
412 lines
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2002-06-27 00:45:49 +02:00
/* Copyright (c) 2002 Roger Dingledine. See LICENSE for licensing information */
/* $Id$ */
#ifndef __OR_H
#define __OR_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include "../common/cell.h"
#include "../common/config.h"
#include "../common/key.h"
#include "../common/log.h"
#include "../common/onion.h"
#include "../common/ss.h"
#define MAXCONNECTIONS 200 /* upper bound on max connections.
can be overridden by config file */
#define MAX_BUF_SIZE (64*1024)
#define ACI_TYPE_LOWER 0
#define CONN_TYPE_OP 2
#define CONN_TYPE_OR 4
#define CONN_TYPE_APP 5
#if 0
#define OP_CONN_STATE_CLOSE 2 /* flushing the buffer, then will close */
#define OP_CONN_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT 3 /* have sent a destroy, awaiting a confirmation */
#define OR_CONN_STATE_CLIENT_SENDING_AUTH 1 /* sending address and info */
#define OR_CONN_STATE_CLIENT_AUTH_WAIT 2 /* have sent address and info, waiting */
#define OR_CONN_STATE_CLIENT_SENDING_NONCE 3 /* sending nonce, last piece of handshake */
#define OR_CONN_STATE_SERVER_AUTH_WAIT 4 /* waiting for address and info */
#define OR_CONN_STATE_SERVER_SENDING_AUTH 5 /* writing auth and nonce */
#define OR_CONN_STATE_SERVER_NONCE_WAIT 6 /* waiting for confirmation of nonce */
#define OR_CONN_STATE_OPEN 7 /* ready to send/receive cells. */
#define APP_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING_WAIT 0 /* waiting for standard structure or dest info */
#if 0
#define APP_CONN_STATE_CLOSE 3 /* flushing the buffer, then will close */
#define APP_CONN_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT 4 /* have sent a destroy, awaiting a confirmation */
#define CIRCUIT_STATE_OPEN_WAIT 0 /* receiving/processing the onion */
#define CIRCUIT_STATE_OPEN 1 /* onion processed, ready to send data along the connection */
#define CIRCUIT_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT1 2 /* sent two "destroy" signals, waiting for acks */
#define CIRCUIT_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT2 3 /* received one ack, waiting for one more
(or if just one was sent, waiting for that one */
//#define CIRCUIT_STATE_CLOSE 4 /* both acks received, connection is dead */ /* NOT USED */
typedef uint16_t aci_t;
typedef struct
/* Used by all types: */
unsigned char type;
int state;
int s; /* our socket */
int poll_index;
int marked_for_close;
char *inbuf;
size_t inbuflen;
size_t inbuf_datalen;
int inbuf_reached_eof;
char *outbuf;
size_t outbuflen;
size_t outbuf_datalen;
/* used by OP and App: */
uint16_t aci; /* anonymous connection identifier */
/* used by OR and OP: */
uint32_t bandwidth; /* connection bandwidth */
int window_sent; /* how many cells can i still send? */
int window_received; /* how many cells do i still expect to receive? */
/* link encryption */
unsigned char f_session_key[8];
unsigned char b_session_key[8];
unsigned char f_session_iv[8];
unsigned char b_session_iv[8];
// struct timeval lastsend; /* time of last transmission to the client */
// struct timeval interval; /* transmission interval */
uint32_t addr; /* these two uniquely identify a router */
uint16_t port;
/* used by app: */
ss_t ss; /* standard structure */
int ss_received; /* size of ss, received so far */
/* used by OR, to keep state while connect()ing: Kludge. */
RSA *prkey;
struct sockaddr_in local;
/* link info */
uint32_t min;
uint32_t max;
char *address; /* strdup into this, gets free_connection frees it */
RSA *pkey; /* public RSA key for the other side */
char nonce[8];
} connection_t;
/* config stuff we know about the other ORs in the network */
typedef struct
char *address;
uint32_t addr;
uint16_t port;
RSA *pkey; /* public RSA key */
/* link info */
uint32_t min;
uint32_t max;
// struct timeval min_interval;
/* time when last data was sent to that router */
// struct timeval lastsend;
/* socket */
// int s;
void *next;
} routerinfo_t;
/* per-anonymous-connection struct */
typedef struct
#if 0
uint32_t p_addr; /* all in network order */
uint16_t p_port;
uint32_t n_addr;
uint16_t n_port;
connection_t *p_conn;
connection_t *n_conn;
aci_t p_aci; /* connection identifiers */
aci_t n_aci;
unsigned char p_f; /* crypto functions */
unsigned char n_f;
unsigned char p_key[128]; /* crypto keys */
unsigned char n_key[128];
unsigned char p_iv[16]; /* initialization vectors */
unsigned char n_iv[16];
EVP_CIPHER_CTX p_ctx; /* cipher context */
uint32_t expire; /* expiration time for the corresponding onion */
int state;
unsigned char *onion; /* stores the onion when state is CONN_STATE_OPEN_WAIT */
uint32_t onionlen; /* total onion length */
uint32_t recvlen; /* length of the onion so far */
void *next;
} circuit_t;
/* all the function prototypes go here */
/********************************* args.c ***************************/
/* print help*/
void print_usage();
/* get command-line arguments */
int getargs(int argc,char *argv[], char *args,char **conf_filename, int *loglevel);
/********************************* buffers.c ***************************/
int buf_new(char **pbuf, size_t *pbuflen, size_t *pbuf_datalen);
int buf_free(char *buf);
int read_to_buf(int s, char **pbuf, size_t *pbuflen, size_t *pbuf_datalen, int *preached_eof);
/* grab from s, put onto buf, return how many bytes read */
int flush_buf(int s, char **pbuf, size_t *pbuflen, size_t *pbuf_datalen);
/* push from buf onto s
* then memmove to front of buf
* return -1 or how many bytes remain on the buf */
int write_to_buf(char *string, size_t string_len,
char **pbuf, size_t *pbuflen, size_t *pbuf_datalen);
/* append string to buf (growing as needed, return -1 if "too big")
* return total number of bytes on the buf
int fetch_from_buf(char *string, size_t string_len,
char **pbuf, size_t *pbuflen, size_t *pbuf_datalen);
/* if there is string_len bytes in buf, write them onto string,
* * then memmove buf back (that is, remove them from buf) */
/********************************* cell.c ***************************/
int check_sane_cell(cell_t *cell);
/********************************* circuit.c ***************************/
void circuit_add(circuit_t *circ);
void circuit_remove(circuit_t *circ);
circuit_t *circuit_new(aci_t p_aci, connection_t *p_conn);
/* internal */
aci_t get_unique_aci_by_addr_port(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port, int aci_type);
circuit_t *circuit_get_by_aci_conn(aci_t aci, connection_t *conn);
circuit_t *circuit_get_by_conn(connection_t *conn);
int circuit_deliver_data_cell(cell_t *cell, circuit_t *circ, connection_t *conn, int crypt_type);
int circuit_crypt(circuit_t *circ, char *in, size_t inlen, char crypt_type);
int circuit_init(circuit_t *circ, int aci_type);
void circuit_free(circuit_t *circ);
void circuit_close(circuit_t *circ);
void circuit_about_to_close_connection(connection_t *conn);
/* flush and send destroys for all circuits using conn */
/********************************* command.c ***************************/
void command_process_cell(cell_t *cell, connection_t *conn);
void command_process_create_cell(cell_t *cell, connection_t *conn);
void command_process_data_cell(cell_t *cell, connection_t *conn);
void command_process_destroy_cell(cell_t *cell, connection_t *conn);
/********************************* config.c ***************************/
/* loads the configuration file */
int getconfig(char *filename, config_opt_t *options);
/********************************* connection.c ***************************/
connection_t *connection_new(int type);
void connection_free(connection_t *conn);
int connection_create_listener(RSA *prkey, struct sockaddr_in *local, int type);
int connection_handle_listener_read(connection_t *conn, int new_type, int new_state);
/* start all connections that should be up but aren't */
int retry_all_connections(routerinfo_t **router_array, int rarray_len,
RSA *prkey, uint16_t or_port, uint16_t op_port);
int connection_read_to_buf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_fetch_from_buf(char *string, int len, connection_t *conn);
int connection_flush_buf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_write_to_buf(char *string, int len, connection_t *conn);
int connection_send_destroy(aci_t aci, connection_t *conn);
int connection_encrypt_cell_header(cell_t *cellp, connection_t *conn);
int connection_write_cell_to_buf(cell_t *cellp, connection_t *conn);
int connection_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_process_cell_from_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn);
/********************************* connection_or.c ***************************/
int connection_or_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_or_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn);
connection_t *connection_or_new(void);
connection_t *connection_or_listener_new(void);
void conn_or_init_crypto(connection_t *conn);
int or_handshake_client_process_auth(connection_t *conn);
int or_handshake_client_send_auth(connection_t *conn);
int or_handshake_server_process_auth(connection_t *conn);
int or_handshake_server_process_nonce(connection_t *conn);
int connect_to_router(routerinfo_t *router, RSA *prkey, struct sockaddr_in *local);
int connection_or_create_listener(RSA *prkey, struct sockaddr_in *local);
int connection_or_handle_listener_read(connection_t *conn);
/********************************* connection_op.c ***************************/
connection_t *connection_op_new(void);
connection_t *connection_op_listener_new(void);
int op_handshake_process_keys(connection_t *conn);
int connection_op_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_op_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn);
int connection_op_create_listener(RSA *prkey, struct sockaddr_in *local);
int connection_op_handle_listener_read(connection_t *conn);
/********************************* connection_app.c ***************************/
connection_t *connection_app_new(void);
int connection_app_process_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_app_package_inbuf(connection_t *conn);
int connection_app_process_data_cell(cell_t *cell, connection_t *conn);
int connection_app_finished_flushing(connection_t *conn);
/********************************* main.c ***************************/
int connection_add(connection_t *conn);
int connection_remove(connection_t *conn);
void connection_set_poll_socket(connection_t *conn);
connection_t *connection_get_by_addr_port(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
connection_t *connection_get_by_type(int type);
routerinfo_t *router_get_by_addr_port(uint32_t addr, uint16_t port);
void connection_watch_events(connection_t *conn, short events);
void check_conn_read(int i);
void check_conn_marked(int i);
void check_conn_write(int i);
void check_conn_hup(int i);
int do_main_loop(void);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
/********************************* onion.c ***************************/
int decide_aci_type(uint32_t local_addr, uint16_t local_port,
uint32_t remote_addr, uint16_t remote_port);
int process_onion(circuit_t *circ, connection_t *conn);
/********************************* routers.c ***************************/
routerinfo_t **getrouters(char *routerfile, size_t *listlenp);
void delete_routerlist(routerinfo_t *list);
/* create an NULL-terminated array of pointers pointing to elements of a router list */
routerinfo_t **make_rarray(routerinfo_t* list, size_t *listlenp);