diff --git a/opsec/haveno-seednode/1.png b/opsec/haveno-seednode/1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25e14b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/opsec/haveno-seednode/1.png differ diff --git a/opsec/haveno-seednode/index.html b/opsec/haveno-seednode/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b47387 --- /dev/null +++ b/opsec/haveno-seednode/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,515 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + How to run a Haveno Seed Node + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Previous Page

nihilist@mainpc - 2024-10-06


How to run a Haveno Seed Node

+ +

In this tutorial we're going to take a look at how you can contribute to an existing Haveno Network, by running a Seed Node, in order to make the Haveno Network of your choice more resillient to potential takedowns.

+ +
+ + +

Why contribute to a Haveno Network ?


As explained previously, for a Haveno Network, the more seed nodes there are, the more resillient the network is to potential takedowns:

+ +

For an adversary, they need to find and takedown all of the seed nodes of a Haveno Network. But unlike a regular centralised exchange, these are .onion links, not clearnet ones, hence, finding those seed nodes is meant to be as hard as possible to do for them, not only that, but they also need to find them all, and take them all down at once, to be able to bring down a Haveno Network.


It is possible for anyone out there to create a Haveno Seed Node, for any Haveno Network out there. Or in other words, Anyone can contribute in making a Fiat to Monero transactions unstoppable, by making Haveno Networks more resillient, by running seed nodes.

+ +

What is required ?


In short, as detailed in the official documentation here, the requirement is that you have a device or a server (such as a VPS), running 24/7, with a local monero node. (hence requiring storage).


Before starting, make sure you have a device that is already running a monero node. To do that, follow this tutorial i wrote.


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [~]
+→ systemctl status moneronode
+● moneronode.service - monerod
+     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/moneronode.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
+     Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-09-21 12:14:46 CEST; 2 weeks 0 days ago
+   Main PID: 1016 (monerod)
+      Tasks: 30 (limit: 77002)
+     Memory: 13.6G
+        CPU: 3w 2d 11h 42min 2.980s
+     CGroup: /system.slice/moneronode.service
+             └─1016 /usr/bin/monerod --disable-dns-checkpoints --enable-dns-blocklist --data-dir /srv/XMR --block-sync-size=50 --out-peers=-1 --in-peers=-1 --prep-blocks-threads=128 --prune-blockchain --sync-pruned-blocks --rpc-bind-port=1>
+Oct 06 10:07:57 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:07:57.625        I Subnet blocked.
+Oct 06 10:07:57 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:07:57.625        I Subnet blocked.
+Oct 06 10:07:57 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:07:57.668        I Subnet blocked.
+Oct 06 10:09:41 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:09:41.840        E Transaction not found in pool
+Oct 06 10:10:52 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:10:52.143        E mined block failed verification
+Oct 06 10:49:47 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:49:47.176        E Transaction not found in pool
+Oct 06 11:09:39 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:09:39.370        E mined block failed verification
+Oct 06 11:10:31 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:10:31.992        E mined block failed verification
+Oct 06 11:12:08 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:12:08.311        E mined block failed verification
+Oct 06 11:18:43 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:18:43.902        E Transaction not found in pool
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [~]
+→ du -hs /srv/XMR
+82G     /srv/XMR

Once you have your server running a monero node as shown above, (with a pruned monero node of 82Gb, as of october 2024), you can proceed with the installation of the Haveno Seed Node.

+ +
+ + + +

How to run a Seed Node


First of all we need to choose a Haveno Network to contribtue to. Haveno Reto being the only functionnal one available right now, we're going to run a Seed node for them., following the instructions here.


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv]
+→ git clone https://github.com/retoaccess1/haveno-reto
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv]
+→ cd haveno-reto
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ ls
+apitest  build.gradle  common  core    desktop  gpg_keys  gradle.properties  gradlew.bat  LICENSE   media    p2p    README.md  scripts   settings.gradle
+assets   cli           config  daemon  docs     gradle    gradlew            inventory    Makefile  monitor  proto  relay      seednode  statsnode
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cd scripts
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto/scripts]
+→ ls
+deployment  install_java.bat  install_java.sh  install_tails
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto/scripts]
+→ ./install_java.sh
+ +

First let's install Java using the script provided:


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto/scripts]
+→ ./install_java.sh
+Reading package lists... Done
+Building dependency tree... Done
+Reading state information... Done
+curl is already the newest version (7.88.1-10+deb12u7).
+0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 9 not upgraded.
+  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
+                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
+100  194M  100  194M    0     0  26.9M      0  0:00:07  0:00:07 --:--:-- 45.7M
+update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-21.0.2/bin/java to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in auto mode
+update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-21.0.2/bin/javac to provide /usr/bin/javac (javac) in auto mode
+openjdk version "21.0.2" 2024-01-16
+OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 21.0.2+13-58)
+OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0.2+13-58, mixed mode, sharing)
+ +

Then, we build the haveno repository:


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ make clean && make
+./gradlew clean
+Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-8.6-bin.zip
+[...] (give it a few minutes to complete)
+> Task :relay:compileJava
+Note: /srv/haveno-reto/relay/src/main/java/haveno/relay/RelayMain.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
+Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
+Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
+You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
+For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.6/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings in the Gradle documentation.
+138 actionable tasks: 138 executed

once haveno is built, we're going to install Tor as shown in our previous tutorial:


+root@Datura:~# apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
+root@Datura:~# apt install curl tmux vim gnupg2 -y
+root@Datura:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list |head -n3
+deb     [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org bookworm main
+deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg] https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org bookworm main
+root@Datura:~# wget -qO- https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89.asc | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null
+apt update -y
+apt install tor nyx

Now from here we have what we need: a local monero node, and tor setup. Now it's a matter of configuring torrc for our Haveno Seed Node:


+#if you have no existing torrc config, overwrite it:
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cat seednode/torrc > /etc/tor/torrc
+#if you have an existing torrc config, append it below the existing torrc you have:
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ vim /etc/tor/torrc
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cat seednode/torrc >> /etc/tor/torrc
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl restart tor@default
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl status tor@default
+● tor@default.service - Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
+     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tor@default.service; enabled-runtime; preset: enabled)
+     Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-10-06 12:01:18 CEST; 5s ago
+    Process: 938459 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -Z -m 02755 -o debian-tor -g debian-tor -d /run/tor (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
+    Process: 938460 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/tor --defaults-torrc /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc -f /etc/tor/torrc --RunAsDaemon 0 --verify-config (code>
+   Main PID: 938462 (tor)
+      Tasks: 13 (limit: 77002)
+     Memory: 190.7M
+        CPU: 9.987s
+     CGroup: /system.slice/system-tor.slice/tor@default.service
+             └─938462 /usr/bin/tor --defaults-torrc /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc -f /etc/tor/torrc --RunAsDaemon 0
+Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Opened Control listener connection (ready) on /run/tor/control
+Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descripto>
+Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay
+Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay
+Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done
+Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
+Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits
+Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
+Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done
+Oct 06 12:01:24 Datura Tor[938462]: Your network connection speed appears to have changed. Resetting timeout to 60000ms after 18 timeouts and 1000 buildtimes.

Now let's take note of the seednode hostnames that tor generated for us:


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cat /var/lib/tor/haveno_seednode/hostname
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cat /var/lib/tor/haveno_seednode2/hostname

Next we copy the haveno-seednode systemd services into the systemd service directory:


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cp scripts/deployment/haveno-seednode.service /etc/systemd/system/
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cp scripts/deployment/haveno-seednode2.service /etc/systemd/system/

Then first we mention the 2 seed node onion mirrors in the core/src/main/resources/xmr_mainnet.seednodes file:


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ vim core/src/main/resources/xmr_mainnet.seednodes
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cat core/src/main/resources/xmr_mainnet.seednodes
+# nodeaddress.onion:port [(@owner,@backup)]
+xephvvzd3orepnny7lbia4nkwie5t7wjivlvvz5lhbsck7ubavystead.onion:9992(@anon3 ,@s0)
+g4z6oi2wf62nwztwve6qe2hqswj4ezpom6hn7cuy5cxaidey4us76bid.onion:9993(@anon3 ,@s0)
+z47tltuwytd5icqq4hni2ammvlugp6pcwqboeu7ngawruualxjjuu3ad.onion:9992(@anon3 ,@s3)
+hxb5h34hjgyraycrrxlz5ar2q77mjgondzicwzayqwwvuaepssrn5zyd.onion:9993(@anon3 ,@s3)

Then we edit them accordingly by replacing "XMR_STAGENET" to "XMR_MAINNET", and by editing the xmrNode port to 18081 (the rpc bind port), and also edit the binary location:


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cat /etc/systemd/system/haveno-seednode.service
+Description=Haveno seednode
+ExecStart=/bin/sh /srv/haveno-reto/haveno-seednode --baseCurrencyNetwork=XMR_MAINNET\
+  --useLocalhostForP2P=false\
+  --useDevPrivilegeKeys=false\
+# Uncomment the following line to use external tor
+  --hiddenServiceAddress=5vycrhlbz44bpyvbh25b37joqj433wex7fn2d5hunp2bmxkv7ibk2vqd.onion\
+  --nodePort=2002\
+  --appName=haveno-XMR_MAINNET_Seed_2002\
+#  --logLevel=trace\
+  --xmrNode=
+#  --xmrNodeUsername=admin\
+#  --xmrNodePassword=password
+ExecStop=/bin/kill ${MAINPID}
+# Hardening
+# limit memory usage to 2gb
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl daemon-reload
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl enable --now haveno-seednode.service
+Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/haveno-seednode.service → /etc/systemd/system/haveno-seednode.service.
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl status haveno-seednode
+● haveno-seednode.service - Haveno seednode
+     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/haveno-seednode.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
+     Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-10-06 13:35:26 CEST; 4s ago
+   Main PID: 1395101 (java)
+      Tasks: 46 (limit: 77002)
+     Memory: 185.8M
+        CPU: 4.432s
+     CGroup: /system.slice/haveno-seednode.service
+             └─1395101 java -classpath /srv/haveno-reto/lib/seednode.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/core.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/p2p.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/common.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/proto.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/assets.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/guava-32.1.1-jre.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/logback-classic-1.1.11.jar:/srv>
+Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: >> We send a PreliminaryGetDataRequest to peer 4gmfgn22tll7ajw3tdp7nru3fvgh5ukt7w53kfv5ymijldivsqtbzdqd.onion:2003
+Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]:
+Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:28.638 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-im6hcl7hknvs...] INFO  haveno.network.p2p.network.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress im6hcl7hknvsrsns2newv4orfv3kd2ly5yvqtbfkiyzoohscyp5htgqd.onion:2002 took 326 ms
+Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:28.666 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-im6hcl7hknvs...] INFO  h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.838 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11
+Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:28.669 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-im6hcl7hknvs...] INFO  h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.838 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11
+Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.307 [SeedNodeMain] WARN  h.core.app.misc.ExecutableForAppWithP2p: We did not find our node address in the seed nodes repository. We use a 24 hour delay after startup as shut down strategy.myAddress=5vycrhlbz44bpyvbh25b37joqj433wex7fn2d5hunp2bmxkv7ibk2vqd.o>
+Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.307 [SeedNodeMain] INFO  haveno.core.app.misc.AppSetupWithP2P: onHiddenServicePublished
+Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.337 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-4gmfgn22tll7...] INFO  haveno.network.p2p.network.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress 4gmfgn22tll7ajw3tdp7nru3fvgh5ukt7w53kfv5ymijldivsqtbzdqd.onion:2003 took 2829 ms
+Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.340 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-4gmfgn22tll7...] INFO  h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.833 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11
+Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.341 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-4gmfgn22tll7...] INFO  h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.833 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11

then we do the same for the second haveno seednode:


+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ vim /etc/systemd/system/haveno-seednode2.service
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ cat /etc/systemd/system/haveno-seednode2.service
+Description=Haveno seednode 2
+ExecStart=/bin/sh /srv/haveno-reto/haveno-seednode --baseCurrencyNetwork=XMR_MAINNET\
+  --useLocalhostForP2P=false\
+  --useDevPrivilegeKeys=false\
+# Uncomment the following line to use external tor
+  --hiddenServiceAddress=tqxmkjprxry7xwf2sdvy55etnkp6eddc4uxj5fd6rwpnc472mpizgqyd.onion\
+  --nodePort=2003\
+  --appName=haveno-XMR_MAINNET_Seed_2003\
+#  --logLevel=trace\
+  --xmrNode=\
+#  --xmrNodeUsername=admin\
+#  --xmrNodePassword=password
+ExecStop=/bin/kill ${MAINPID}
+# Hardening
+# limit memory usage to 2gb
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl daemon-reload
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl enable --now haveno-seednode2
+[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
+→ systemctl status haveno-seednode2
+● haveno-seednode2.service - Haveno seednode 2
+     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/haveno-seednode2.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
+     Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-10-06 13:39:07 CEST; 5s ago
+   Main PID: 1412193 (java)
+      Tasks: 48 (limit: 77002)
+     Memory: 298.5M
+        CPU: 7.303s
+     CGroup: /system.slice/haveno-seednode2.service
+             └─1412193 java -classpath /srv/haveno-reto/lib/seednode.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/core.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/p2p.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/common.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/proto.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/assets.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/guava-32.1.1-jre.jar:/srv/haveno-reto/lib/logback-classic-1.1.11.jar:/srv>
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Filter: 7 / 14.044 kB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: MailboxStoragePayload: 85 / 1.206 MB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Alert: 1 / 1.977 kB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Arbitrator: 2 / 4.43 kB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: AccountAgeWitness: 3818 / 115.584 kB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: OfferPayload: 117 / 318.363 kB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: SignedWitness: 131 / 218.788 kB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: TradeStatistics3: 1051 / 60.468 kB
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: #################################################################
+Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]:
+Oct 06 13:39:13 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Oct-06 13:39:13.059 [Connection] INFO  h.network.p2p.storage.P2PDataStorage: Processing 212 protectedStorageEntries took 539 ms.

Now from here you can test (from your computer, not from the server) if the haveno seednodes work as intended, by forcing your haveno client to use them:


+[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/19 ] [.local/share/Haveno-reto]
+→ /opt/haveno/bin/Haveno --help | grep seedNodes
+  --seedNodes=
+[ mainpc ] [ /dev/pts/19 ] [.local/share/Haveno-reto]
+→ /opt/haveno/bin/Haveno --seedNodes=5vycrhlbz44bpyvbh25b37joqj433wex7fn2d5hunp2bmxkv7ibk2vqd.onion:2002,tqxmkjprxry7xwf2sdvy55etnkp6eddc4uxj5fd6rwpnc472mpizgqyd.onion:2003

Then haveno launches as intended, and when you check into the network tab, you can see that it is bootstraping using your 2 seednodes, instead of the default ones:

+ +

And from there, all you need to do is let the Haveno Network Administrators know that you are running some seed nodes. So as you need to reach out to the Reto network administrators, you can ping them on their SimpleX chatroom.

+ +
+ + + +



+ Until there is Nothing left. + +

+ +

My Links


+ + RSS Feed
SimpleX Chat
+ +

+ +

About nihilist


Donate XMR: 8AUYjhQeG3D5aodJDtqG499N5jXXM71gYKD8LgSsFB9BUV1o7muLv3DXHoydRTK4SZaaUBq4EAUqpZHLrX2VZLH71Jrd9k8

Contact: nihilist@contact.nowhere.moe (PGP)

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/opsec/index.html b/opsec/index.html index 74f6a46..598c71c 100644 --- a/opsec/index.html +++ b/opsec/index.html @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
  • 🟠 How to setup your Monero Wallet
  • ✅ Why can't I trust Centralised Exchanges, and random Monero nodes ?
  • ❌ How to get your first Monero ? (xmrbazaar.com, crypto swaps, p2p chats, or work)
  • -
  • 🟠 Haveno Decentralised Exchange direct Fiat -> XMR transaction ⭐
  • +
  • ✅ Haveno Decentralised Exchange direct Fiat -> XMR transaction ⭐
  • ✅ Haveno DEX Dispute resolution (Fiat -> XMR)
  • ✅ Haveno DEX Bank Transfer (ex: SEPA) -> XMR transaction
  • ✅ Haveno DEX Cash By Mail -> XMR transaction ⭐
  • @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@

    🧅 Serverside - Contributing to Anonymity

    1. 🟠 Tor Node
    2. +
    3. ✅ Tor Node
    4. ✅ Tor Bridge Node
    5. ✅ Tor Exit Node
    6. ✅ Monero Node
    7. @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
      1. ✅ Where to host Anonymous Hidden Services ?
      2. -
      3. ✅ Hidden Service with custom .onion Vanity V3 address
      4. +
      5. 🟠 Hidden Service with custom .onion Vanity V3 address
      6. ❌ Basic Webserver setup (NGINX / PHP / MYSQL)
      7. ❌ Minimalistic MoneroSSO .onion setup
      8. ✅ XMPP Chat Server Setup (Clearnet + Onion + OMEMO E2EE)