more circuit design section work

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Roger Dingledine 2003-10-26 22:49:07 +00:00
parent 866c449b8d
commit acd415628c

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@ -683,11 +683,21 @@ implement long-range dummies).
We will talk more about each of these cell types below.
% should there have been a table here? -RD
% Nick: should there have been a table here? -RD
\SubSection{Circuits and streams}
While the original Onion Routing design built one circuit for each stream,
Tor circuits can be used by many streams. Thus because circuits can
take several tenths of a second to construct due to crypto and network
latency, users construct circuits preemptively. Users build a new circuit
periodically (currently every minute) if the previous one has been used,
and expire old used circuits that are no longer in use. Thus even very
active users spend a negligible amount of time and CPU in building
circuits, but only a limited number of requests can be linked to each
other by a given exit node.
Users set up circuits incrementally, negotiating a symmetric key with
each hop one at a time. To create a new circuit, the user (call her
Alice) sends a \emph{create} cell to the first node in her chosen
@ -725,15 +735,43 @@ OR and an encrypted $g^x$ for it. That node copies the half-handshake
into a \emph{create} cell, and passes it to the new OR to extend the
circuit. When it responds with a \emph{created} cell, the penultimate OR
copies the payload into a \emph{relay extended} cell and passes it back.
% please fix my "that OR" pronouns -RD
% Nick: please fix my "that OR" pronouns -RD
Once Alice shares a key with each OR on the circuit, she can
start opening TCP streams over it.
Once Alice has established the circuit (so she shares a key with each
OR on the circuit), she can send relay cells.
%The stream ID in the relay header indicates to which stream the cell belongs.
% Nick: should i include the above line?
Alice can address each relay cell to any of the ORs on the circuit. To
construct a relay cell destined for a given OR, she iteratively
encrypts the cell payload (that is, the relay header and payload)
with the symmetric key of each hop up to that node. Then, at each hop
down the circuit, the OR decrypts the cell payload and checks whether
it recognizes the stream ID. A stream ID is recognized either if it
is an already open stream at that OR, or if it is equal to zero. The
zero stream ID is treated specially, and is used for control messages,
e.g. starting a new stream. If the stream ID is unrecognized, the OR
sends the relay cell downstream. This \emph{leaky pipe} circuit design
allows Alice's streams to exit at different ORs, for example to tolerate
different exit policies, or to keep the ORs from knowing that two streams
originate at the same person.
Describe how circuits work and how relay cells get passed along,
decrypted etc. This will include mentioning leaky-pipe circuit
topology and end-to-end integrity checking. (Mention tagging.)
Describe how circuits get built, extended, truncated.
To tear down a circuit, Alice sends a destroy control cell. Each OR
in the circuit receives the destroy cell, closes all open streams on
that circuit, and passes a new destroy cell forward. But since circuits
can be built incrementally, they can also be torn down incrementally:
Alice can send a relay truncate cell to a node along the circuit. That
node will send a destroy cell forward, and reply with a relay truncated
acknowledgement. Alice might truncate her circuit so she can extend it
to different nodes without notifying the first few nodes (or somebody
observing them) that she is changing her circuit. That is, nodes in the
middle are not even aware that the circuit was truncated, because the
relay cells are encrypted. Similarly, if a node on the circuit goes down,
the adjacent node can send a relay truncated back to Alice. Thus the
``break a node and see which circuits go down'' attack is weakened.
\SubSection{Tagging attacks on streams}
end-to-end integrity checking. (Mention tagging.)
\SubSection{Opening and closing streams}
@ -745,6 +783,17 @@ close handshake.
\SubSection{Congestion control and fairness}
Even with bandwidth throttling, we still need to worry about congestion,
either accidental or intentional. If a lot of people make circuits into
the same node, and they all come out through the same connection, then
that connection may become saturated (be unable to send out cells as
quickly as it wants to). For example, an adversary can make a 'put'
request through the onion routing network to a webserver he owns,
and then refuse to read any of the bytes at the webserver end of the
circuit. These bottlenecks can propagate back through the entire network,
mucking up everything.
Describe circuit-level and stream-level
congestion control issues and solutions.
Describe circuit-level and stream-level fairness issues; cite Marc's
@ -997,7 +1046,7 @@ When establishing an introduction point, Bob provides the onion router
with a public ``introduction'' key. The hash of this public key
identifies a unique service, and (since Bob is required to sign his
messages) prevents anybody else from usurping Bob's introduction point
in the future. Bob uses the same public key when establish the other
in the future. Bob uses the same public key when establishing the other
introduction points for that service.
The blob that Alice gives the introduction point includes a hash of Bob's
@ -1177,8 +1226,17 @@ trick you. similarly, when it rejects you due to exit policy,
it could give you a bad IP that sends you somewhere else.
we rely on DNS being globally consistent. if people in africa resolve
IPs differently, then asking to extend a circuit to a certain IP can
give away your origin.
\item \textbf{Directory attacks}
\item knock out a dirserver
\item knock out half the dirservers
\item trick user into using different software (with different dirserver
\item OR connects to the dirservers but nowhere else
\item foo