When sharing files, be sure to remove associated metadata. Image files commonly include [Exif](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exif) data. Photos sometimes even include GPS coordinates in the file metadata.
**MAT2** is free software, which allows the metadata to be removed from image, audio, torrent, and document file types. It provides both a command line tool and a graphical user interface via an [extension for Nautilus](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/-/tree/master/nautilus), the default file manager of [GNOME](https://www.gnome.org), and [Dolphin](https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2/-/tree/master/dolphin), the default file manager of [KDE](https://kde.org).
For Linux users, a third party graphical tool [Metadata Cleaner](https://gitlab.com/rmnvgr/metadata-cleaner) powered by MAT2 exists and is [available on Flathub](https://flathub.org/apps/details/fr.romainvigier.MetadataCleaner).
**ExifCleaner** is a freeware, open source graphical app that uses [ExifTool](https://exiftool.org) to remove Exif metadata from images, videos, and PDF documents using a simple drag and drop interface. It supports multi-core batch processing and dark mode.
**Scrambled Exif** is a metadata removal tool for Android. It can remove Exif data for many file formats and has been translated into [many](https://gitlab.com/juanitobananas/scrambled-exif/-/tree/master/app/src/main/res) languages.
Imagepipe is only available from F-Droid and not in Google Play. If you're looking for a paint app in Google Play we suggest [Pocket Paint](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.catrobat.paintroid).
**Imagepipe** is a a paint app for Android that can be used to redact photos and also delete Exif metadata. It has been translated into [many](https://codeberg.org/Starfish/Imagepipe#translations) languages.
**ExifTool** is the original perl library and command-line application for reading, writing, and editing meta information (Exif, IPTC, XMP, and more) in a wide variety of file formats (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PDF, RAW, and more).