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<a href="../index.html">Previous Page</a></br></br><p><img src="../../assets/img/user.png" width="50px" height="50px"> <ba>nihilist@mainpc - 2024-11-12</ba></p>
<h1>How to run the Nihilism Blog Yourself </h1>
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<h2><b>Why are you letting me run the blog ? </b></h2>
<p>As you have probably noticed after looking at the footer of any of the blogposts in this blog, they are all licensed under the public domain license. This means that there is no copyright restrictions at all, it is free for all, forever.</p>
<img src="0.png" class="imgRz">
<p>The reason behind this stems from <a href="../../productivity/sum-nihil/index.html">Sum Nihil</a>, where i strongly believe that it doesn't matter who does the work, who gets the fame, who gets to profit off of it, <b>what truly matters is that the work gets done</b>, no matter who does it.</p>
<p>Here, <b>the work is to make sure that everyone out there knows that when using the right technology in the right way, they cannot be oppressed, silenced, censored, controlled, and governed anymore.</b> If you can help me reach that goal i'm definitely going to welcome it, even if it means to allow other people to run the blog.</p>
<p>The entire blog is meant to remain available for free, for everyone, over clearnet and over the Tor network. Ideally i'd like it to be resillient to takedowns in the case if something were to happen to me in the future. <b>Therefore, the more people run the blog themselves, the more resillient it will become, and the farther the word will be able to go out there.</b> </p>
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<h2><b>Clearnet Setup</b></h2> </br> </br>
<p>On a debian server (VPS or not), install the following packages:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ sudo apt install nginx wget curl -y
<p>Then, you need to download the blog somewhere, you can simply git clone it from the blog-contributions gitea repository into the /srv/ directory:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ git clone /srv/blog/
<p>then you can use this nginx configuration (and dont forget to enable it with a symlink to sites-enabled):</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ rm /etc/nginx/sites-*/default
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
server {
######## TOR CHANGES ########
listen 4443;
listen [::]:4443;
server_name blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion;
add_header Onion-Location "http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion$request_uri" always;
######## TOR CHANGES ########
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
########################################## HARDENING SSL #############################################
ssl_certificate /root/;
ssl_certificate_key /root/;
ssl_dhparam /root/;
# SSL Settings
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_session_timeout 10m;
ssl_session_tickets off;
ssl_ecdh_curve auto;
# OCSP stapling
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
ssl_trusted_certificate /root/;
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000" always;
access_log off;
error_log off;
###################################END OF HARDENING SSL###########################################
root /srv/blog/;
rewrite ^/servers/anon.html /opsec/index.html permanent;
rewrite ^/servers/(.*)$ /opsec/$1 permanent;
index index.html;
<p>but as you can see we're missing the TLS certificates, so let's get them using</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ wget -O - | sh -s
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ systemctl stop nginx ; --issue --standalone -d -k 4096; systemctl start nginx
<p>And now that we have them, let's see if the nginx config is correct:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
<p>Now that the nginx config is correct let's restart nginx to load in the new config:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ systemctl restart nginx
<p>And then we can see that the website is up and reachable at the clearnet domain:</p>
<img src="1.png" class="imgRz">
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<h2><b>Tor Hidden Service Setup</b></h2> </br> </br>
<p>Since clearnet websites are easily censorable nowadays, let's make sure it is censorship-resistant by making it available over Tor. Let's first install Tor:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ apt install tor -y
<p>Then we git clone the mkp repository to be able to generate an onion hidden service address: </p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ apt install gcc libc6-dev libsodium-dev make autoconf tor
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ git clone /srv/mkp224o
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ cd /srv/mkp224o ; ./ ; ./configure ; make
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ ./mkp224o datura
sorting filters... done.
in total, 1 filter
using 12 threads
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ mkdir /var/lib/tor/onions
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ mv daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion /var/lib/tor/onions
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [lib/tor/onions]
→ ls -lash
total 16K
4.0K drwx------ 4 debian-tor debian-tor 4.0K Jan 27 15:33 .
4.0K drwx--S--- 8 debian-tor debian-tor 4.0K Feb 1 15:08 ..
4.0K drwx------ 3 debian-tor debian-tor 4.0K Jul 12 2023 daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion
4.0K drwx------ 3 debian-tor debian-tor 4.0K Jan 27 15:48 nihilhfjmj55gfbleupwl2ub7lvbhq4kkoioatiopahfqwkcnglsawyd.onion
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [lib/tor/onions]
→ ls -lash daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion
total 24K
4.0K drwx------ 3 debian-tor debian-tor 4.0K Jul 12 2023 .
4.0K drwx------ 4 debian-tor debian-tor 4.0K Jan 27 15:33 ..
4.0K drwx------ 2 debian-tor debian-tor 4.0K Jul 12 2023 authorized_clients
4.0K -r-------- 1 debian-tor debian-tor 63 Jul 12 2023 hostname
4.0K -r-------- 1 debian-tor debian-tor 64 Jul 12 2023 hs_ed25519_public_key
4.0K -r-------- 1 debian-tor debian-tor 96 Jul 12 2023 hs_ed25519_secret_key
<p>Then after copying the hidden service files where they belong we change the directory rights accordingly:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [lib/tor/onions]
→ chmod 700 daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [lib/tor/onions]
→ chmod 400 daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion/*
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [lib/tor/onions]
→ chmod 700 daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion/authorized_clients -R
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [lib/tor/onions]
→ chown debian-tor: /var/lib/tor/onions -R
<p>Then we edit the torrc config file to make sure it uses the correct hidden service directory, along with a port to be used to access the website:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/11 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ cat /etc/tor/torrc
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/onions/daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion/
HiddenServicePort 80 # for web service HTTP (recommended!)
HiddenServicePort 443 # for web service HTTPS (but not recommended!)
HiddenServicePort 18080 # for monero nodes
HiddenServicePort 18081 # for monero nodes
# to have another hidden service, you can append it afterward like so; but you need to use different ports:
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/onions/daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion/
HiddenServicePort 80
<p>Then we restart Tor to refresh the configuration:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ systemctl restart tor@default
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ systemctl status tor@default
● tor@default.service - Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tor@default.service; enabled-runtime; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-11-10 21:39:43 CET; 2 days ago
Main PID: 2790923 (tor)
Tasks: 13 (limit: 77002)
Memory: 1.5G
CPU: 1d 12h 17min 42.199s
CGroup: /system.slice/system-tor.slice/tor@default.service
└─2790923 /usr/bin/tor --defaults-torrc /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc -f /etc/tor/torrc --RunAsDaemon 0
<p>And from there, we edit the nginx configuration to make sure the website is reachable over the tor domain aswell along with having the header set so that the user's tor browser mentions that there is a .onion link available:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [/srv/mkp224o]
→ cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
server {
<b> ######## TOR CHANGES ########
listen 4443;
listen [::]:4443;
server_name blog.daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion;
add_header Onion-Location "http://blog.daturab6drmkhyeia4ch5gvfc2f3wgo6bhjrv3pz6n7kxmvoznlkq4yd.onion$request_uri" always;
######## TOR CHANGES ########</b>
<p>And then we refresh nginx and we see that the website can be reached over the .onion link aswell:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/23 ] [~]
→ systemctl restart nginx
<img src="2.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="3.png" class="imgRz">
<p>And that's it! you now have made your own copy of the blog available over clearnet and Tor.</p>
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<h2><b>Setting up Collaboration</b></h2> </br> </br>
<p>Now in order to make sure you can welcome external contributions, you need at least to be able to have a gitea instance like the one i have at <a href=""></a>:</p>
<img src="4.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="5.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="6.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="7.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="8.png" class="imgRz">
<p>Now here you have a simple mirror git repo of the blog, once a day it will synchronize the new changes onto your mirror which is always useful to have in case if the <a href="">main repository</a> gets taken down.</p>
<p> If it were to get taken down for whatever reason, or if you decide to branch out and do your own thing with the blog, you can edit the repository to not be a mirror anymore (meaning you'll be able to push your own commits without going through me):</p>
<img src="9.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="10.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="11.png" class="imgRz">
<p>And once done you can recreate the collaboration kanban board like so:</p>
<img src="12.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="14.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="13.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="15.png" class="imgRz">
<p>Then you can add the an issue per tutorial into it like so:</p>
<img src="16.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="17.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="18.png" class="imgRz">
<p>You can also add labels to add more details on each issue, to be visible from the kanban board:</p>
<img src="19.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="20.png" class="imgRz">
<img src="21.png" class="imgRz">
<p>Then on each issue you can add labels on each like so:</p>
<img src="22.png" class="imgRz">
<p>Here the workflow is preety straightforward, the first column is there for the tutorials that dont have the todolist written yet, the second column is for those that do but aren't assigned to someone yet, the third column is for the assigned tutorials (with a 1 month default deadline), the fourth column is for the maintainer to review what the contributor has sent, and the last column is for the tutorials that are completed:</p>
<img src="23.png" class="imgRz">
<p>And then obviously, don't forget to have a <a href="../anonsimplex/index.html">SimpleX Chatroom</a> to make sure you can chat easily with your contributors like i do <a href="">here</a>, this will help brainstorm ideas quickly and help clear up misconceptions with your audience directly:</p>
<img src="24.png" class="imgRz">
<p>And there you go! you now have a platform to receive criticism, collaborate and produce quality content.</p>
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<h2><b>Setting up a Mirror List</b></h2> </br> </br>
<p>Now in order to give people a list of all the backup blog mirrors in one go, to make it simple i recommend just listing them manually in a textfile that you update on a monthly basis:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog]
→ vim mirrors.txt
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog]
→ cat mirrors.txt
### Active ###
-Tor: http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion
-Tor: http://git.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion/nihilist/blog-contributions
-Clearnet: link1
-Tor: link.onion1
-Clearnet: link2
-Tor: link.onion2
### Inactive ###
### Removed ###
<p>Then each month, validate that each link is still reachable, and if one of the links isnt reachable just move it to the "Inactive" category:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog]
→ vim mirrors.txt
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog]
→ cat mirrors.txt
### Active ###
-Tor: http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion
-Tor: http://git.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion/nihilist/blog-contributions
-Clearnet: link1
-Tor: link.onion1
### Inactive ###
-Clearnet: link2
-Tor: link.onion2
### Removed ###
<p>Next month upon the next review, check if the mirror is still no longer reachable just move it to the "Removed" category:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog]
→ vim mirrors.txt
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog]
→ cat mirrors.txt
### Active ###
-Tor: http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion
-Tor: http://git.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion/nihilist/blog-contributions
-Clearnet: link1
-Tor: link.onion1
### Inactive ###
### Removed ###
-Clearnet: link2
-Tor: link.onion2
<p>Don't forget to git push the file onto the git repository and you're good !</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog-contributions]
→ vim mirrors.txt
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog-contributions]
→ cat mirrors.txt
### Active ###
-Tor: http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion
-Tor: http://git.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion/nihilist/blog-contributions
### Inactive ###
### Removed ###
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog-contributions]
→ cat
git config --global ""
git config --global "nihilist"
git add -A
git commit
git push
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/6 ] [~/Nextcloud/blog-contributions]
→ ./
add mirrors.txt
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch main
# Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
# Changes to be committed:
# new file: mirrors.txt
# modified:
[main 39b29a3] add mirrors.txt
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 mirrors.txt
<b>Username for '': nihilist
Password for '':</b>
Enumerating objects: 6, done.
Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 581 bytes | 290.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: . Processing 1 references
remote: Processed 1 references in total
d1bc9ce..39b29a3 main -> main
<p>And that's it! you have now made the mirrors.txt file accessible to your audience. They now can simply download it like so:</p>
<pre><code class="nim">
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/7 ] [/tmp]
→ apt install curl -y
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/7 ] [/tmp]
→ curl
### Active ###
-Tor: http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion
-Tor: http://git.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion/nihilist/blog-contributions
### Inactive ###
### Removed ###
[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/7 ] [/tmp]
→ curl -x socks5h:// http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion/mirrors.txt
### Active ###
-Tor: http://blog.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion
-Tor: http://git.nowherejezfoltodf4jiyl6r56jnzintap5vyjlia7fkirfsnfizflqd.onion/nihilist/blog-contributions
### Inactive ###
### Removed ###
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Until there is Nothing left.</p></br></br><p>Creative Commons Zero: <a href="../../../../opsec/runtheblog/index.html">No Rights Reserved</a></br><img src="\CC0.png">
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<h4>My Links</h4>
<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">RSS Feed</a><br/><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">SimpleX Chat</a><br/>
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<h4>About nihilist</h4>
<p style="word-wrap: break-word;"><u>Donate XMR:</u> 8AUYjhQeG3D5aodJDtqG499N5jXXM71gYKD8LgSsFB9BUV1o7muLv3DXHoydRTK4SZaaUBq4EAUqpZHLrX2VZLH71Jrd9k8</p></br><p><u>Contact:</u> (<a href="">PGP</a>)</p>
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