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<h1>Discipline over Comfort </h1>
<p>Who is the one in control ? Who is taking the decisions in your life ?</p>
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<h2><b>When the Body chooses</b></h2>
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<p>Over time, ever since you were born, you gathered a heap of food that you call your body.</p>
<p>Over time, you have let this body of yours do what it wanted or prefered.</p>
<p>The sweet and good-tasting food and drinks, the sweet comfort of the bed, the heater turned up high, or maybe even substances that you didn't need in the first place...</p>
<p><b>Now, if you were locked up in an empty room for one week, with just 2 meals per day, could your body remain at ease the entire time ?</b> </p>
<p>Tell me, are you truly the one in control here ? </p>
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<h2><b>When the Mind chooses</b></h2> </br> </br>
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<p>Over time, ever since you were born, you gathered a heap of information from outside, that you call your mind.</p>
<p>Over time, you started to believe that you were things that you have never been, and you have strongly identified with those things.</p>
<p>With those identities that you have gathered, your perception of the world has narrowed, to protect that which you identified with.</p>
<p>With that narrowed view, and with most certainly shame being brought upon ignorance, you have also started to believe, things that you do not truly know.</p>
<p>Few of those beliefs, may include things that you do not truly want, and things that you do not truly need.</p>
<p><b>Now, if you are being left in a room for one week with nothing to do, could your mind remain quiet, at ease the entire time ?</b></p>
<p>Tell me, are you truly in control here aswell ?</p>
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<h2><b>You are not this Body, nor this Mind.</b></h2> </br> </br>
<img src="3.png" class="imgRz">
<p>Is this Body a weight that you have to drag every day? Or is it a reliable tool at your disposal to do anything you want ?</p>
<p><b>You are not your Body, your Body should not get to decide for you.</b></p>
<p>Is this Mind an unstoppable cacophony ? Or is it a platform for you to reflect on the past, act in the present, and project into the future ? </p>
<p><b>You are not your Mind either, your Mind should not get to decide for you either.</b></p>
<p>If you want to claim to be the one in control of your life, <b>Discipline is the answer,</b> for your Body, and your Mind, before anything else. </p>
<p>Why does it matter what your Body wants, or what your Mind wants? Should they do their own thing, and not take orders from you ?</p>
<p><b>Your tendency to give in to Comfort is what has led you to forsake the control you were supposed to have over your Life.</b> </p>
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Until there is Nothing left.</p></br></br><p>Creative Commons Zero: No Rights Reserved</br><img src="\CC0.png">
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