<p>In this tutorial we're going to take a look at how you can contribute to an existing Haveno Network, by running a Seed Node, in order to make the Haveno Network of your choice more resillient to potential takedowns. </p>
<p><u>Disclaimer:</u> I am not running any seednodes for any Haveno Network, this is only to showcase how it works for whoever wants to run a seednode. Obviously as you don't want to get the TornadoCash treatment, make sure you remain anonymous when running a haveno seed nodes. See the explanation <ahref="../sensitiveremotevshome/index.html">here</a>.</p>
<h2><b>Why contribute to a Haveno Network ?</b></h2>
<p>As explained <ahref="../haveno-client-f2f/index.html">previously</a>, for a Haveno Network, the more seed nodes there are, the more resillient the network is to potential takedowns:</p>
<p>For an adversary, they need to find and takedown all of the seed nodes of a Haveno Network. But unlike a regular centralised exchange, these are .onion links, not clearnet ones, hence, finding those seed nodes is meant to be as hard as possible to do for them, not only that, but they also need to find them all, and take them all down at once, to be able to bring down a Haveno Network.</p>
<p>It is possible for anyone out there to create a Haveno Seed Node, for any Haveno Network out there. Or in other words, <b>Anyone can contribute in making a Fiat to Monero transactions unstoppable, by making Haveno Networks more resillient, by running seed nodes.</b></p>
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<h2><b>What is required ?</b></h2></br></br>
<p>In short, as detailed in the official documentation <ahref="https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/deployment-guide.md#seed-nodes-with-proof-of-work-pow">here</a>, the requirement is that you have a device or a server (such as a VPS), running 24/7, with a local monero node. (hence requiring storage).</p>
<p>Before starting, make sure you have a device that is already running a monero node. To do that, follow <ahref="../monero2024/node.html">this tutorial</a> i wrote.</p>
Oct 06 10:07:57 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:07:57.625 I Subnet blocked.
Oct 06 10:07:57 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:07:57.625 I Subnet blocked.
Oct 06 10:07:57 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:07:57.668 I Subnet blocked.
Oct 06 10:09:41 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:09:41.840 E Transaction not found in pool
Oct 06 10:10:52 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:10:52.143 E mined block failed verification
Oct 06 10:49:47 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 08:49:47.176 E Transaction not found in pool
Oct 06 11:09:39 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:09:39.370 E mined block failed verification
Oct 06 11:10:31 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:10:31.992 E mined block failed verification
Oct 06 11:12:08 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:12:08.311 E mined block failed verification
Oct 06 11:18:43 Datura monerod[1016]: 2024-10-06 09:18:43.902 E Transaction not found in pool
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [~]
→ du -hs /srv/XMR
82G /srv/XMR
<p>Once you have your server running a monero node as shown above, (with a pruned monero node of 82Gb, as of october 2024), you can proceed with the installation of the Haveno Seed Node.</p>
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<h2><b>How to run a Seed Node</b></h2></br></br>
<p>First of all we need to choose a Haveno Network to contribtue to. <ahref="https://haveno-reto.com">Haveno Reto</a> being the only functionnal one available right now, we're going to run a Seed node for them., following the instructions <ahref="https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/deployment-guide.md#fork-and-build-haveno">here</a>.</p>
Note: /srv/haveno-reto/relay/src/main/java/haveno/relay/RelayMain.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.
For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.6/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings in the Gradle documentation.
138 actionable tasks: 138 executed
<p>once haveno is built, we're going to install Tor as shown in our <ahref="../tor/relay/index.html">previous</a> tutorial:</p>
root@Datura:~# apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
root@Datura:~# apt install curl tmux vim gnupg2 -y
Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Opened Control listener connection (ready) on /run/tor/control
Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descripto>
Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 10% (conn_done): Connected to a relay
Oct 06 12:01:19 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 14% (handshake): Handshaking with a relay
Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 15% (handshake_done): Handshake with a relay done
Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits
Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
Oct 06 12:01:20 Datura Tor[938462]: Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done
Oct 06 12:01:24 Datura Tor[938462]: Your network connection speed appears to have changed. Resetting timeout to 60000ms after 18 timeouts and 1000 buildtimes.
<p>Now let's take note of the seednode hostnames that tor generated for us:</p>
<p>Then we edit them accordingly by replacing "XMR_STAGENET" to "XMR_MAINNET", editing the xmrNode port to 18081 (the rpc bind port), edit the binary location, and also the user that is running the seed nodes (in my case it is the root user):</p>
Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: >> We send a PreliminaryGetDataRequest to peer 4gmfgn22tll7ajw3tdp7nru3fvgh5ukt7w53kfv5ymijldivsqtbzdqd.onion:2003
Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]:
Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:28.638 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-im6hcl7hknvs...] INFO haveno.network.p2p.network.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress im6hcl7hknvsrsns2newv4orfv3kd2ly5yvqtbfkiyzoohscyp5htgqd.onion:2002 took 326 ms
Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:28.666 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-im6hcl7hknvs...] INFO h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.838 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11
Oct 06 13:35:28 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:28.669 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-im6hcl7hknvs...] INFO h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.838 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11
Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.307 [SeedNodeMain] WARN h.core.app.misc.ExecutableForAppWithP2p: We did not find our node address in the seed nodes repository. We use a 24 hour delay after startup as shut down strategy.myAddress=5vycrhlbz44bpyvbh25b37joqj433wex7fn2d5hunp2bmxkv7ibk2vqd.o>
Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.307 [SeedNodeMain] INFO haveno.core.app.misc.AppSetupWithP2P: onHiddenServicePublished
Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.337 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-4gmfgn22tll7...] INFO haveno.network.p2p.network.NetworkNode: Socket creation to peersNodeAddress 4gmfgn22tll7ajw3tdp7nru3fvgh5ukt7w53kfv5ymijldivsqtbzdqd.onion:2003 took 2829 ms
Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.340 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-4gmfgn22tll7...] INFO h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.833 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11
Oct 06 13:35:31 Datura Haveno-Seednode[1395101]: Oct-06 13:35:31.341 [NetworkNode.connectionExecutor:SendMessage-to-4gmfgn22tll7...] INFO h.n.p.p.g.m.PreliminaryGetDataRequest: Sending a PreliminaryGetDataRequest with 112.833 kB and 5127 excluded key entries. Requesters version=1.0.11
<p>then we do the same for the second haveno seednode:</p>
[ Datura ] [ /dev/pts/10 ] [/srv/haveno-reto]
→ vim /etc/systemd/system/haveno-seednode2.service
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Filter: 7 / 14.044 kB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: MailboxStoragePayload: 85 / 1.206 MB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Alert: 1 / 1.977 kB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Arbitrator: 2 / 4.43 kB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: AccountAgeWitness: 3818 / 115.584 kB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: OfferPayload: 117 / 318.363 kB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: SignedWitness: 131 / 218.788 kB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: TradeStatistics3: 1051 / 60.468 kB
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: #################################################################
Oct 06 13:39:12 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]:
Oct 06 13:39:13 Datura Haveno-Seednode2[1412193]: Oct-06 13:39:13.059 [Connection] INFO h.network.p2p.storage.P2PDataStorage: Processing 212 protectedStorageEntries took 539 ms.
<p>Now from here you can test (from your computer, not from the server) if the haveno seednodes work as intended, by forcing your haveno client to use them:</p>
<p>Then haveno launches as intended, and when you check into the network tab, you can see that it is bootstraping using your 2 seednodes, instead of the default ones:</p>
<p>And from there, all you need to do is let the Haveno Network Administrators know that you are running some seed nodes. So as you need to reach out to the Reto network administrators, you can ping them on their <ahref="https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FSkIkI6EPd2D63F4xFKfHk7I1UGZVNn6k1QWZ5rcyr6w%3D%40smp9.simplex.im%2FMplYm7uxopKyUOrKqnWySpXQIGxoJWYB%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAs8PcRwnf_-H30yXfwV0MSbka9I_xBeVNr4vKJNoReBw%253D%26srv%3Djssqzccmrcws6bhmn77vgmhfjmhwlyr3u7puw4erkyoosywgl67slqqd.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22YT2t__GnjpZ1W2MjJAz6Sw%3D%3D%22%7D">SimpleX chatroom.</a> From there you can ask them if they are willing to put your seed node in their repository, so that upon the next release, everyone that uses the Haveno Network will be able to use your 2 new nodes to bootstrap with.</p>