_failure + 1); tt_want(n_gethostname_replacement == prev_n_gethostname_replacement + 1); tt_want(retval == 0); tt_want_str_op(method_used,==,"INTERFACE"); tt_assert(htonl(resolved_addr) == 0x09090909); UNMOCK(tor_lookup_hostname); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); UNMOCK(get_interface_address6); /* * CASE 10: We want resolve_my_address() to fail if all of the following * are true: * 1. options->Address is not NULL * 2. ... but it cannot be converted to struct in_addr by * tor_inet_aton() * 3. ... and tor_lookup_hostname() fails to resolve the * options->Address */ MOCK(tor_lookup_hostname,tor_lookup_hostname_failure); prev_n_hostname_failure = n_hostname_failure; tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = tor_strdup("some_hostname"); retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_NOTICE, options, &resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(n_hostname_failure == prev_n_hostname_failure + 1); tt_assert(retval == -1); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); UNMOCK(tor_lookup_hostname); /* * CASE 11: * Suppose the following sequence of events: * 1. options->Address is NULL * 2. tor_gethostname() succeeds to get hostname of machine Tor * if running on. * 3. Hostname from previous step cannot be converted to * address by using tor_inet_aton() function. * 4. However, tor_lookup_hostname() succeds in resolving the * hostname from step 2. * 5. Unfortunately, tor_addr_is_internal() deems this address * to be internal. * 6. get_interface_address6(.,AF_INET,.) returns non-internal * IPv4 * * We want resolve_my_addr() to succeed with method "INTERFACE" * and address from step 6. */ tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = NULL; MOCK(tor_gethostname,tor_gethostname_replacement); MOCK(tor_lookup_hostname,tor_lookup_hostname_localhost); MOCK(get_interface_address6,get_interface_address6_replacement); prev_n_gethostname_replacement = n_gethostname_replacement; prev_n_hostname_localhost = n_hostname_localhost; prev_n_get_interface_address6 = n_get_interface_address6; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_DEBUG, options, &resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(n_gethostname_replacement == prev_n_gethostname_replacement + 1); tt_want(n_hostname_localhost == prev_n_hostname_localhost + 1); tt_want(n_get_interface_address6 == prev_n_get_interface_address6 + 1); tt_str_op(method_used,==,"INTERFACE"); tt_assert(!hostname_out); tt_assert(retval == 0); /* * CASE 11b: * 1-5 as above. * 6. get_interface_address6() fails. * * In this subcase, we want resolve_my_address() to fail. */ UNMOCK(get_interface_address6); MOCK(get_interface_address6,get_interface_address6_failure); prev_n_gethostname_replacement = n_gethostname_replacement; prev_n_hostname_localhost = n_hostname_localhost; prev_n_get_interface_address6_failure = n_get_interface_address6_failure; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_DEBUG, options, &resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(n_gethostname_replacement == prev_n_gethostname_replacement + 1); tt_want(n_hostname_localhost == prev_n_hostname_localhost + 1); tt_want(n_get_interface_address6_failure == prev_n_get_interface_address6_failure + 1); tt_assert(retval == -1); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); UNMOCK(tor_lookup_hostname); UNMOCK(get_interface_address6); /* CASE 12: * Suppose the following happens: * 1. options->Address is NULL AND options->DirAuthorities is 1. * 2. tor_gethostname() succeeds in getting hostname of a machine ... * 3. ... which is successfully parsed by tor_inet_aton() ... * 4. into IPv4 address that tor_addr_is_inernal() considers to be * internal. * * In this case, we want resolve_my_address() to fail. */ tor_free(options->Address); options->Address = NULL; options->DirAuthorities = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(config_line_t)); MOCK(tor_gethostname,tor_gethostname_localhost); prev_n_gethostname_localhost = n_gethostname_localhost; retval = resolve_my_address(LOG_DEBUG, options, &resolved_addr, &method_used,&hostname_out); tt_want(n_gethostname_localhost == prev_n_gethostname_localhost + 1); tt_assert(retval == -1); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); done: tor_free(options->Address); tor_free(options->DirAuthorities); or_options_free(options); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); UNMOCK(tor_lookup_hostname); UNMOCK(get_interface_address); UNMOCK(get_interface_address6); UNMOCK(tor_gethostname); } #define CONFIG_TEST(name, flags) \ { #name, test_config_ ## name, flags, NULL, NULL } struct testcase_t config_tests[] = { CONFIG_TEST(resolve_my_address, TT_FORK), CONFIG_TEST(addressmap, 0), CONFIG_TEST(parse_bridge_line, 0), CONFIG_TEST(parse_transport_options_line, 0), CONFIG_TEST(check_or_create_data_subdir, TT_FORK), CONFIG_TEST(write_to_data_subdir, TT_FORK), CONFIG_TEST(fix_my_family, 0), END_OF_TESTCASES };