<p>Your brain has a reward system (which is a collection of brain structures and neural pathways that are responsible for reward-related cognition), that essentially makes you feel good upon encountering certain stimuli. The problem is that your brain may give you the reward not for you actually achieving your work, but rather it may reward you along the way for totally unrelated things.</p>
<p>This ties into the "Carrot & Stick" discipline method, <b>you need to be very careful where is the positive outcome at (where the carrot is)</b>, and where the negative outcome is (where the stick is)</p>
<p>You need to <b>make sure that the carrot stays the same,</b> from start to finish, and to do so you better make sure that nothing stands in the way of your work.</p>
<p>Over time you may become completely de-sensitivized after indulging into too much stimuli (video games, sex, substance abuse, etc), so much so that nothing may feel rewarding anymore. and definitely not accomplishing any meaningful work.
<p> You need to re-sensitivize yourself, by cutting short all of that excessive stimuli, <b>so that the carrot may take the correct shape once again.</b></p>
<p>Addictions are essentially compulsory behaviors that you are having a hard time stopping yourself from doing. <b>You can consider this as going in circles.</b> You used to walk in a straight line, going to a great destination, <b>but somewhere along the way you wanted to escape the discomfort, and you started to walk in circles.</b> The end result, you guessed it, as long as you keep walking in circles, you're never going to go anywhere.</p>
<p>Whatever truly matters to you is a distant destination, <b>and you will never get there by going in circles</b>. That is why it is important to make sure that your compulsions are dissolved, and making sure that they stay dissolved. </p>
<p>Look back the last 10 years of your life again, did you always want the same things ? Or did the things you wanted for yourself change over time ?</p>
<p>Modern Nihilism, as i am pionnering myself, is a set of sentences, or mantras, to be repeatedly mentally thought of, in order to change yourself from within, this aims to alter your perception, your beliefs, and your actual sense of self.</p>
<p>It doesn't matter what you currently think you want, or what you think you need. It's an illusion anyway. And to be able to get rid of those compulsions, you need to uproot them from your mind directly.</p>
<p>It is all up to you. <b>Are you going to need a cane to walk forever? Are you going to seek puerile pleasure all your life?</b> Stop being what others want you to be, dissolve it all. Hit that reset button.</p>
<p>Repeat that mantra for a while, <b>keep doing it as long as you need to, until all the poison has been worked out of your system.</b></p>
<p>The lake has not been clear for a very long time, but it needs to become clear again, and to be kept clear. We are talking about <b>resensitization</b>:</p>
<p>Once the slate has been wiped clean, once clarity is back, think for a while. <b>What is it that you truly want to do with your life ? What will bring you the most satisfaction, until the very end ?</b></p>
<p>In that moment of clarity, decide for the next 10 years, what will your life be about. Then stick to it, no matter what happens. <b>If your mind deviates from that goal, dissolve the falsehoods again, and again</b>, keep the lake crystal clear, every day, only then will you function at your peak.</p>