1. Only allow '*.' in MapAddress expressions. Ignore '*ample.com' and '.example.com'.
This has resulted in a slight refactoring of config_register_addressmaps.
2. Add some more detail to the man page entry for AddressMap.
3. Fix initialization of a pointer to NULL rather than 0.
4. Update the unit tests to cater for the changes in 1 and test more explicitly for
recursive mapping.
1. Implement the following mapping rules:
MapAddress a.b.c d.e.f # This is what we have now
MapAddress .a.b.c d.e.f # Replaces any address ending with .a.b.c with d.e.f
MapAddress .a.b.c .d.e.f # Replaces the .a.b.c at the end of any addr with .d.e.f
(Note that 'a.b.c .d.e.f' is invalid, and will be rejected.)
2. Add tests for the new rules.
3. Allow proper wildcard annotation, i.e. '*.d.e' '.d.e' will still work.
4. Update addressmap_entry_t with an is_wildcard member.