more patches on sec2 and sec3; rewrite threat model

This commit is contained in:
Roger Dingledine 2003-11-02 06:14:59 +00:00
parent b0c6a5ea2e
commit fddda9a797
2 changed files with 130 additions and 269 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
mutiny: if none of the ports is defined maybe it shouldn't start.
mutiny suggests: if none of the ports is defined maybe it shouldn't start.
aaron got a crash in tor_timegm in tzset on os x, with -l warn but not with -l debug.
Oct 25 04:29:17.017 [warn] directory_initiate_command(): No running dirservers known. This is really bad.
rename ACI to CircID
rotate tls-level connections -- make new ones, expire old ones.
dirserver shouldn't put you in running-routers list if you haven't
uploading a descriptor recently
SPEC!! - Not specified

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
% \pdfpageheight=\the\paperheight
\title{Tor: Design of a Second-Generation Onion Router}
\title{Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router}
%\author{Roger Dingledine \\ The Free Haven Project \\ \and
%Nick Mathewson \\ The Free Haven Project \\ \and
@ -308,22 +308,20 @@ Concentrating the traffic to a single point increases the anonymity set
analysis easier: an adversary need only eavesdrop on the proxy to observe
the entire system.
More complex are distributed-trust, circuit-based anonymizing systems. In
these designs, a user establishes one or more medium-term bidirectional
end-to-end tunnels to exit servers, and uses those tunnels to deliver
low-latency packets to and from one or more destinations per
tunnel. %XXX reword
Establishing tunnels is expensive and typically
requires public-key cryptography, whereas relaying packets along a tunnel is
comparatively inexpensive. Because a tunnel crosses several servers, no
single server can link a user to her communication partners.
More complex are distributed-trust, circuit-based anonymizing systems.
In these designs, a user establishes one or more medium-term bidirectional
end-to-end circuits, and tunnels TCP streams in fixed-size cells.
Establishing circuits is expensive and typically requires public-key
cryptography, whereas relaying cells is comparatively inexpensive.
Because a circuit crosses several servers, no single server can link a
user to her communication partners.
In some distributed-trust systems, such as the Java Anon Proxy (also known
as JAP or Web MIXes), users build their tunnels along a fixed shared route
or \emph{cascade}. As with a single-hop proxy, this approach aggregates
The Java Anon Proxy (also known
as JAP or Web MIXes) uses fixed shared routes known as
\emph{cascades}. As with a single-hop proxy, this approach aggregates
users into larger anonymity sets, but again an attacker only needs to
observe both ends of the cascade to bridge all the system's traffic.
The Java Anon Proxy's design seeks to prevent this by padding
The Java Anon Proxy's design provides protection by padding
between end users and the head of the cascade \cite{web-mix}. However, the
current implementation does no padding and thus remains vulnerable
to both active and passive bridging.
@ -350,10 +348,10 @@ from the data stream.
Hordes \cite{hordes-jcs} is based on Crowds but also uses multicast
responses to hide the initiator. Herbivore \cite{herbivore} and P5
\cite{p5} go even further, requiring broadcast. Each uses broadcast
in different ways, and trade-offs are made to make broadcast more
practical. Both Herbivore and P5 are designed primarily for communication
between peers, although Herbivore permits external connections by
\cite{p5} go even further, requiring broadcast. They make anonymity
and efficiency tradeoffs to make broadcast more practical.
These systems are designed primarily for communication between peers,
although Herbivore users can make external connections by
requesting a peer to serve as a proxy. Allowing easy connections to
nonparticipating responders or recipients is important for usability,
for example so users can visit nonparticipating Web sites or exchange
@ -391,273 +389,132 @@ Eternity and Free Haven.
Like other low-latency anonymity designs, Tor seeks to frustrate
attackers from linking communication partners, or from linking
multiple communications to or from a single point. Within this
multiple communications to or from a single user. Within this
main goal, however, several design considerations have directed
Tor's evolution.
\item[Deployability:] The design must be one which can be implemented,
deployed, and used in the real world. This requirement precludes designs
that are expensive to run (for example, by requiring more bandwidth than
volunteers are willing to provide); designs that place a heavy liability
burden on operators (for example, by allowing attackers to implicate onion
routers in illegal activities); and designs that are difficult or expensive
to implement (for example, by requiring kernel patches, or separate proxies
for every protocol). This requirement also precludes systems in which
users who do not benefit from anonymity are required to run special
software in order to communicate with anonymous parties.
% Our rendezvous points require clients to use our software to get to
% the location-hidden servers.
% Or at least, they require somebody near the client-side running our
% software. We haven't worked out the details of keeping it transparent
% for Alice if she's using some other http proxy somewhere. I guess the
% external http proxy should route through a Tor client, which automatically
% translates the foo.onion address? -RD
% 1. Such clients do benefit from anonymity: they can reach the server.
% Recall that our goal for location hidden servers is to continue to
% provide service to priviliged clients when a DoS is happening or
% to provide access to a location sensitive service. I see no contradiction.
% 2. A good idiot check is whether what we require people to download
% and use is more extreme than downloading the anonymizer toolbar or
% privacy manager. I don't think so, though I'm not claiming we've already
% got the installation and running of a client down to that simplicity
% at this time. -PS
\item[Usability:] A hard-to-use system has fewer users---and because
anonymity systems hide users among users, a system with fewer users
provides less anonymity. Usability is not only a convenience for Tor:
it is a security requirement \cite{econymics,back01}. Tor
should work with most of a user's unmodified applications; shouldn't
introduce prohibitive delays; and should require the user to make as few
configuration decisions as possible.
\item[Flexibility:] The protocol must be flexible and
well-specified, so that it can serve as a test-bed for future research in
low-latency anonymity systems. Many of the open problems in low-latency
anonymity networks (such as generating dummy traffic, or preventing
pseudospoofing attacks) may be solvable independently from the issues
solved by Tor; it would be beneficial if future systems were not forced to
reinvent Tor's design decisions. (But note that while a flexible design
benefits researchers, there is a danger that differing choices of
extensions will render users distinguishable. Thus, experiments
on extensions should be limited and should not significantly affect
the distinguishability of ordinary users.
% To run an experiment researchers must file an
% anonymity impact statement -PS
of implementations should
not permit different protocol extensions to coexist in a single deployed
\item[Conservative design:] The protocol's design and security parameters
must be conservative. Because additional features impose implementation
and complexity costs, Tor should include as few speculative features as
possible. (We do not oppose speculative designs in general; however, it is
our goal with Tor to embody a solution to the problems in low-latency
anonymity that we can solve today before we plunge into the problems of
% This last bit sounds completely cheesy. Somebody should tone it down. -NM
\textbf{Deployability:} The design must be one which can be implemented,
deployed, and used in the real world. This requirement precludes designs
that are expensive to run (for example, by requiring more bandwidth
than volunteers are willing to provide); designs that place a heavy
liability burden on operators (for example, by allowing attackers to
implicate onion routers in illegal activities); and designs that are
difficult or expensive to implement (for example, by requiring kernel
patches, or separate proxies for every protocol). This requirement also
precludes systems in which users who do not benefit from anonymity are
required to run special software in order to communicate with anonymous
parties. (We do not meet this goal for the current rendezvous design,
however; see Section~\ref{sec:rendezvous}.)
\textbf{Usability:} A hard-to-use system has fewer users---and because
anonymity systems hide users among users, a system with fewer users
provides less anonymity. Usability is not only a convenience for Tor:
it is a security requirement \cite{econymics,back01}. Tor should not
require modifying applications; should not introduce prohibitive delays;
and should require the user to make as few configuration decisions
as possible.
\textbf{Flexibility:} The protocol must be flexible and well-specified,
so that it can serve as a test-bed for future research in low-latency
anonymity systems. Many of the open problems in low-latency anonymity
networks, such as generating dummy traffic or preventing Sybil attacks
\cite{sybil}, may be solvable independently from the issues solved by
Tor. Hopefully future systems will not need to reinvent Tor's design
decisions. (But note that while a flexible design benefits researchers,
there is a danger that differing choices of extensions will make users
distinguishable. Experiments should be run on a separate network.)
\textbf{Conservative design:} The protocol's design and security
parameters must be conservative. Additional features impose implementation
and complexity costs; adding unproven techniques to the design threatens
deployability, readability, and ease of security analysis. Tor aims to
deploy a simple and stable system that integrates the best well-understood
approaches to protecting anonymity.
In favoring conservative, deployable designs, we have explicitly deferred
a number of goals. Many of these goals are desirable in anonymity systems,
but we choose to defer them either because they are solved elsewhere,
or because they present an area of active research lacking a generally
accepted solution.
a number of goals, either because they are solved elsewhere, or because
they are an open research question.
\item[Not Peer-to-peer:] Tarzan and MorphMix aim to
scale to completely decentralized peer-to-peer environments with thousands
of short-lived servers, many of which may be controlled by an adversary.
Because of the many open problems in this approach, Tor uses a more
conservative design.
\item[Not secure against end-to-end attacks:] Tor does not claim to provide a
definitive solution to end-to-end timing or intersection attacks. Some
approaches, such as running an onion router, may help; see
Section~\ref{sec:analysis} for more discussion.
\item[No protocol normalization:] Tor does not provide \emph{protocol
normalization} like Privoxy or the Anonymizer. In order to make clients
indistinguishable when they use complex and variable protocols such as HTTP,
Tor must be layered with a filtering proxy such as Privoxy to hide
differences between clients, expunge protocol features that leak identity,
and so on. Similarly, Tor does not currently integrate tunneling for
non-stream-based protocols like UDP; this too must be provided by
an external service.
\textbf{Not Peer-to-peer:} Tarzan and MorphMix aim to scale to completely
decentralized peer-to-peer environments with thousands of short-lived
servers, many of which may be controlled by an adversary. This approach
is appealing, but still has many open problems.
\textbf{Not secure against end-to-end attacks:} Tor does not claim
to provide a definitive solution to end-to-end timing or intersection
attacks. Some approaches, such as running an onion router, may help;
see Section~\ref{sec:analysis} for more discussion.
\textbf{No protocol normalization:} Tor does not provide \emph{protocol
normalization} like Privoxy or the Anonymizer. For complex and variable
protocols such as HTTP, Tor must be layered with a filtering proxy such
as Privoxy to hide differences between clients, and expunge protocol
features that leak identity. Similarly, Tor does not currently integrate
tunneling for non-stream-based protocols like UDP; this too must be
provided by an external service.
% Actually, tunneling udp over tcp is probably horrible for some apps.
% Should this get its own non-goal bulletpoint? The motivation for
% non-goal-ness would be burden on clients / portability.
\item[Not steganographic:] Tor does not try to conceal which users are
sending or receiving communications; it only tries to conceal whom they are
communicating with.
% non-goal-ness would be burden on clients / portability. -RD
% No, leave it as is. -RD
\textbf{Not steganographic:} Tor does not try to conceal which users are
sending or receiving communications; it only tries to conceal with whom
they communicate.
\SubSection{Threat Model}
A global passive adversary is the most commonly assumed threat when
analyzing theoretical anonymity designs. But like all practical low-latency
systems, Tor is not secure against this adversary. Instead, we assume an
adversary that is weaker than global with respect to distribution, but that
is not merely passive. Our threat model expands on that from
analyzing theoretical anonymity designs. But like all practical
low-latency systems, Tor does not protect against such a strong
adversary. Instead, we expect an adversary who can observe some fraction
of network traffic; who can generate, modify, delete, or delay traffic
on the network; who can operate onion routers of its own; and who can
compromise some fraction of the onion routers on the network.
%%%% This is really keen analytical stuff, but it isn't our threat model:
%%%% we just go ahead and assume a fraction of hostile nodes for
%%%% convenience. -NM
%% The basic adversary components we consider are:
%% \begin{tightlist}
%% \item[Observer:] can observe a connection (e.g., a sniffer on an
%% Internet router), but cannot initiate connections. Observations may
%% include timing and/or volume of packets as well as appearance of
%% individual packets (including headers and content).
%% \item[Disrupter:] can delay (indefinitely) or corrupt traffic on a
%% link. Can change all those things that an observer can observe up to
%% the limits of computational ability (e.g., cannot forge signatures
%% unless a key is compromised).
%% \item[Hostile initiator:] can initiate (or destroy) connections with
%% specific routes as well as vary the timing and content of traffic
%% on the connections it creates. A special case of the disrupter with
%% additional abilities appropriate to its role in forming connections.
%% \item[Hostile responder:] can vary the traffic on the connections made
%% to it including refusing them entirely, intentionally modifying what
%% it sends and at what rate, and selectively closing them. Also a
%% special case of the disrupter.
%% \item[Key breaker:] can break the key used to encrypt connection
%% initiation requests sent to a Tor-node.
%% % Er, there are no long-term private decryption keys. They have
%% % long-term private signing keys, and medium-term onion (decryption)
%% % keys. Plus short-term link keys. Should we lump them together or
%% % separate them out? -RD
%% %
%% % Hmmm, I was talking about the keys used to encrypt the onion skin
%% % that contains the public DH key from the initiator. Is that what you
%% % mean by medium-term onion key? (``Onion key'' used to mean the
%% % session keys distributed in the onion, back when there were onions.)
%% % Also, why are link keys short-term? By link keys I assume you mean
%% % keys that neighbor nodes use to superencrypt all the stuff they send
%% % to each other on a link. Did you mean the session keys? I had been
%% % calling session keys short-term and everything else long-term. I
%% % know I was being sloppy. (I _have_ written papers formalizing
%% % concepts of relative freshness.) But, there's some questions lurking
%% % here. First up, I don't see why the onion-skin encryption key should
%% % be any shorter term than the signature key in terms of threat
%% % resistance. I understand that how we update onion-skin encryption
%% % keys makes them depend on the signature keys. But, this is not the
%% % basis on which we should be deciding about key rotation. Another
%% % question is whether we want to bother with someone who breaks a
%% % signature key as a particular adversary. He should be able to do
%% % nearly the same as a compromised tor-node, although they're not the
%% % same. I reworded above, I'm thinking we should leave other concerns
%% % for later. -PS
%% \item[Hostile Tor node:] can arbitrarily manipulate the
%% connections under its control, as well as creating new connections
%% (that pass through itself).
%% \end{tightlist}
%% All feasible adversaries can be composed out of these basic
%% adversaries. This includes combinations such as one or more
%% compromised Tor-nodes cooperating with disrupters of links on which
%% those nodes are not adjacent, or such as combinations of hostile
%% outsiders and link observers (who watch links between adjacent
%% Tor-nodes). Note that one type of observer might be a Tor-node. This
%% is sometimes called an honest-but-curious adversary. While an observer
%% Tor-node will perform only correct protocol interactions, it might
%% share information about connections and cannot be assumed to destroy
%% session keys at end of a session. Note that a compromised Tor-node is
%% stronger than any other adversary component in the sense that
%% replacing a component of any adversary with a compromised Tor-node
%% results in a stronger overall adversary (assuming that the compromised
%% Tor-node retains the same signature keys and other private
%% state-information as the component it replaces).
%Large adversaries will be able to compromise a considerable fraction
%of the network. (In some circumstances---for example, if the Tor
%network is running on a hardened network where all operators have
%had background checks---the number of compromised nodes could be quite
%small.) Compromised nodes can arbitrarily manipulate the connections that
%pass through them, as well as creating new connections that pass through
%themselves. They can observe traffic, and record it for later analysis.
First, we assume that a threshold of directory servers are honest,
reliable, accurate, and trustworthy.
%% the rest of this isn't needed, if dirservers do threshold concensus dirs
% To augment this, users can periodically cross-check
%directories from each directory server (trust, but verify).
%, and that they always have access to at least one directory server that they trust.
In low-latency anonymity systems that use layered encryption, the
adversary's typical goal is to observe both the initiator and the
receiver. Passive attackers can confirm a suspicion that Alice is
talking to Bob if the timing and volume properties of the traffic on the
connection are unique enough; active attackers are even more effective
because they can induce timing signatures on the traffic. Tor provides
some defenses against these \emph{traffic confirmation} attacks, for
example by encouraging users to run their own onion routers, but it does
not provide complete protection. Rather, we aim to prevent \emph{traffic
analysis} attacks, where the adversary uses traffic patterns to learn
which points in the network he should attack.
Second, we assume that somewhere between ten percent and twenty
percent\footnote{In some circumstances---for example, if the Tor network is
running on a hardened network where all operators have had background
checks---the number of compromised nodes could be much lower.}
of the Tor nodes accepted by the directory servers are compromised, hostile,
and collaborating in an off-line clique. These compromised nodes can
arbitrarily manipulate the connections that pass through them, as well as
creating new connections that pass through themselves. They can observe
traffic, and record it for later analysis. Honest participants do not know
which servers these are.
(In reality, many adversaries might have `bad' servers that are not
fully compromised but simply under observation, or that have had their keys
compromised. But for the sake of analysis, we ignore, this possibility,
since the threat model we assume is strictly stronger.)
% This next paragraph is also more about analysis than it is about our
% threat model. Perhaps we can say, ``users can connect to the network and
% use it in any way; we consider abusive attacks separately.'' ? -NM
Third, we constrain the impact of hostile users. Users are assumed to vary
widely in both the duration and number of times they are connected to the Tor
network. They can also be assumed to vary widely in the volume and shape of
the traffic they send and receive. Hostile users are, by definition, limited
to creating and varying their own connections into or through a Tor
network. They may attack their own connections to try to gain identity
information of the responder in a rendezvous connection. They can also try to
attack sites through the Onion Routing network; however we will consider this
abuse rather than an attack per se (see
Section~\ref{subsec:exitpolicies}). Other than abuse, a hostile user's
motivation to attack his own connections is limited to the network effects of
such actions, such as denial of service (DoS) attacks. Thus, in this case,
we can view user as simply an extreme case of the ordinary user; although
ordinary users are not likely to engage in, e.g., IP spoofing, to gain their
In general, we are more focused on traffic analysis attacks than
traffic confirmation attacks.
%A user who runs a Tor proxy on his own
%machine, connects to some remote Tor-node and makes a connection to an
%open Internet site, such as a public web server, is vulnerable to
%traffic confirmation.
That is, an active attacker who suspects that
a particular client is communicating with a particular server can
confirm this if she can modify and observe both the
connection between the Tor network and the client and that between the
Tor network and the server. Even a purely passive attacker can
confirm traffic if the timing and volume properties of the traffic on
the connection are unique enough. (This is not to say that Tor offers
no resistance to traffic confirmation; it does. We defer discussion
of this point and of particular attacks until Section~\ref{sec:attacks},
after we have described Tor in more detail.)
% XXX We need to say what traffic analysis is: How about...
On the other hand, we {\it do} try to prevent an attacker from
performing traffic analysis: that is, attempting to learn the communication
partners of an arbitrary user.
% XXX If that's not right, what is? It would be silly to have a
% threat model section without saying what we want to prevent the
% attacker from doing. -NM
% XXX Also, do we want to mention linkability or building profiles? -NM
Our assumptions about our adversary's capabilities imply a number of
possible attacks against users' anonymity. Our adversary might try to
mount passive attacks by observing the edges of the network and
correlating traffic entering and leaving the network: either because
of relationships in packet timing; relationships in the volume of data
sent; [XXX simple observation??]; or relationships in any externally
visible user-selected options. The adversary can also mount active
attacks by trying to compromise all the servers' keys in a
path---either through illegitimate means or through legal coercion in
unfriendly jurisdiction; by selectively DoSing trustworthy servers; by
introducing patterns into entering traffic that can later be detected;
or by modifying data entering the network and hoping that trashed data
comes out the other end. The attacker can additionally try to
decrease the network's reliability by performing antisocial activities
from reliable servers and trying to get them taken down.
% XXX Should there be more or less? Should we turn this into a
% bulleted list? Should we cut it entirely?
We consider these attacks and more, and describe our defenses against them
in Section~\ref{sec:attacks}.
Our adversary might try to link an initiator Alice with any of her
communication partners, or he might try to build a profile of Alice's
behavior. He might mount passive attacks by observing the edges of the
network and correlating traffic entering and leaving the network---either
because of relationships in packet timing; relationships in the volume
of data sent; or relationships in any externally visible user-selected
options. The adversary can also mount active attacks by compromising
routers or keys; by replaying traffic; by selectively DoSing trustworthy
routers to encourage users to send their traffic through compromised
routers, or DoSing users to see if the traffic elsewhere in the
network stops; or by introducing patterns into traffic that can later be
detected. The adversary might attack the directory servers to give users
differing views of network state. Additionally, he can try to decrease
the network's reliability by attacking nodes or by performing antisocial
activities from reliable servers and trying to get them taken down;
making the network unreliable flushes users to other less anonymous
systems, where they may be easier to attack.
We consider each of these attacks in more detail below, and summarize
in Section~\ref{sec:attacks} how well the Tor design defends against
each of them.
@ -2004,7 +1861,7 @@ issues remaining to be ironed out. In particular:
% Many of these (Scalability, cover traffic) are duplicates from open problems.
\item \emph{Scalability:} Tor's emphasis on design simplicity and
deployability has led us to adopt a clique topology, a
semi-centralized model for directories and trusts, and a
@ -2049,7 +1906,7 @@ issues remaining to be ironed out. In particular:
able to evaluate some of our design decisions, including our
robustness/latency tradeoffs, our abuse-prevention mechanisms, and
our overall usability.