Instead of using comments declare info in a special variable. Then the variable can be used to print the DNS API provider usage. The usage can be parsed on UI and show all needed inputs for options. The info is stored in plain string that it's both human-readable and easy to parse: dns_example_info='API name An extended description. Multiline. Domains: list of alternative domains to find Site: the dns provider website e.g. example.com Docs: Link to ACME.sh wiki for the provider Options: VARIABLE1 Title for the option1. VARIABLE2 Title for the option2. Default "default value". VARIABLE3 Title for the option3. Description to show on UI. Optional. Issues: Link to a support ticket on https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh Author: First Lastname <authoremail@example.com>, Another Author <https://github.com/example>; ' Here: VARIABLE1 will be required. VARIABLE2 will be required too but will be populated with a "default value". VARIABLE3 is optional and can be empty. A DNS provider may have alternative options like CloudFlare may use API KEY or API Token. You can use a second section OptionsAlt: section. Some providers may have alternative names or domains e.g. Aliyun and AlibabaCloud. Add them to Domains: section. Signed-off-by: Sergey Ponomarev <stokito@gmail.com>
448 lines
18 KiB
448 lines
18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
dns_pleskxml_info='Plesk Server API
Site: Plesk.com
Docs: github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi2#dns_pleskxml
pleskxml_uri Plesk server API URL. E.g. "https://your-plesk-server.net:8443/enterprise/control/agent.php"
pleskxml_user Username
pleskxml_pass Password
Issues: github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/2577
Author: Stilez, <https://github.com/romanlum>
## Plesk XML API described at:
## https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/12.5/api-rpc/about-xml-api.28709
## and more specifically: https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/12.5/api-rpc/reference.28784
## Note: a DNS ID with host = empty string is OK for this API, see
## https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/api-rpc/about-xml-api/reference/managing-dns/managing-dns-records/adding-dns-record.34798
## For example, to add a TXT record to DNS alias domain "acme-alias.com" would be a valid Plesk action.
## So this API module can handle such a request, if needed.
## For ACME v2 purposes, new TXT records are appended when added, and removing one TXT record will not affect any other TXT records.
## The user credentials (username+password) and URL/URI for the Plesk XML API must be set by the user
#################### INTERNAL VARIABLES + NEWLINE + API TEMPLATES ##################################
# Variable containing bare newline - not a style issue
# shellcheck disable=SC1004
# Get a list of domains that PLESK can manage, so we can check root domain + host for acme.sh
# Also used to test credentials and URI.
# No params.
# Get a list of additional domains that PLESK can manage, so we can check root domain + host for acme.sh
# No params.
# Get all DNS records for a Plesk domain ID.
# PARAM = Plesk domain id to query
# Add a TXT record to a domain.
# PARAMS = (1) Plesk internal domain ID, (2) "hostname" for the new record, eg '_acme_challenge', (3) TXT record value
# Delete a specific TXT record from a domain.
# PARAM = the Plesk internal ID for the DNS record to be deleted
#################### Public functions ##################################
#Usage: dns_pleskxml_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
dns_pleskxml_add() {
_info "Entering dns_pleskxml_add() to add TXT record '$txtvalue' to domain '$fulldomain'..."
# Get credentials if not already checked, and confirm we can log in to Plesk XML API
if ! _credential_check; then
return 1
# Get root and subdomain details, and Plesk domain ID
if ! _pleskxml_get_root_domain "$fulldomain"; then
return 1
_debug 'Credentials OK, and domain identified. Calling Plesk XML API to add TXT record'
# printf using template in a variable - not a style issue
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
request="$(printf "$pleskxml_tplt_add_txt_record" "$root_domain_id" "$sub_domain_name" "$txtvalue")"
if ! _call_api "$request"; then
return 1
# OK, we should have added a TXT record. Let's check and return success if so.
# All that should be left in the result, is one section, containing <result><status>ok</status><id>NEW_DNS_RECORD_ID</id></result>
results="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '<status>')"
if ! _value "$results" | grep '<status>ok</status>' | grep '<id>[0-9]\{1,\}</id>' >/dev/null; then
# Error - doesn't contain expected string. Something's wrong.
_err 'Error when calling Plesk XML API.'
_err 'The result did not contain the expected <id>XXXXX</id> section, or contained other values as well.'
_err 'This is unexpected: something has gone wrong.'
_err 'The full response was:'
_err "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result"
return 1
recid="$(_value "$results" | grep '<id>[0-9]\{1,\}</id>' | sed 's/^.*<id>\([0-9]\{1,\}\)<\/id>.*$/\1/')"
_info "Success. TXT record appears to be correctly added (Plesk record ID=$recid). Exiting dns_pleskxml_add()."
return 0
#Usage: dns_pleskxml_rm _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
dns_pleskxml_rm() {
_info "Entering dns_pleskxml_rm() to remove TXT record '$txtvalue' from domain '$fulldomain'..."
# Get credentials if not already checked, and confirm we can log in to Plesk XML API
if ! _credential_check; then
return 1
# Get root and subdomain details, and Plesk domain ID
if ! _pleskxml_get_root_domain "$fulldomain"; then
return 1
_debug 'Credentials OK, and domain identified. Calling Plesk XML API to get list of TXT records and their IDs'
# printf using template in a variable - not a style issue
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
request="$(printf "$pleskxml_tplt_get_dns_records" "$root_domain_id")"
if ! _call_api "$request"; then
return 1
# Reduce output to one line per DNS record, filtered for TXT records with a record ID only (which they should all have)
# Also strip out spaces between tags, redundant <data> and </data> group tags and any <self-closing/> tags
_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '<status>ok</status>' |
sed 's# \{1,\}<\([a-zA-Z]\)#<\1#g;s#</\{0,1\}data>##g;s#<[a-z][^/<>]*/>##g' |
grep "<site-id>${root_domain_id}</site-id>" |
grep '<id>[0-9]\{1,\}</id>' |
grep '<type>TXT</type>'
if [ -z "$reclist" ]; then
_err "No TXT records found for root domain $fulldomain (Plesk domain ID ${root_domain_id}). Exiting."
return 1
_debug "Got list of DNS TXT records for root Plesk domain ID ${root_domain_id} of root domain $fulldomain:"
_debug "$reclist"
# Extracting the id of the TXT record for the full domain (NOT case-sensitive) and corresponding value
_value "$reclist" |
grep -i "<host>${fulldomain}.</host>" |
grep "<value>${txtvalue}</value>" |
sed 's/^.*<id>\([0-9]\{1,\}\)<\/id>.*$/\1/'
_debug "Got id from line: $recid"
if ! _value "$recid" | grep '^[0-9]\{1,\}$' >/dev/null; then
_err "DNS records for root domain '${fulldomain}.' (Plesk ID ${root_domain_id}) + host '${sub_domain_name}' do not contain the TXT record '${txtvalue}'"
_err "Cannot delete TXT record. Exiting."
return 1
_debug "Found Plesk record ID for target text string '${txtvalue}': ID=${recid}"
_debug 'Calling Plesk XML API to remove TXT record'
# printf using template in a variable - not a style issue
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
request="$(printf "$pleskxml_tplt_rmv_dns_record" "$recid")"
if ! _call_api "$request"; then
return 1
# OK, we should have removed a TXT record. Let's check and return success if so.
# All that should be left in the result, is one section, containing <result><status>ok</status><id>PLESK_DELETED_DNS_RECORD_ID</id></result>
results="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '<status>')"
if ! _value "$results" | grep '<status>ok</status>' | grep '<id>[0-9]\{1,\}</id>' >/dev/null; then
# Error - doesn't contain expected string. Something's wrong.
_err 'Error when calling Plesk XML API.'
_err 'The result did not contain the expected <id>XXXXX</id> section, or contained other values as well.'
_err 'This is unexpected: something has gone wrong.'
_err 'The full response was:'
_err "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result"
return 1
_info "Success. TXT record appears to be correctly removed. Exiting dns_pleskxml_rm()."
return 0
#################### Private functions below (utility functions) ##################################
# Outputs value of a variable without additional newlines etc
_value() {
printf '%s' "$1"
# Outputs value of a variable (FQDN) and cuts it at 2 specified '.' delimiters, returning the text in between
# $1, $2 = where to cut
# $3 = FQDN
_valuecut() {
printf '%s' "$3" | cut -d . -f "${1}-${2}"
# Counts '.' present in a domain name or other string
# $1 = domain name
_countdots() {
_value "$1" | tr -dc '.' | wc -c | sed 's/ //g'
# Cleans up an API response, splits it "one line per item in the response" and greps for a string that in the context, identifies "useful" lines
# $1 - result string from API
# $2 - plain text tag to resplit on (usually "result" or "domain"). NOT REGEX
# $3 - basic regex to recognise useful return lines
# note: $3 matches via basic NOT extended regex (BRE), as extended regex capabilities not needed at the moment.
# Last line could change to <sed -n '/.../p'> instead, with suitable escaping of ['"/$],
# if future Plesk XML API changes ever require extended regex
_api_response_split() {
printf '%s' "$1" |
sed 's/^ +//;s/ +$//' |
tr -d '\n\r' |
sed "s/<\/\{0,1\}$2>/${NEWLINE}/g" |
grep "$3"
#################### Private functions below (DNS functions) ##################################
# Calls Plesk XML API, and checks results for obvious issues
_call_api() {
_debug 'Entered _call_api(). Calling Plesk XML API with request:'
_debug "'$request'"
export _H1="HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN: $pleskxml_user"
export _H2="HTTP_AUTH_PASSWD: $pleskxml_pass"
export _H3="content-Type: text/xml"
export _H4="HTTP_PRETTY_PRINT: true"
pleskxml_prettyprint_result="$(_post "${request}" "$pleskxml_uri" "" "POST")"
_debug 'The responses from the Plesk XML server were:'
_debug "retcode=$pleskxml_retcode. Literal response:"
_debug "'$pleskxml_prettyprint_result'"
# Detect any <status> that isn't "ok". None of the used calls should fail if the API is working correctly.
# Also detect if there simply aren't any status lines (null result?) and report that, as well.
# Remove <data></data> structure from result string, since it might contain <status> values that are related to the status of the domain and not to the API request
statuslines_count_total="$(echo "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" | sed '/<data>/,/<\/data>/d' | grep -c '^ *<status>[^<]*</status> *$')"
statuslines_count_okay="$(echo "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" | sed '/<data>/,/<\/data>/d' | grep -c '^ *<status>ok</status> *$')"
_debug "statuslines_count_total=$statuslines_count_total."
_debug "statuslines_count_okay=$statuslines_count_okay."
if [ -z "$statuslines_count_total" ]; then
# We have no status lines at all. Results are empty
errtext='The Plesk XML API unexpectedly returned an empty set of results for this call.'
elif [ "$statuslines_count_okay" -ne "$statuslines_count_total" ]; then
# We have some status lines that aren't "ok". Any available details are in API response fields "status" "errcode" and "errtext"
# Workaround for basic regex:
# - filter output to keep only lines like this: "SPACES<TAG>text</TAG>SPACES" (shouldn't be necessary with prettyprint but guarantees subsequent code is ok)
# - then edit the 3 "useful" error tokens individually and remove closing tags on all lines
# - then filter again to remove all lines not edited (which will be the lines not starting A-Z)
_value "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" |
grep '^ *<[a-z]\{1,\}>[^<]*<\/[a-z]\{1,\}> *$' |
sed 's/^ *<status>/Status: /;s/^ *<errcode>/Error code: /;s/^ *<errtext>/Error text: /;s/<\/.*$//' |
grep '^[A-Z]'
if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ] || [ "$errtext" != "" ]; then
# Call failed, for reasons either in the retcode or the response text...
if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -eq 0 ]; then
_err "The POST request was successfully sent to the Plesk server."
_err "The return code for the POST request was $pleskxml_retcode (non-zero = failure in submitting request to server)."
if [ "$errtext" != "" ]; then
_err 'The error responses received from the Plesk server were:'
_err "$errtext"
_err "No additional error messages were received back from the Plesk server"
_err "The Plesk XML API call failed."
return 1
_debug "Leaving _call_api(). Successful call."
return 0
# Startup checks (credentials, URI)
_credential_check() {
_debug "Checking Plesk XML API login credentials and URI..."
if [ "$pleskxml_init_checks_done" -eq 1 ]; then
_debug "Initial checks already done, no need to repeat. Skipped."
return 0
pleskxml_user="${pleskxml_user:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_user)}"
pleskxml_pass="${pleskxml_pass:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_pass)}"
pleskxml_uri="${pleskxml_uri:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_uri)}"
if [ -z "$pleskxml_user" ] || [ -z "$pleskxml_pass" ] || [ -z "$pleskxml_uri" ]; then
_err "You didn't specify one or more of the Plesk XML API username, password, or URI."
_err "Please create these and try again."
_err "Instructions are in the 'dns_pleskxml' plugin source code or in the acme.sh documentation."
return 1
# Test the API is usable, by trying to read the list of managed domains...
_call_api "$pleskxml_tplt_get_domains"
if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ]; then
_err 'Failed to access Plesk XML API.'
_err "Please check your login credentials and Plesk URI, and that the URI is reachable, and try again."
return 1
_saveaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_uri "$pleskxml_uri"
_saveaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_user "$pleskxml_user"
_saveaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_pass "$pleskxml_pass"
_debug "Test login to Plesk XML API successful. Login credentials and URI successfully saved to the acme.sh configuration file for future use."
return 0
# For a FQDN, identify the root domain managed by Plesk, its domain ID in Plesk, and the host if any.
# IMPORTANT NOTE: a result with host = empty string is OK for this API, see
# https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/api-rpc/about-xml-api/reference/managing-dns/managing-dns-records/adding-dns-record.34798
# See notes at top of this file
_pleskxml_get_root_domain() {
_debug "Identifying DNS root domain for '$original_full_domain_name' that is managed by the Plesk account."
# test if the domain as provided is valid for splitting.
if [ "$(_countdots "$original_full_domain_name")" -eq 0 ]; then
_err "Invalid domain. The ACME domain must contain at least two parts (aa.bb) to identify a domain and tld for the TXT record."
return 1
_debug "Querying Plesk server for list of managed domains..."
_call_api "$pleskxml_tplt_get_domains"
if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
# Generate a crude list of domains known to this Plesk account based on subscriptions.
# We convert <ascii-name> tags to <name> so it'll flag on a hit with either <name> or <ascii-name> fields,
# for non-Western character sets.
# Output will be one line per known domain, containing 2 <name> tages and a single <id> tag
# We don't actually need to check for type, name, *and* id, but it guarantees only usable lines are returned.
output="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '<status>ok</status>' | sed 's/<ascii-name>/<name>/g;s/<\/ascii-name>/<\/name>/g' | grep '<name>' | grep '<id>')"
debug_output="$(printf "%s" "$output" | sed -n 's:.*<name>\(.*\)</name>.*:\1:p')"
_debug 'Domains managed by Plesk server are:'
_debug "$debug_output"
_debug "Querying Plesk server for list of additional managed domains..."
_call_api "$pleskxml_tplt_get_additional_domains"
if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
# Generate a crude list of additional domains known to this Plesk account based on sites.
# We convert <ascii-name> tags to <name> so it'll flag on a hit with either <name> or <ascii-name> fields,
# for non-Western character sets.
# Output will be one line per known domain, containing 2 <name> tages and a single <id> tag
# We don't actually need to check for type, name, *and* id, but it guarantees only usable lines are returned.
output_additional="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '<status>ok</status>' | sed 's/<ascii-name>/<name>/g;s/<\/ascii-name>/<\/name>/g' | grep '<name>' | grep '<id>')"
debug_additional="$(printf "%s" "$output_additional" | sed -n 's:.*<name>\(.*\)</name>.*:\1:p')"
_debug 'Additional domains managed by Plesk server are:'
_debug "$debug_additional"
# Concate the two outputs together.
output="$(printf "%s" "$output $NEWLINE $output_additional")"
debug_output="$(printf "%s" "$output" | sed -n 's:.*<name>\(.*\)</name>.*:\1:p')"
_debug 'Domains (including additional) managed by Plesk server are:'
_debug "$debug_output"
# loop and test if domain, or any parent domain, is managed by Plesk
# Loop until we don't have any '.' in the string we're testing as a candidate Plesk-managed domain
while true; do
_debug "Checking if '$root_domain_name' is managed by the Plesk server..."
root_domain_id="$(_value "$output" | grep "<name>$root_domain_name</name>" | _head_n 1 | sed 's/^.*<id>\([0-9]\{1,\}\)<\/id>.*$/\1/')"
if [ -n "$root_domain_id" ]; then
# Found a match
sub_domain_name="$(_value "$original_full_domain_name" | sed "s/\.\{0,1\}${root_domain_name}"'$//')"
_info "Success. Matched host '$original_full_domain_name' to: DOMAIN '${root_domain_name}' (Plesk ID '${root_domain_id}'), HOST '${sub_domain_name}'. Returning."
return 0
# No match, try next parent up (if any)...
root_domain_name="$(_valuecut 2 1000 "$root_domain_name")"
if [ "$(_countdots "$root_domain_name")" -eq 0 ]; then
_debug "No match, and next parent would be a TLD..."
_err "Cannot find '$original_full_domain_name' or any parent domain of it, in Plesk."
_err "Are you sure that this domain is managed by this Plesk server?"
return 1
_debug "No match, trying next parent up..."