#ifdef __linux__ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "types.h" #include "yaml.h" #include "ioutil.h" #include "base32.h" #include "base64.h" #include "common.h" #define LINEFEED_LEN (sizeof(char)) #define NULLTERM_LEN (sizeof(char)) #define PATH_SEPARATOR_LEN (sizeof(char)) static const char keys_field_generated[] = "---"; static const char keys_field_hostname[] = "hostname: "; static const char keys_field_publickey[] = "hs_ed25519_public_key: "; static const char keys_field_secretkey[] = "hs_ed25519_secret_key: "; static const char keys_field_time[] = "time: "; #define KEYS_FIELD_GENERATED_LEN (sizeof(keys_field_generated) - NULLTERM_LEN) #define KEYS_FIELD_HOSTNAME_LEN (sizeof(keys_field_hostname) - NULLTERM_LEN) #define KEYS_FIELD_PUBLICKEY_LEN (sizeof(keys_field_publickey) - NULLTERM_LEN) #define KEYS_FIELD_SECRETKEY_LEN (sizeof(keys_field_secretkey) - NULLTERM_LEN) #define KEYS_FIELD_TIME_LEN (sizeof(keys_field_time) - NULLTERM_LEN) #define B64_PUBKEY_LEN (BASE64_TO_LEN(FORMATTED_PUBLIC_LEN)) #define B64_SECKEY_LEN (BASE64_TO_LEN(FORMATTED_SECRET_LEN)) #define TIME_LEN (21 * sizeof(char)) // strlen("2018-07-04 21:31:20 Z") #define KEYS_LEN ( \ KEYS_FIELD_GENERATED_LEN + LINEFEED_LEN + \ KEYS_FIELD_HOSTNAME_LEN + ONION_LEN + LINEFEED_LEN + \ KEYS_FIELD_PUBLICKEY_LEN + B64_PUBKEY_LEN + LINEFEED_LEN + \ KEYS_FIELD_SECRETKEY_LEN + B64_SECKEY_LEN + LINEFEED_LEN + \ KEYS_FIELD_TIME_LEN + TIME_LEN + LINEFEED_LEN \ ) static pthread_mutex_t tminfo_mutex; void yamlout_init() { pthread_mutex_init(&tminfo_mutex,0); } void yamlout_clean() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&tminfo_mutex); } #define BUF_APPEND(buf,offset,src,srclen) \ do { \ memcpy(&buf[offset],(src),(srclen)); \ offset += (srclen); \ } while (0) #define BUF_APPEND_CSTR(buf,offset,src) BUF_APPEND(buf,offset,src,strlen(src)) #define BUF_APPEND_CHAR(buf,offset,c) buf[offset++] = (c) void yamlout_writekeys(const char *hostname,const u8 *formated_public,const u8 *formated_secret) { char keysbuf[KEYS_LEN]; char pubkeybuf[B64_PUBKEY_LEN + NULLTERM_LEN]; char seckeybuf[B64_SECKEY_LEN + NULLTERM_LEN]; char timebuf[TIME_LEN + NULLTERM_LEN]; size_t offset = 0; BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,keys_field_generated,KEYS_FIELD_GENERATED_LEN); BUF_APPEND_CHAR(keysbuf,offset,'\n'); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,keys_field_hostname,KEYS_FIELD_HOSTNAME_LEN); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,hostname,ONION_LEN); BUF_APPEND_CHAR(keysbuf,offset,'\n'); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,keys_field_publickey,KEYS_FIELD_PUBLICKEY_LEN); base64_to(pubkeybuf,formated_public,FORMATTED_PUBLIC_LEN); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,pubkeybuf,B64_PUBKEY_LEN); BUF_APPEND_CHAR(keysbuf,offset,'\n'); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,keys_field_secretkey,KEYS_FIELD_SECRETKEY_LEN); base64_to(seckeybuf,formated_secret,FORMATTED_SECRET_LEN); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,seckeybuf,B64_SECKEY_LEN); BUF_APPEND_CHAR(keysbuf,offset,'\n'); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,keys_field_time,KEYS_FIELD_TIME_LEN); time_t currtime; time(&currtime); struct tm *tm_info; pthread_mutex_lock(&tminfo_mutex); tm_info = gmtime(&currtime); strftime(timebuf,sizeof(timebuf),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z",tm_info); pthread_mutex_unlock(&tminfo_mutex); BUF_APPEND(keysbuf,offset,timebuf,TIME_LEN); BUF_APPEND_CHAR(keysbuf,offset,'\n'); assert(offset == KEYS_LEN); pthread_mutex_lock(&fout_mutex); fwrite(keysbuf,sizeof(keysbuf),1,fout); fflush(fout); pthread_mutex_unlock(&fout_mutex); } #undef BUF_APPEND_CHAR #undef BUF_APPEND_CSTR #undef BUF_APPEND // pseudo YAML parser int yamlin_parseandcreate(FILE *fin,char *sname,const char *hostname) { char line[256]; size_t len,cnt; u8 pubbuf[BASE64_DATA_ALIGN(FORMATTED_PUBLIC_LEN)]; u8 secbuf[BASE64_DATA_ALIGN(FORMATTED_SECRET_LEN)]; int hashost = 0,haspub = 0,hassec = 0,skipthis = 0; enum keytype { HOST, PUB, SEC } keyt; while (!feof(fin) && !ferror(fin)) { if (!fgets(line,sizeof(line),fin)) break; len = strlen(line); // trim whitespace from the end while (len != 0 && (line[len-1] == ' ' || line[len-1] == '\n' || line[len-1] == '\r')) line[--len] = '\0'; // skip empty lines if (len == 0) continue; if (len >= 3 && line[0] == '-' && line[1] == '-' && line[2] == '-') { // end of document indicator if (!skipthis && (hashost || haspub || hassec)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: incomplete record\n"); return 1; } hashost = haspub = hassec = skipthis = 0; continue; } if (skipthis) continue; char *start = line; // trim whitespace while (len != 0 && *start == ' ') { ++start; --len; } // find ':' char *p = start; for (;*p != '\0';++p) { if (*p == ':') { *p++ = '\0'; goto foundkey; } } // not `key: value` fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: invalid syntax\n"); return 1; // XXX could continue too there but eh foundkey: if (!strcmp(start,"hostname")) keyt = HOST; else if (!strcmp(start,"hs_ed25519_public_key")) keyt = PUB; else if (!strcmp(start,"hs_ed25519_secret_key")) keyt = SEC; else continue; // uninterested // skip WS while (*p == ' ') ++p; if (*p == '!') { // skip ! tag while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ') ++p; // skip WS while (*p == ' ') ++p; } len = strlen(p); switch (keyt) { case HOST: if (len != ONION_LEN || base32_valid(p,&cnt) || cnt != BASE32_TO_LEN(PUBONION_LEN) || strcmp(&p[cnt],".onion") != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: invalid hostname syntax\n"); return 1; } if (!hostname || !strcmp(hostname,p)) { memcpy(&sname[direndpos],p,len + 1); hashost = 1; } else skipthis = 1; break; case PUB: if (len != B64_PUBKEY_LEN || !base64_valid(p,0) || base64_from(pubbuf,p,len) != FORMATTED_PUBLIC_LEN) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: invalid pubkey syntax\n"); return 1; } haspub = 1; break; case SEC: if (len != B64_SECKEY_LEN || !base64_valid(p,0) || base64_from(secbuf,p,len) != FORMATTED_SECRET_LEN) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: invalid seckey syntax\n"); return 1; } hassec = 1; break; } if (hashost && haspub && hassec) { #ifndef _WIN32 sigset_t nset,oset; sigemptyset(&nset); sigaddset(&nset,SIGINT); sigaddset(&nset,SIGTERM); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&nset,&oset); #endif if (createdir(sname,1) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not create directory for key output\n"); return 1; } strcpy(&sname[onionendpos],"/hs_ed25519_secret_key"); writetofile(sname,secbuf,FORMATTED_SECRET_LEN,1); strcpy(&sname[onionendpos],"/hs_ed25519_public_key"); writetofile(sname,pubbuf,FORMATTED_PUBLIC_LEN,0); strcpy(&sname[onionendpos],"/hostname"); FILE *hfile = fopen(sname,"w"); sname[onionendpos] = '\n'; if (hfile) { fwrite(&sname[direndpos],ONION_LEN + 1,1,hfile); fclose(hfile); } if (fout) { fwrite(&sname[printstartpos],printlen,1,fout); fflush(fout); } #ifndef _WIN32 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,&oset,0); #endif if (hostname) return 0; // finished skipthis = 1; } } if (!feof(fin)) { fprintf(stderr,"error while reading input\n"); return 1; } if (hostname) { fprintf(stderr,"hostname wasn't found in input\n"); return 1; } return 0; }