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Rust Coding Standards
You MUST follow the standards laid out in `.../doc/HACKING/`,
where applicable.
Module/Crate Declarations
Each Tor C module which is being rewritten MUST be in its own crate.
See the structure of `.../src/rust` for examples.
In your crate, you MUST use `` ONLY for pulling in external
crates (e.g. `extern crate libc;`) and exporting public objects from
other Rust modules (e.g. `pub use mymodule::foo;`). For example, if
you create a crate in `.../src/rust/yourcrate`, your Rust code should
live in `.../src/rust/yourcrate/` and the public interface
to it should be exported in `.../src/rust/yourcrate/`.
If your code is to be called from Tor C code, you MUST define a safe
`` which ONLY copies `&[u8]`s (i.e. byte arrays) across the FFI
For example, in a hypothetical `tor_addition` Rust module:
In `.../src/rust/tor_addition/`:
pub fn get_sum(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b
In `.../src/rust/tor_addition/`:
pub use addition::*;
In `.../src/rust/tor_addition/`:
pub extern "C" fn tor_get_sum(a: c_int, b: c_int) -> c_int {
get_sum(a, b)
If your Rust code must call out to parts of Tor's C code, you must
declare the functions you are calling in the `external` crate, located
at `.../src/rust/external`.
XXX get better examples of how to declare these externs, when/how they
XXX are unsafe, what they are expected to do —isis
Modules should strive to be below 500 lines (tests excluded). Single
responsibility and limited dependencies should be a guiding standard.
If you have any external modules as dependencies (e.g. `extern crate
libc;`), you MUST declare them in your crate's `` and NOT in any
other module.
In general, we use modules from only the Rust standard library
whenever possible. We will review including external crates on a
case-by-case basis.
You MUST include `#[deny(missing_docs)]` in your crate.
For example, a one-sentence, "first person" description of function
behaviour (see requirements for documentation as described in
`.../src/HACKING/`), then an `# Inputs` section for
inputs or initialisation values, a `# Returns` section for return
values/types, a `# Warning` section containing warnings for unsafe
behaviours or panics that could happen. For publicly accessible
types/constants/objects/functions/methods, you SHOULD also include an
`# Examples` section with runnable doctests.
You MUST document your module with _module docstring_ comments,
i.e. `//!` at the beginning of each line.
All code MUST be unittested and integration tested.
Public functions/objects exported from a crate SHOULD include doctests
describing how the function/object is expected to be used.
Integration tests SHOULD go into a `tests/` directory inside your
crate. Unittests SHOULD go into their own module inside the module
they are testing, e.g. in `.../src/rust/tor_addition/` you
should put:
mod test {
use super::*;
fn addition_with_zero() {
let sum: i32 = get_sum(5i32, 0i32);
assert_eq!(sum, 5);
If you wish to benchmark some of your Rust code, you MUST put the
following in the `[features]` section of your crate's `Cargo.toml`:
bench = []
Next, in your crate's `` you MUST put:
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "bench"))]
extern crate test;
This ensures that the external crate `test`, which contains utilities
for basic benchmarks, is only used when running benchmarks via `cargo
bench --features bench`. (This is due to the `test` module requiring
nightly Rust, and since we may want to switch to a more stable Rust
compiler eventually we don't want to break builds for stable compilers
by always requiring the `test` crate.)
Finally, to write your benchmark code, in
`.../src/rust/tor_addition/` you SHOULD put:
#[cfg(all(test, features = "bench"))]
mod bench {
use test::Bencher;
use super::*;
fn addition_small_integers(b: &mut Bencher) {
b.iter(| | get_sum(5i32, 0i32));
You SHOULD read [the nomicon]( before writing
Rust FFI code. It is *highly advised* that you read and write normal Rust code
before attempting to write FFI or any other unsafe code.
Here are some additional bits of advice and rules:
1. `unwrap()`
If you call `unwrap()`, anywhere, even in a test, you MUST include
an inline comment stating how the unwrap will either 1) never fail,
or 2) should fail (i.e. in a unittest).
2. `unsafe`
If you use `unsafe`, you MUST describe a contract in your
documentation which describes how and when the unsafe code may
fail, and what expectations are made w.r.t. the interfaces to
unsafe code. This is also REQUIRED for major pieces of FFI between
C and Rust.
When creating an FFI in Rust for C code to call, it is NOT REQUIRED
to declare the entire function `unsafe`. For example, rather than doing:
pub unsafe extern "C" fn increment_and_combine_numbers(mut numbers: [u8; 4]) -> u32 {
for index in 0..numbers.len() {
numbers[index] += 1;
std::mem::transmute::<[u8; 4], u32>(numbers)
You SHOULD instead do:
pub extern "C" fn increment_and_combine_numbers(mut numbers: [u8; 4]) -> u32 {
for index in 0..numbers.len() {
numbers[index] += 1;
unsafe {
std::mem::transmute::<[u8; 4], u32>(numbers)
3. Pass only integer types and bytes over the boundary
The only non-integer type which may cross the FFI boundary is
bytes, e.g. `&[u8]`. This SHOULD be done on the Rust side by
passing a pointer (`*mut libc::c_char`) and a length
One might be tempted to do this via doing
`CString::new("blah").unwrap().into_raw()`. This has several problems:
a) If you do `CString::new("bl\x00ah")` then the unwrap() will fail
due to the additional NULL terminator, causing a dangling
pointer to be returned (as well as a potential use-after-free).
b) Returning the raw pointer will cause the CString to run its deallocator,
which causes any C code which tries to access the contents to dereference a
NULL pointer.
c) If we were to do `as_raw()` this would result in a potential double-free
since the Rust deallocator would run and possibly Tor's deallocator.
d) Calling `into_raw()` without later using the same pointer in Rust to call
`from_raw()` and then deallocate in Rust can result in a
[memory leak](
[It was determined]( that this
is safe to do if you use the same allocator in C and Rust and also specify
the memory alignment for CString (except that there is no way to specify
the alignment for CString). It is believed that the alignment is always 1,
which would mean it's safe to dealloc the resulting `*mut c_char` in Tor's
C code. However, the Rust developers are not willing to guarantee the
stability of, or a contract for, this behaviour, citing concerns that this
is potentially extremely and subtly unsafe.
4. Perform an allocation on the other side of the boundary
After crossing the boundary, the other side MUST perform an
allocation to copy the data and is therefore responsible for
freeing that memory later.
5. No touching other language's enums
Rust enums should never be touched from C (nor can they be safely
`#[repr(C)]`) nor vice versa:
> "The chosen size is the default enum size for the target platform's C
> ABI. Note that enum representation in C is implementation defined, so this is
> really a "best guess". In particular, this may be incorrect when the C code
> of interest is compiled with certain flags."
6. Type safety
Wherever possible and sensical, you SHOULD create new types, either as tuple
structs (e.g. `struct MyInteger(pub u32)`) or as type aliases (e.g. `pub type
MyInteger = u32`).
Whitespace & Formatting
You MUST run `rustfmt` (
on your code before your code will be merged. You can install rustfmt
by doing `cargo install rustfmt-nightly` and then run it with `cargo