There is a Fire, burning wherever I went, through time, I learned, and learned, and learned.
But the more i learned, the more i realized how little i truly knew. That fire grew uncomfortably big, bigger than i ever thought it would get.
[...] Not knowing hurts me, why do i need to know in the first place? I don't care, I'll assume, and believe instead.
But suddenly, the fire got extinguished.
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<h2><b>Microcosm: What is it that you truly know ?</b></h2></br></br>
<p>Most people nowadays have given into the "I know it all" attitude, mainly due to the false identities they have taken up, which have reduced their perception of the universe, down to a very narrow view. </p>
<p>But tell me, what do you truly know ? Words are just words, they can't possibly encapsulate the intricate complexity of reality.</p>
<p>If i mention the word "Apple", that doesn't mean i know what an Apple is, from the inside out, on every layer, with all of it's intricacies. Nor do I know why exactly it is there in the first place.</p>
<p>I may know what an apple means to me, i can use it as food. But do i know what it is exactly ? Cell by cell, down to it's molecular structure, and it's subatomic particles ?</p>
<p>Hell, do we even know what an Atom is, in it's entirety ? Do we even know why an Atom is 99.9999% emptiness ?</p>
<p>When that is the case, how can you go about pretending that you know anything for that matter?</p>
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<h2><b>Macrocosm: What is it that you truly want ? </b></h2>
<p>Alright, microscopically this is too complex. Macroscopically, how is it so ?</p>
<p>Do you know how big that universe is ? Do you know where it begins, where it ends ? Or when it began, and when it will end ?</p>
<p>Do you know which side is up ? Hell, do you even realize just how huge our sun truly is ? Or how small it actually is?</p>
<p>Yet, there has been times you have pretended to have known everything, didn't you ?</p>
<p>Our perception of the world has narrowed for some reason, and we forgot about those things.</p>
<p>Besides, how can you truly know something when words are only arrows pointing at the ineffable existance.</p>
<p>How can you even arrive at that certitude of "I know it!" ? and remain certain of it forever ?</p>
<p>The magnitude of one's own ignorance is too heavy to bear, for most people. They can't admit to themselves that they don't truly know, hence they fall into the trap of believing.</p>
<p>Modern Nihilism, as i am arrogantly pionnering myself, is a set of sentences, or mantras, to be repeatedly mentally thought of, in order to change yourself from within, this aims to alter your perception, your beliefs, and your actual sense of self.</p>
Inhalation: "I want nothing"
Exhalation: "I need nothing"
<p>It doesn't matter what you currently think you want, or what you think you need. It's an illusion anyway. And to be able to get rid of those compulsions, you need to uproot them from your mind directly.</p>
<p>It is all up to you. <b>Are you going to need a cane to walk forever? Are you going to seek puerile pleasure all your life?</b> Stop being what others want you to be, dissolve it all. Hit that reset button.</p>
<p>Repeat that mantra for a while, <b>keep doing it as long as you need to, until all the poison has been worked out of your system.</b></p>
<p>The lake has not been clear for a very long time, but it needs to become clear again, and to be kept clear.</p>
<p>Once the slate has been wiped clean, once clarity is back, think for a while. <b>What is it that you truly want to do with your life ? What will bring you the most satisfaction, until the very end ?</b></p>
<p>In that moment of clarity, decide for the next 10 years, what will your life be about. Then stick to it, no matter what happens. <b>If your mind deviates from that goal, dissolve the falsehoods again, and again</b>, keep the lake crystal clear, every day, only then will you function at your peak.</p>