#!/bin/sh set -e echo "[*] Bisq Seednode installation script" ##### change paths if necessary for your system ROOT_USER=root ROOT_GROUP=root ROOT_PKG="build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config bsdmainutils python3 git vim screen ufw" ROOT_HOME=/root SYSTEMD_SERVICE_HOME=/etc/systemd/system SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME=/etc/default BISQ_REPO_URL=https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq BISQ_REPO_NAME=bisq BISQ_REPO_TAG=master BISQ_LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/bisq-network/bisq/releases/latest|grep tag_name|head -1|cut -d '"' -f4) BISQ_HOME=/bisq BISQ_USER=bisq # by default, this script will build and setup bitcoin fullnode # if you want to use an existing bitcoin fullnode, see next section BITCOIN_INSTALL=true BITCOIN_REPO_URL=https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin BITCOIN_REPO_NAME=bitcoin BITCOIN_REPO_TAG=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/bitcoin/bitcoin/releases/latest|grep tag_name|head -1|cut -d '"' -f4) BITCOIN_HOME=/bitcoin BITCOIN_USER=bitcoin BITCOIN_GROUP=bitcoin BITCOIN_PKG="libevent-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libdb-dev libssl-dev" BITCOIN_P2P_HOST= BITCOIN_P2P_PORT=8333 BITCOIN_RPC_HOST= BITCOIN_RPC_PORT=8332 # set below settings to use existing bitcoin node #BITCOIN_INSTALL=false #BITCOIN_P2P_HOST= #BITCOIN_P2P_PORT=8333 #BITCOIN_RPC_HOST= #BITCOIN_RPC_PORT=8332 #BITCOIN_RPC_USER=foo #BITCOIN_RPC_PASS=bar TOR_PKG="tor deb.torproject.org-keyring" TOR_USER=debian-tor TOR_GROUP=debian-tor TOR_HOME=/etc/tor ##### echo "[*] Updating apt repo sources" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update -q echo "[*] Upgrading OS packages" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get upgrade -qq -y echo "[*] Installing base packages" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qq -y ${ROOT_PKG} echo "[*] Installing Git LFS" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" apt-get install git-lfs sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" git lfs install echo "[*] Cloning Bisq repo" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" git config --global advice.detachedHead false sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" git clone --branch "${BISQ_REPO_TAG}" "${BISQ_REPO_URL}" "${ROOT_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}" echo "[*] Installing Tor" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" wget -qO- https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89.asc | gp g --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] https://deb.torproject.o rg/torproject.org focal main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor.list sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update -q sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qq -y ${TOR_PKG} echo "[*] Installing Tor configuration" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" install -c -m 644 "${ROOT_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/seednode/torrc" "${TOR_HOME}/torrc" if [ "${BITCOIN_INSTALL}" = true ];then echo "[*] Creating Bitcoin user with Tor access" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" useradd -d "${BITCOIN_HOME}" -G "${TOR_GROUP}" "${BITCOIN_USER}" echo "[*] Installing Bitcoin build dependencies" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qq -y ${BITCOIN_PKG} echo "[*] Creating Bitcoin homedir" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" mkdir -p "${BITCOIN_HOME}" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" chown "${BITCOIN_USER}":"${BITCOIN_GROUP}" ${BITCOIN_HOME} sudo -H -i -u "${BITCOIN_USER}" ln -s . .bitcoin echo "[*] Cloning Bitcoin repo" sudo -H -i -u "${BITCOIN_USER}" git config --global advice.detachedHead false sudo -H -i -u "${BITCOIN_USER}" git clone --branch "${BITCOIN_REPO_TAG}" "${BITCOIN_REPO_URL}" "${BITCOIN_HOME}/${BITCOIN_REPO_NAME}" echo "[*] Building Bitcoin from source" sudo -H -i -u "${BITCOIN_USER}" sh -c "cd ${BITCOIN_REPO_NAME} && ./autogen.sh --quiet && ./configure --quiet --disable-wallet --with-incompatible-bdb && make -j9" echo "[*] Installing Bitcoin into OS" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c "cd ${BITCOIN_HOME}/${BITCOIN_REPO_NAME} && make install >/dev/null" echo "[*] Installing Bitcoin configuration" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" install -c -o "${BITCOIN_USER}" -g "${BITCOIN_GROUP}" -m 644 "${ROOT_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/seednode/bitcoin.conf" "${BITCOIN_HOME}/bitcoin.conf" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" install -c -o "${BITCOIN_USER}" -g "${BITCOIN_GROUP}" -m 755 "${ROOT_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/seednode/blocknotify.sh" "${BITCOIN_HOME}/blocknotify.sh" echo "[*] Generating Bitcoin RPC credentials" BITCOIN_RPC_USER=$(head -150 /dev/urandom | md5sum | awk '{print $1}') sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_RPC_USER__/${BITCOIN_RPC_USER}/" "${BITCOIN_HOME}/bitcoin.conf" BITCOIN_RPC_PASS=$(head -150 /dev/urandom | md5sum | awk '{print $1}') sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_RPC_PASS__/${BITCOIN_RPC_PASS}/" "${BITCOIN_HOME}/bitcoin.conf" echo "[*] Installing Bitcoin init scripts" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" install -c -o "${ROOT_USER}" -g "${ROOT_GROUP}" -m 644 "${ROOT_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/seednode/bitcoin.service" "${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_HOME}" fi echo "[*] Creating Bisq user with Tor access" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" useradd -d "${BISQ_HOME}" -G "${TOR_GROUP}" "${BISQ_USER}" echo "[*] Creating Bisq homedir" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" mkdir -p "${BISQ_HOME}" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" chown "${BISQ_USER}":"${BISQ_GROUP}" ${BISQ_HOME} echo "[*] Moving Bisq repo" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" mv "${ROOT_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}" "${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" chown -R "${BISQ_USER}:${BISQ_GROUP}" "${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}" echo "[*] Installing OpenJDK 10.0.2 from Bisq repo" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" "${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/scripts/install_java.sh" echo "[*] Installing Bisq init script" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" install -c -o "${ROOT_USER}" -g "${ROOT_GROUP}" -m 644 "${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/seednode/bisq.service" "${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_HOME}/bisq.service" if [ "${BITCOIN_INSTALL}" = true ];then sudo sed -i -e "s/#Requires=bitcoin.service/Requires=bitcoin.service/" "${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_HOME}/bisq.service" sudo sed -i -e "s/#BindsTo=bitcoin.service/BindsTo=bitcoin.service/" "${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_HOME}/bisq.service" fi sudo sed -i -e "s/__BISQ_REPO_NAME__/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/" "${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_HOME}/bisq.service" sudo sed -i -e "s!__BISQ_HOME__!${BISQ_HOME}!" "${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_HOME}/bisq.service" echo "[*] Installing Bisq environment file with Bitcoin RPC credentials" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" install -c -o "${ROOT_USER}" -g "${ROOT_GROUP}" -m 644 "${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME}/seednode/bisq.env" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_P2P_HOST__/${BITCOIN_P2P_HOST}/" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_P2P_PORT__/${BITCOIN_P2P_PORT}/" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_RPC_HOST__/${BITCOIN_RPC_HOST}/" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_RPC_PORT__/${BITCOIN_RPC_PORT}/" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_RPC_USER__/${BITCOIN_RPC_USER}/" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s/__BITCOIN_RPC_PASS__/${BITCOIN_RPC_PASS}/" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s!__BISQ_APP_NAME__!${BISQ_APP_NAME}!" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" sudo sed -i -e "s!__BISQ_HOME__!${BISQ_HOME}!" "${SYSTEMD_ENV_HOME}/bisq.env" echo "[*] Checking out Bisq ${BISQ_LATEST_RELEASE}" sudo -H -i -u "${BISQ_USER}" sh -c "cd ${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME} && git checkout ${BISQ_LATEST_RELEASE}" echo "[*] Performing Git LFS pull" sudo -H -i -u "${BISQ_USER}" sh -c "cd ${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME} && git lfs pull" echo "[*] Building Bisq from source" sudo -H -i -u "${BISQ_USER}" sh -c "cd ${BISQ_HOME}/${BISQ_REPO_NAME} && ./gradlew build -x test < /dev/null" # redirect from /dev/null is necessary to workaround gradlew non-interactive shell hanging issue echo "[*] Updating systemd daemon configuration" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" systemctl daemon-reload sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" systemctl enable tor.service sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" systemctl enable bisq.service if [ "${BITCOIN_INSTALL}" = true ];then sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" systemctl enable bitcoin.service fi echo "[*] Preparing firewall" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" ufw default deny incoming sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" ufw default allow outgoing echo "[*] Starting Tor" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" systemctl start tor if [ "${BITCOIN_INSTALL}" = true ];then echo "[*] Starting Bitcoin" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" systemctl start bitcoin sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" journalctl --no-pager --unit bitcoin sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" tail "${BITCOIN_HOME}/debug.log" fi echo "[*] Adding notes to motd" sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo " " >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo "Bisq Seednode instructions:" >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo "https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/tree/master/seednode" >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo " " >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo "How to check logs for Bisq-Seednode service:" >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo "sudo journalctl --no-pager --unit bisq" >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo " " >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo "How to restart Bisq-Seednode service:" >> /etc/motd' sudo -H -i -u "${ROOT_USER}" sh -c 'echo "sudo service bisq restart" >> /etc/motd' echo '[*] Done!' echo ' ' echo '[*] DONT FORGET TO ENABLE FIREWALL!!!11' echo '[*] Follow all the README instructions!' echo ' '