more on sec2 and 5.1

This commit is contained in:
Roger Dingledine 2003-11-02 07:48:56 +00:00
parent fddda9a797
commit 27dd67e3a0

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
\title{Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router}
% Putting the 'Private' back in 'Virtual Private Network'
%\author{Roger Dingledine \\ The Free Haven Project \\ \and
%Nick Mathewson \\ The Free Haven Project \\ \and
@ -52,14 +53,12 @@
We present Tor, a circuit-based low-latency anonymous communication
system. Tor is the successor to Onion Routing
and addresses many limitations in the original Onion Routing design.
Tor works in a real-world Internet environment,
% it's user-space too
Tor works in a real-world Internet environment, requires no special
privileges such as root- or kernel-level access,
requires little synchronization or coordination between nodes, and
provides a reasonable tradeoff between anonymity and usability/efficiency
%protects against known anonymity-breaking attacks as well
%as or better than other systems with similar design parameters.
% and we present a big list of open problems at the end
% and we present a new practical design for rendezvous points
provides a reasonable tradeoff between anonymity and usability/efficiency.
We include a new practical design for rendezvous points, as well
as a big list of open problems.
@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ unreliable nodes in the first place.
%We further provide a
%simple mechanism that allows connections to be established despite recent
%node failure or slightly dated information from a directory server. Tor
%permits onion routers to have \emph{router twins} --- nodes that share
%permits onion routers to have \emph{router twins}---nodes that share
%the same private decryption key. Note that because connections now have
%perfect forward secrecy, an onion router still cannot read the traffic
%on a connection established through its twin even while that connection
@ -365,6 +364,30 @@ Cebolla \cite{cebolla}, and AnonNet \cite{anonnet} build the circuit
in stages, extending it one hop at a time. This approach makes perfect
forward secrecy feasible.
Circuit-based anonymity designs must choose which protocol layer
to anonymize. They may choose to intercept IP packets directly, and
relay them whole (stripping the source address) as the contents of
the circuit \cite{tarzan:ccs02,freedom2-arch}. Alternatively, like
Tor, they may accept TCP streams and relay the data in those streams
along the circuit, ignoring the breakdown of that data into TCP frames
\cite{anonnet,morphmix:fc04}. Finally, they may accept application-level
protocols (such as HTTP) and relay the application requests themselves
along the circuit.
This protocol-layer decision represents a compromise between flexibility
and anonymity. For example, a system that understands HTTP can strip
identifying information from those requests; can take advantage of caching
to limit the number of requests that leave the network; and can batch
or encode those requests in order to minimize the number of connections.
On the other hand, an IP-level anonymizer can handle nearly any protocol,
even ones unforeseen by their designers (though these systems require
kernel-level modifications to some operating systems, and so are more
complex and less portable). TCP-level anonymity networks like Tor present
a middle approach: they are fairly application neutral (so long as the
application supports, or can be tunneled across, TCP), but by treating
application connections as data streams rather than raw TCP packets,
they avoid the well-known inefficiencies of tunneling TCP over TCP
\cite{tcp-over-tcp-is-bad}. [XXX what's a better cite?]
Distributed-trust anonymizing systems need to prevent attackers from
adding too many servers and thus compromising too many user paths.
Tor relies on a centrally maintained set of well-known servers. Tarzan
@ -768,7 +791,7 @@ more complex.
Rather than doing integrity checking of the relay cells at each hop,
which would increase packet size
by a function of path length\footnote{This is also the argument against
using recent cipher modes like EAX \cite{eax} --- we don't want the added
using recent cipher modes like EAX \cite{eax}---we don't want the added
message-expansion overhead at each hop, and we don't want to leak the path
length (or pad to some max path length).}, we choose to
% accept passive timing attacks,
@ -904,8 +927,9 @@ see Section~\ref{sec:maintaining-anonymity} for more discussion.
Providing Tor as a public service provides many opportunities for an
attacker to mount denial-of-service attacks against the network. While
flow control and rate limiting (discussed in
section~\ref{subsec:congestion}) prevents users from consuming more
bandwidth than nodes are willing to provide, opportunities remain for
Section~\ref{subsec:congestion}) prevent users from consuming more
bandwidth than routers are willing to provide, opportunities remain for
users to
consume more network resources than their fair share, or to render the
network unusable for other users.
@ -913,85 +937,44 @@ First of all, there are a number of CPU-consuming denial-of-service
attacks wherein an attacker can force an OR to perform expensive
cryptographic operations. For example, an attacker who sends a
\emph{create} cell full of junk bytes can force an OR to perform an RSA
decrypt its half of the Diffie-Helman handshake. Similarly, an attacker
decrypt. Similarly, an attacker can
fake the start of a TLS handshake, forcing the OR to carry out its
(comparatively expensive) half of the handshake at no real computational
cost to the attacker.
To address these attacks, several approaches exist. First, ORs may
Several approaches exist to address these attacks. First, ORs may
demand proof-of-computation tokens \cite{hashcash} before beginning new
TLS handshakes or accepting \emph{create} cells. So long as these
tokens are easy to verify and computationally expensive to produce, this
approach limits the DoS attack multiplier. Additionally, ORs may limit
the rate at which they accept create cells and TLS connections, so that
the computational work of doing so does not drown out the (comparatively
inexpensive) work of symmetric cryptography needed to keep users'
packets flowing. This rate limiting could, however, allows an attacker
to slow down other users as they build new circuits.
the computational work of processing them does not drown out the (comparatively
inexpensive) work of symmetric cryptography needed to keep cells
flowing. This rate limiting could, however, allows an attacker
to slow down other users when they build new circuits.
% What about link-to-link rate limiting?
% This paragraph needs more references.
More worrisome are distributed denial of service attacks wherein an
attacker uses a large number of compromised hosts throughout the network
to consume the Tor network's resources. Although these attacks are not
new to the networking literature, some proposed approaches are a poor
fit to anonymous networks. For example, solutions based on backtracking
harmful traffic present a significant risk that an anonymity-breaking
adversary could exploit the backtracking mechanism to compromise users'
anonymity. [XXX So, what should we say here? -NM]
% Now would be a good point to talk about twins. What the do, what
% they can't.
harmful traffic \cite{XXX} could allow an anonymity-breaking
adversary to exploit the backtracking mechanism.
Attackers also have an opportunity to attack the Tor network by mounting
attacks on the hosts and network links running it. If an attacker can
successfully disrupt a single circuit or link along a virtual circuit,
all currently open streams passing along that part of the circuit
become unrecoverable, and are closed. The current Tor design treats
such attacks as intermittent network failures, and depends on users and
applications to respond or recover as appropriate. A possible future
design could use an end-to-end based TCP-like acknowledgment protocol,
so that no streams are lost unless the entry or exit point themselves
are disrupted. This solution would require more buffering at exits,
however, and its network properties still need to be investigated. [XXX
That sounds really evasive. We should say more.]
%[XXX Mention that OR-to-OR connections should be highly reliable
% (whatever that means). If they aren't, everything can stall.]
% This stuff should go elsewhere. Probably section 2.
Channel-based anonymity designs must choose which protocol layer to
anonymize. They may choose to intercept IP packets directly, and relay
them whole (stripping the source address) as the contents of the
circuit \cite{tarzan:ccs02,freedom2-arch}. Alternatively,
they may
accept TCP streams and relay the data in those streams along the
circuit, ignoring the breakdown of that data into TCP frames. (Tor
takes this approach, as does Rennhard's anonymity network \cite{anonnet}
and MorphMix \cite{morphmix:fc04}.) Finally, they may accept
application-level protocols (such as HTTP) and relay the application
requests themselves along the circuit.
This protocol-layer decision represents a compromise between flexibility
and anonymity. For example, a system that understands HTTP can strip
identifying information from those requests; can take advantage of
caching to limit the number of requests that leave the network; and can
batch or encode those requests in order to minimize the number of
connections. On the other hand, an IP-level anonymizer can handle
nearly any protocol, even ones unforeseen by their designers. TCP-level
anonymity networks like Tor present a middle approach: they are fairly
application neutral (so long as the application supports, or can be
tunneled across, TCP), but by treating application connections as data
streams rather than raw TCP packets, they avoid the well-known
inefficiencies of tunneling TCP over TCP \cite{tcp-over-tcp-is-bad}.
% Is there a better tcp-over-tcp-is-bad reference?
%Also mention that weirdo IP trickery requires kernel patches to most
%operating systems? -NM
attacks on its hosts and network links. Disrupting a single circuit or
link breaks all currently open streams passing along that part of the
circuit. Indeed, this same loss of service occurs when a router crashes
or its operator restarts it. The current Tor design treats such attacks
as intermittent network failures, and depends on users and applications
to respond or recover as appropriate. A future design could use an
end-to-end based TCP-like acknowledgment protocol, so that no streams are
lost unless the entry or exit point itself is disrupted. This solution
would require more buffering at the network edges, however, and the
performance and anonymity implications from this extra complexity still
require investigation.
\SubSection{Exit policies and abuse}